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Everything posted by lumps

  1. I'll throw my support behind this as well. Actually been looking for the past half hour or so for this exact thing. Like you said earlier, decapitating bandits isn't going to make me want to grab my shotgun and go on a rampage, but the nudity in the game can make me want to jump on over to a porn site or get to know my right hand better than I should (both of which I'm trying to stop doing). Y'all can mock us for our beliefs about what's right and wrong, but there's also a sizable non-Christian movement (i.e. the /r/nofap subreddit) that at least somewhat agrees with us. It'd also be nice to know that I can play the Witcher without having to worry about my GF inevitably coming in during one of the quests where I'm required to run around a brothel filled with naked chicks. Here's to hoping someone will look kindly on us poor little prudes and throw together a modesty mod.
  2. Howdy, I'm planning on implementing a NMM installation script to streamline the installation of the optionals for a mod I've been working on, but I've run into a wall with regards to how to make the actual script. Through looking at other mods which use scripts, I've seen a common structure with a "fomod folder" and some .xml files, and after a few google searches I found how to make an installer script with the Fallout Mod Manager. Unfortunately, since I don't own fallout, I can't seem to use that program. So here I am, throwing myself of the mercies of the Nexus modders, seeking aid in my quest to end the "you mod makes my game crash" comments I get when people don't read my description page for installation instructions... Any and all help is greatly appreciated! -lumps
  3. Inspired by the Heroic Imperial Armor in Rahman250's Lore Friendly Armor Pack I've decided to try my hand at modding and make an equivalent Heroic Stormcloak Armor. This is a heavy armor and will have somewhat equivalent stats to Ebony armor. At this point I have created the required meshes/textures for the male version of the armor and have done a rough import into Skyrim via the Creation Kit (I plan on refining the stats/requirements/ground images later). Screenshots of the WIP are below. After some deliberation, I have decided to try and enlist the help of someone who is better at Photoshop/GIMP than me to refine the textures for better color matching of the metal on the gloves/boots to the steel plate cuirass and various other texture needs. (such as HD versions &etc.) My reasons for doing this are that I have reached my texturing skill limit and while I'm sure I could labor for many hours more until I finally get things looking the way I want, my time could be better spent working on the female version and better implementing stats and crafting requirements. Additionally, I would like to get this uploaded to The Nexus sooner than later, and since my modding hours are severely limited by my job, getting help with the textures could greatly speed up the process. Finally, if this armor is well received, I plan to try my hand at more armor mods in the future that would have a similar lore friendly theme as Rahman250's work and future collaboration with the texture artist would help speed things up. If interested in working with me on the textures let me know! Any feedback and/or suggestions related to the armor are welcome as well!
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