I have MO2 and trying to merge simple weapons plugins together. Just 12 weapons together. Obviously when using MO2 with other tools I have to run them through MO2.All the mods work in game. I installed them alone using MO2 and they work fine. What I tried: Merge Plugins With all the internal settings correct including Champollion. I tried with and without copy general assets. Resolving issues in merge. The program running as admin. Tried just 4 mods. Like 1 works and the rest don't. There is no desk space problem. There is no requirement for them that is not loaded. I ticked I'm running MO and pointed to MO directory...etc Result is a plugin is the same. Depending on the settings I'd have to keep the mods enabled in MO2 but the plugins disabled or not. Either case does not work. I either get a merge folder with some assets from the original mods but not all=does not work. Or only a plugin that does not work as well zEdit In zEdit, yes I run it from MO2, I can point it to Fallout 4 and choose zMerge. Name it, pick plugins, pick merge method. Tried all. Copy general assets on and off. Build merged archive on and off. Merge methods clean or clobber. Again everything fine until I try them in game. Same result. Either an incomplete folder with the plugin or assets. Or just a folder with the plugin. Both don't work. I get like 1/3 mods in game. FO4 edit Run as admin, run it from MO2, add script to scripts folder, load plugins, apply script, pick the settings, build it. Results? Why would my stuff ever work! MO2 installs the mods correctly and I can use them in game. I run Script Extender of course. Game is patched to latest version. MO2 is the latest version. I made sure there is no read only folders or files anywhere. There is no anti virus picking up anything from those programs...etc I looked online and all tutorials say and do the same thing I do but mine just does not work. I'm sure there is something to be done I just don't know what is it exactly. Like do I need to install a version of python or something? I do remember apply script working for Skyrim on my last OS, has a bunch of pythons there, but in this one I did not install python. And yes windows 10 pro 64bit is updated to the latest version. And DX is fine. Why would I be able to use the weapons installed alone but not merged if the problem is global! That's why I'm asking. Is there like a way to fix this using one of the tools I have? If not what other tools? I tried Wrye Bash but could not figure out how to merge plugins with it.