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About man6omadness

  1. Hey all! My name's Dylan and I recently made the mistake of deleting my character through the game client. I had made a new character so I could recustomize my main character but I used the default name in both cases so when I went to delete one, I deleted the other in my haste. I know this is a stupid thing to do and there isn't really a way to fix this. I tried recovering the files with a program andI did manage to get all of the files back, but some were only partially restored. I sorted through everything and reconstructed my character files and saves, but because of the partial recoveries the game couldn't load the save as it deemed the files corrupted: "Unable to open file. Your file may have been corrupted." on load attempt. This got me thinking... Is there a mod that allows you to manipulate the MyCharacter_story.xml file and others so that you could theoretically generate a playthrough or partial playthrough and load into that game? Please don't comment saying "that's cheating" or "why wouldn't you want to just play the game?" because the idea is for this to help people who have accidentally deleted their character or their files got corrupted. I'm imagining some gui with a list of quests, companions, approval ratings, armor?, etc that you can just check off and it would manipulate the flags in said files accordingly. I know very little of computer coding, so I don't know if this is possible or if it already exists? Thoughts? If it does exist, could you post a link redirecting anyone who stumbles upon this page? Thanks, Dylan
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