Hey guys i'm not the most advanced when it comes to modding so need a little help :P the buildings in Diamond city are there but they keep vanishing their work and everything but them vanishing and reappearing is not easy on the eyes :P the only mods i'm using for diamond city are diamond city expansion, Diamond city Expansion - Female body replacer, Ellen and Ellen morph if anyone knows why this is the problem if you could go step by step i'm not the best when it comes to computers and modding :P If needed here is my mod list and order i use loot because i'm not the greatest when it comes to sorting the mods in order 0 0 Fallout4.esm 1 1 DLCRobot.esm 2 2 DLCWorkshop01.esm 3 3 DLCCoast.esm 4 4 DLCWorkshop02.esm 5 5 DLCWorkshop03.esm 6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm 7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp254 FE 0 ccgcafo4003-factionws03bos.esl254 FE 1 ccgcafo4005-factionws05hrpink.esl 8 8 TrueStormsFO4.esm 9 9 ConcealedArmor.esm 10 a ArmorKeywords.esm 11 b CBBE.esp 12 c Immersive Commonwealth Overhaul.esp 13 d Sanctury Revamped[brown Version].esp 14 e The Castle Revamped felloutislife.esp 15 f Starlight Drive in Revamped.esp 16 10 MoreSpawns_Medium.esp 17 11 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp 18 12 AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - No Crafting Perks.esp 19 13 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarbor.esp 20 14 TrueStormsFO4-GlowingSeaExtraRads.esp 21 15 TrueStormsFO4-FarHarborExtraRads.esp 22 16 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsets.esp 23 17 TrueStormsFO4-EarlierSunsetsFH.esp 24 18 dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp 25 19 dD - Limited Blood Decals.esp 26 1a LooksMenu.esp 27 1b KSHairdos.esp 28 1c AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp 29 1d MiscHairstyle.esp 30 1e ZellaHairDye.esp 31 1f THBrows.esp 32 20 DiverseChildren.esp 33 21 Sun'sHepsyHair.esp 34 22 ANiceOakTree Hairs.esp 35 23 EasyHacking.esp 36 24 HN66Fo4_Nails.esp 37 25 3dscopes-framework.esp 38 26 3dscopes-replacer.esp 39 27 3dscopes-replacer-addtospawn.esp 40 28 vehiclesalvage.esp 41 29 Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp 42 2a Sexy Curie.esp 43 2b PA-Quick Animations.esp 44 2c K9TacticalHarness.esp 45 2d Lacy Underwear.esp 46 2e zWGirlClothSimply.esp 47 2f Red Rocket Revamped.esp 48 30 S_Uniform_F.esp 49 31 S_Uniform_M.esp 50 32 DX Commonwealth Shorts.esp 51 33 DX Vault Girl Shorts.esp 52 34 AsharaFO4UnderArmours.esp 53 35 Armorsmith Extended.esp 54 36 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp 55 37 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp 56 38 Weapon Rebalance.esp 57 39 ConcealedArmor.esp 58 3a TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 59 3b HN66Fo4_EasyGirl_BS.esp 60 3c Family Mauser.esp 61 3d EveryonesBestFriend.esp 62 3e LovingCait.esp 63 3f Hidden Helmets 2.0 - Standalone.esp 64 40 BetterCompanions.esp 65 41 ellen.esp 66 42 Ellen Morph.1001002.esp 67 43 CraftableAmmunition_Adjustable.esp 68 44 CraftableAmmunition_FarHarbor.esp 69 45 ReducedJunkWeight.esp 70 46 More Durable Power Armor - 50%.esp 71 47 DCE_female_body_replacer_EasyGirl.esp 72 48 StartMeUp.esp