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About merlecorey

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    United States

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  1. My take on it: Your server will most likely melt under heavy load during prime time (especially during the upcoming Safi feeding frenzy), which will render it useless, give this feature a bad reputation, or both. My suggestion would be to allow players to host their own servers, one server per group, probably run by the leader. Writing a socket server supporting three clients is far easier than writing one supporting thousands of clients, too.
  2. Is the server code going to be publicly available? Is there going to be one central server everybody will connect to? Or will players run their own servers?
  3. SmartHunter uses windows with transparent background. They absolutely murder your FPS if they overlap the game window and you have desktop composition off. I've learned it the hard way.
  4. Are you running Windows 7 by any chance? Nope, windows 10. Is desktop composition turned on?
  5. Are you running Windows 7 by any chance?
  6. [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'PlayerNamePattern' at address 0x155FC5547 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'CurrentWeaponPattern' at address 0x141E5BD3D [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'PlayerDamagePattern' at address 0x1418D3FA7 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'SelectedMonsterPattern' at address 0x14190BB82 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'PlayerBuffPattern' at address 0x15ED919B1 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'LobbyStatusPattern' at address 0x14026B836 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'CurrentPlayerNamePattern' at address 0x14DF4ECE9 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. at SmartHunter.Core.Helpers.MemoryHelper.FindPatternAddresses(Process process, AddressRange addressRange, BytePattern pattern, Boolean stopAfterFirst) at SmartHunter.Core.ThreadedMemoryScan.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<AddScanTask>b__0() [2020-02-18 07:08:05] State Machine: FastPatternScanning (109 ms) > PatternScanning [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Base: 0x140000000, End: 0x1626A3000, Size: 0x226A3000 [2020-02-18 07:08:05] Found 'MonsterPattern' at address 0x14022FBF9 [2020-02-18 07:08:06] State Machine: PatternScanning (219 ms) > Working [2020-02-18 07:08:06] Match Range: 14022FBF9 - 15ED919B1 This is the latest version (
  7. I don't think this is true. Kirin horn break requires his health to be low (<30%), and it definitely doesn't require exactly 14 flinches.
  8. I am curious... does Smart Hunter reduce FPS for anybody? It drops mine from 60 to 30, which means I can't actually use it. :(
  9. Huh. Interesting. I was looking for the .json files themselves... no wonder I couldn't find them. Thank you.
  10. The github repo you've linked doesn't have the .json files. Where do they come from? Another github repo?
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