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Everything posted by DinozoarHunter

  1. I'm using Mod Manager 2... And by not working, I mean the face geometry of the mod isn't being applied... hair, skin and make-up all appear fine, but the faces are still the base game faces... my only guess at this time is I'm either missing an essential mod that isn't listed under any of the requirements... or I have a wrong version of an essential mod like the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch, but I've checked them all and they appear to be up to date. And when it comes to which mods, I've tried several, like High Poly NPC Overhaul, Pandorable's Males 3, plus a couple other that alter Ralof's appearance (since he's the first major NPC you see clearly), but every time it's the same thing... his hair, skin and makeup can change, but the base game geometry remains unchanged. EDIT: Okay, so I've tried adding a skin mod and took a few pictures, and... I think I might be mistaken? There does appear to be some kind of difference between each version... but man is it subtle... like, seriously, even with the pictures, the difference isn't that significant...
  2. For some strange reason, mods meant to replace NPC faces aren't working in my game... and I don't know why; they use to work just fine. I've tried deactivating all mods until only the essential ones remain... nothing. I've tried reinstalling the game and using only the face mods... still nothing. My only guess at this point is I'm missing an essential mod, but I have everything listed under requirements on Nexus... or that I'm suppose to do something to activate them? This is just weird and I don't know what to do about it.
  3. Hello all, I've recently begun experiencing that glitch where characters skip their lines; obvious within moments of starting a new game when Lokir skips his first line and immediately talks to me... I've been activating and deactivating all sorts of mods in my list, but nothing specific seems to be causing it... either I've recently downloaded a bunch of mods causing the same glitch or the problem is something larger. The closest thing to a cause I can identify is that I have too many mods on my list; deactivating a number of ESLs seems to make it stop. But as I understand it, I should be able to have several thousand mods... I currently have less than 1500 active plugins, including somewhere around 240 ESPs. I also have quite a few Nemesis, OAR and DAR animations; I heard having too many animation mods can cause problems... Other than that, I'm at a complete loss for the cause... any help would be excellent.
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