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About FranzLiszt

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  1. I agree with Leowyldemi2. It would be awesome if you still registered as a khajiit in-game.
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198059697368/screenshot/542929065841449713 My Khajiit. I was unsure of how to upload photos from steam. The image tab did not work. I love this mod! I was wondering if there were any mods with spiky hair not over the eye?
  3. That build work! yay. :biggrin: I have been able to access the mod and make a character. I have discovered one bug though. When I was making a male Dagi, i changed the complexion and the face went to that of a nord. I went and changed the preset to fix it.
  4. Thanks. I have no idea why this is happening. I have it in the steam-steamapps-common-skyrim folder. It merged with data. Oh well
  5. I just went through the Mod manager and deleted all my other mods. It still won"t work.
  6. Just finished deleting and reinstalling. It did not work. I am just to put the data file into my skyrim Directory? Under common? How can I use the NMM to install it?
  7. I uninstalled all my other mods. When I added the file to my skyrim directory it merged with my data file. How do I uninstall and reinstall the mod? Edit: I just tried re installing it from the link you gave me. I hit move and delete on all files that conflicted, such as eyes and such. Still does not work. I do not know to much about mod installation I usually use the Mod manager.
  8. The mod file crashes me to desktop as soon as I get to the title screen. If I do not have the mod on the game loads properly, but with the mod it crashes as the dragon emblem pops up on the title screen after bethesda.
  9. This looks much better, in my opinion, than the Ohmes-raht. Naska, are you allowing the same facial markings on both males and females?
  10. Are you planing on making cat-like hair styles?
  11. Oh my goodness! This is fantastic stuff. It kind of reminds me of people in Cats http://www.deviantart.com/download/61635815/Munkustrap_II_by_Cats_Musical.jpg
  12. Hi, I have been extremely busy with finals and the like for a while, So, I wondered, what is being worked on right now? Is it just bug fixes? Anyway, good work MM and Jackisthe! ~Franz
  13. Hi, I was just wondering if anyone is working on a huge city or if there are any mods that already contain a huge city area.
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