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About Olioster

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    United States

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  1. I think the title says it all but I would love a mod that gave you all quest rewards from any quests that make you choose between rewards.
  2. There is a puzzle in the Illithid Colony at the end of act 2 that I absolutely (heh punny) LOATHE and it's the puzzle where you have to connect the various neurons or whatever through the correct paths to open up the door to the Grand Design relief and the githzerai brain. I was hoping someone could make a mod where it is easier to complete or just have it automatically complete when activating it. I know there is a Skeleton Key mod that will just open up the door but if you use that, it skips a cutscene you have with the Emperor about the Grand Design relief.
  3. Trying to sell my loot is so tiresome when vendors have barely any gold. Please help!
  4. It is rather odd they're the only race that the guardian can't be.
  5. I would like to humbly request for the Speak with Animals spell to be available to all classes at level one.
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