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Everything posted by kainaluboi

  1. @Vampire Dante, I will do as you ask...Please take in consideration that this was all to get back a member that was not actually in trouble.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came... Since I cannot contact him (I only know him here, no longer can PM him, can someone MAYBE send him an email?) I would really miss his mods.....
  2. @ZeroKing I did good sir, and I was promptly ignored by the same moderator deleting my perfectly reasonable comments He only answers me to leave further incense. He does not ever actually answer my questions. If you think you can help me, please feel free to PM me. The individual Im talking to is deleting all my comments. Of course I would be a little miffed. I simply want a reasonable, and well pursued resolution to a reasonable request.
  3. <p>Boy you sure love throwing your weight around, Thandal. Really loving that ban hammer, but dont like to address any complaints, huh?</p> <p> </p> <p>All the comments you have deleted and ignored, and you have no desire to at least LOOK INTO what I am saying. Contact Dark0ne, if that is what it requires. I sure am going to try to. </p>
  4. Is it possible there was a....Mistake? Can a person be banned by accident? he was a good standing member with a couple of great mods...I just don't see him doing anything "bannable" Not that I know him personally or any such.
  5. Aloha Nexus staff, I hope that I am not out of place here. The author of two of my favorite cannot-live-without mods "general Stores" & "craftable Cloud Storage" has been banned. I have tried to locate his ban post on the appropriate forum, but none is listed around that time period (about 30 pages). If you do not mind, and I am not out of place, I am just curious as to the reason of the ban. I should surely miss the author and his work. The person in question is : Harvey2112 Mahalo, Kainalu
  6. Hello All, I have a small bug in which one of the broken book cases, several crates, some straw, and a lot of creepy fog stick around after upgrading Honeyside. They are all only in the enchant room. They clip with the mannequins / enchant table, so I doubt they belong. Clicking on the items and typing disable does not work. Any ideas on how to fix this?
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