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Everything posted by kschang77

  1. You just need to config the FOMM or NMM to point to the correct game EXE. For steam games, it's Steam / steamapps / common / Fallout new vegas or something to that effect.
  2. The above order seems to be quite stable, except the CONTINUE button, which doesn't work. Apparently CONTINUE button loads the AUTO save, which is always corrupted somehow. Fortunately, the NVSE autosaves are perfect. I just load one of THOSE and voila, a good savegame to go back to. Hope that's useful for somebody.
  3. Got another idea for you: Call it... the "exploder". The weapon itself causes virtually no damage in normal use. however, if you manage to score a critical hit with it (probably in sneak mode), the enemy explodes in a shower of gore as if hit by a grenade. Great for taking out a whole group at a time. It's considered an ENERGY weapon. It's a lot like AMR firing explosive rounds, but energy-based. It'd probably be like a plasma or laser rifle in terms of looks.
  4. I use power armor, but I never wear the helmet. I prefer 1st Recon beret and Ulysses's Rebreather.
  5. I've looked through the list looking for good mods, and here are a few FOOK NVEC (essentials only) Mission Mojave EVE (and the associated MM patch) Project Nevada (core only) You can also add the ElectroCity light mod and the Mojave Skies (forgot exact name) As for mod manager, I use both FOMM and NMM. NMM is great for downloading, but there are a few things that really needs FOMM.
  6. Legion is trying to recreate LATE Rome system with updated tech, but also brought back all the stuff that humanity grew out of, such as slavery, prejudice, and so on. No ghouls or other "changed" in the Legion, pure humans only. No females either. No gays either. It maybe brutally efficient, but it's a REGRESSION, not a progression. In a way, it's a lot like Al Qaeda (trying to revive the Caliphate) vs. the West.
  7. Just noticed I had the MM and the MM-patch in the wrong load order, duh! EDIT: Part 2... Apparently I forgot that NVSE is required, instead of starting the game from the regular prompt, duh!
  8. My celebration may be premature. This setup worked great last night, but today, when I try to load a saved game, the game just loads, and loads, and loads... and finally I had to kill the process. (This may be caused by me replacing NVEC complete with NVEC Essentials, though I *thought* it worked last night...) I unchecked the NVEC in the load order, and the saved game loaded (of course, I get the error about saved game has extra content that's no longer there. ) So something is STILL conflicting, darn it. Someone needs to merge NVEC into MM or PN. EDIT: Just noticed I loaded Clean-Deluxe twice, once as the core, other as Merged.
  9. Just to throw another idea at you... "guided energy projectile"... you have to keep the laser pointer on the enemy for the shot to land (no VATS targeting allowed)
  10. Another idea: A *properly realistic* .50 cal HMG, more in line of the "Ma Deuce" in Fallout Tactics instead of the the random ".50 cal minigun" that some of the mods are sprouting. Though this doesn't exactly fit with your "scientific" motif.
  11. Ever read the web comic Shlock Mercenaries? Make a "one-person mini-tank" based on something like that. It's a lot like a RoboBrain except there's a guy standing on treads with cannons and such. Think of it as a much less mobile power armor, but allows mounting some very heavy weapons (except mobility will really suck), so you'll need companions to keep bad guys off of you.
  12. Okay, here's the final load order (names are not exact as I'm transcribing them by hand) FalloutNV (of course) FOOK FOOK DLC Project Nevada Core Warzones Clean-Deluxe Mod Config Menu EVE for FNV FOOK esp FOOK DLC esp FOOK GRA Ammo Hotfix FOOK Ash pile fix MMUE CP EVE (another hotfix) Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition New Vegas Error Corrections (Essentials) Mojave Radio Extended 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 Clean-Deluxe (duplicate as it's a subset/core of the one just below it) Clean-Deluxe DLC Merged Clean Deluxe Warzones Markers (extra nav markers for New Vegas itself) CASM (auto save) Weapon Mod Menu I also have MTUI / Unified HUD loaded (right now it's just FOOK, and Project Nevada) as well as Revelations UI mod. This load order is gives excellent frame rates as well as good the goodies such as the Project Nevada FPS controls like shaking crosshair, grenade hotkey, inventory sort, and so on.
  13. I can attest to vast improvement in frame rate with Clean-Deluxe installed though. :)
  14. Any comments on Clean-Deluxe NV? Does it conflict with any big mods like FOOK, Project Nevada, or Mission Mojave? (or NVEC for that matter?)
  15. Will do that. I'm running into one of those equipment problems, like AE7 laser pistol having 3 mods, but none I can install. I suspected it's due to this conflicting mods. :) I'll try that too. I have some issue about the UI mods, but I'll open a new topic for that.
  16. There's always the Cowboy Names list from Babynames... :) http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/category-cowboy-names.html
  17. Here's a good one... Anti-Material Rifle firing .50 MG Explosive shells from GRA. They're like mini-grenades except the shots go 'straight'. Shoot one into a group of fiends and they fly in all directions. :D (Incendiery, on the other hand, aren't that good) Don't forget "Mercy" or grenade machine guns. Regular grenade launchers (i.e. Thumper) don't shoot far enough or fast enough. What else? Hmmm... Kills with throwing weapons. Makes you feel like a ninja esp. when wearing the stealth suit. :)
  18. I am trying out several mods, and looks like there are some major overlaps in the mods I'm trying. Specifically I'm trying FOOK (Fallout Overhaul Kit) Mission Mojave Project Nevada (just core and equipment for now) NVEC (new Vegas Error Correction) From reading NVEC and FOOK, as well as Mission Mojave, they seem to have quite a bit of overlap. All three claims to have bug fixes (all over the places), objects placements, and misc updates of characters and whatnot. All of them have too many things to list. Should I just pick one and forget the rest?
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