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About shizuneko

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    TES V: Skyrim
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    TES III: Morrowind

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  1. Just add an option for people to revert to old layout. Got a general feeling there's a bunch of very insecure people responsible for Nexus UI who desperately are trying to "make their name". Catering to mobile users is an idiotic statement since you don't download mods on mobile.
  2. I reinstalled Skyrim and still, those seams are still visible. I didn't install anything apart from some enhancements like Enhanced Blood Textures or Static Mesh Improvement and UNPB BBP body. The character has no custom textures or changed face model yet still I have to deal with that seam. No other body mod causes such problems. What could be the core of it?
  3. So I've been using UNPB BBP and ECE for some time now. My Skyrim folder went through many changes, modyfing meshes and things of that sort. For about two weeks now I've been experiencing neck and wrist seams. They're not a texutre issue, it looks more like the hand and head mesh don't fit body properly. Every female character in the game has it. I'm using modified UNPB .nif file with a bit altered Breast float values, but this was never an issue. I've been using those meshes for long, long time and they have never caused me any problem until now. I've tried several things like: - use unedited UNPB meshes, - use non-BBP version, - use vanilla animations, - reinstall body mod, - reinstall ECE, - check other characters, - check other body mods. What's really weird is that this particular neck seam and wrist seam occurs only when using UNPB body. I've ran UNPB Redux and vanilla bodies and there were no issues at all so this is not the matter of head mesh. It's completely body's fault, but where does it lay? I'm really eager to get it solved, thank you.
  4. Sorry for not responding such long time, but the topic escaped my attention. Since I ran BOSS check no CTDs had place. I mean so far I haven't really progressed with the main quest line as I'm much more focused on exploring the world, doing side quests, but as Dragon Quest has been completed the random dragon encounters appear. Every dragon fight goes smoothly, no CTDs have taken place which is very good.
  5. Alright, here it goes. Recognised Mods Unrecognised plugins (nothing important, just clothing mods) SKSE Plugins Summary It ain't that bad, huh?
  6. Actually I don't run BOSS at all. The mods are following: What's more i had crash issues through Helgen playing vanilla Skyrim. The only help was setting everything to lowest quality, this is how I got through. As I mention in the edit note I passed the Dragon Rising quest by lowering details as much as possible. Previous time I played there was no need for altering my graphic settings in any way as the worst that could happen could be FPS drop.
  7. Something's wrong with game processing flames, scorched earth and all the dragon related stuff. Year ago when I first played Skyrim the only CTD I had was in Helgen, but it was a single situation. Now I have decided to play game once more after some OS reinstalls, patching the video card drivers and so on. I'm running SKSE with some mods. What came to my attention is that whenever there's a dragon related quest I have like a load of CTDs. Helgen was a nightmare, game crashed every few meters. Finally I got rid of the problem by lowering every detail that was possible and running vanilla game. Prior to passing Helgen a great relief came as I had no CTDs since then. Every fight I took with sorcerers, dozens of particles splashing around weren't a problem. Now after doing loads of quests, exploring all the world I decided to progress in the main plot. The problem I have is Dragon Rising quest. As soon as I get to the area surrounding Western Watchtower game crashes. There's no dragon there yet, but the area is burned. I tried to run the game with lowest settings possible, but it still crashes as soon as Irileth orders men to look for the survivors. What's the source of that issue? The time I ran vanilla Skyrim I had no problems at all, besides game was running pretty fluently on high settings. @edit I tried to run the game on the lowest settings and it succeded at the first take, but after loading the same save it keeps crashing as on high details. Then I loaded save game from the middle of the fight and completed the quest on lowest details. It seems that game has a problem when I discover quest location full of fires. My rig: nVidia GeForce GTS450 with latest drivers 320.18 (that's the thing that changed, last time I was playing Skyrim the drivers were like few levels below) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz 4096 MB of RAM Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit (that has also changed, as mentioned I did some reinstallments and changed OS from 32 to 64 bit) Realtek Soundcard (but now what I see it's more of a graphic than sound problem)
  8. Well. It's simple. I'm looking for this damned race. I've been searching whole day. The only thing I've managed to do was finding the Beautiful 2ch-Ed pack which features them. There is only one problem - they have no eyes, besides I'm looking for the pierced ear model and they have this lop ear model (I guess). Any clues what should I do? I just want to create such a character: |1| |2| |3| |4|. /e
  9. Here's the thing. I bought FO3 in June. I played it without any problems on medium details (resoulution 1280x1024). Then I had 2-week-long break. After that CTDs started occuring. I got rid of them by installing polish v1.1 patch. Then, after starting the new game they came back. I got rid of them once again by playing windowed mode. Then I got myself another 2-week-long break (holidays suck). Now here's the main problem. After 15-minutes-long gameplay frames start to drop dramatically. From 20-25 they drop to 5-10. It's pretty annoying. I've tried to reinstall the game, clean the whole computer or install new drivers. No changes. Problem still occurs. Is there any good sollution for that? My specs: Processor: IntelĀ® Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz (2 CPUs) Memory: 1024MB RAM Video Card: GIGABYTE Radeon X1600 PRO
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