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Everything posted by yhniiii

  1. Thanks I will check it. I'm not sure about the console command, it may miss thing related.
  2. Hi guys, Clean saves are not working on my Skyim, each time I update my Skyrim, The saves broken, I tried all posible tools, an old save can never be good as a new save. For exmaple, if I want to just fight Alduin, any mod can help me to skip all previous steps? Controllable with MCM for all quests? Any recommendation? many thanks.
  3. Hello, I'm not a modder. recently I tried lots of 4k textures, that push the limit of Skyrim LE. I don't like game crashes, I spent hours and hours to adject mod list and memory settings, this make me dicide to mod my skyrim SE. I would like to know how hard is moving a mod from skyrim LE to skyrim SE? And I actually want to learn some mod easy skills , like adding a follower into the game or creating a texture with my photo picture. The enb of skyrim SE is not so good as LE, but the SSE has much more potential of grafic, and some people are sill work on it. I think skyrim is still the best platform to practice modding and do some game experiment.
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