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Everything posted by spyro1201

  1. "Actually, Ma'am..." - Adroroar continued, whilst the party was headed outside town. - "...If anything, that's one of the reasons I'd like to tag along. During my stays in the largest cities of Faerun, I met all kinds of colorful individuals, mostly adventurers like yourselves. Some were in it for the sake of doing good, some were in it for the money, others just liked the thrill of the kill, and others were in it for the journey. I identified with the last type. D-during my studies, apart from textbooks and such, I also occasionally read stories of heroes and their travels, the places they went and so on...I-It was quite inspiring. Eventually, I realized that I can learn quite a bit from going out into the world from time to time. Since then I've been on the road, and my current destination is the Shaar. Been wanting to see it for years, closest I've been is the drawings in dusty tomes in an old library. A-anyway, I'm very thankful to be accepted in your group." - he finished with a slight smile of his own, though barely noticeable in the dark streets. Although he didn't say much about it, Adroroar was quite worried about those wererats, but he tried to put that thought to rest. Later at the camp, the tiefling sat close to the fire. He admired the scenery quite a bit. The moonlight gently illuminating his surroundings, creating a very peaceful atmosphere, as if the landscape itself was in a deep slumber. The group seemed to be settling down. "I guess it's introduction time." - he said, hoping to get everyone's attention. - "M-my name's Adroroar Carter. I'm very pleased to be part of your party. Never seen a group this big. Where exactly are you all headed?"
  2. After the commotion, Adroroar felt the harsh words of the innkeeper applied to him as well, even if he wasn't part of the large group of adventurers. Adding the fact that the place was in shambles, there were bloodied bodies everywhere and the innkeeper himself getting kicked down the stairs; that guarantees that the tiefling would not be resting here tonight, whether he was welcome or not. The winged woman, who appears to be the group leader, started going downstairs and out of the inn, Carter quickly followed her. "E-excuse me, M'lady,...I know this isn't the best time to ask, but I couldn't help but overhear one of your party mentioning the Shaar. A-Are you b-by any chance headed in that direction? If so, m-may I join along?" - the tiefling asked. He then proceeded to take off his straw hat to introduce himself. - "Oh dear, where are my manners? My name is Adroroar Carter."
  3. Adroroar was blissfully sitting on his chair, enjoying a mug of hot cocoa he grabbed when nobody was looking, as well as all the stories these strangers had to offer, despite not having met them yet. He'll ask them after they were done. Suddenly, a loud crash is heard from upstairs and everyone jumps on their feet and goes to investigate. Worried that something really bad might be going on, the tiefling follows the group, but unfortunately, due to the many people upstairs now, he can't really see what was happening in the room everyone headed for. The surprises don't stop there though. Rat like humanoids started coming out of the other rooms, daggers in hand.
  4. Still with a glaring expression, Carter swiped his hat off of Hexol's head and put it back on his own head. "Please...don't do that..." - he sighed. The tiefling then turned to the drow. "M-me? I happened to be here, and I h-heard someone mentioning Shaar. I wanted to ask if any of you could give me directions.I was told it was south of here, but I wanted to make sure, then you all started with your stories and such, so I figured I'd wait. It'd be rude to interrupt."
  5. Adroroar's attention was suddenly 'stolen' by someone even shorter than the tiefling himself. Followed by bombardment of questions. "Uh...hi...thanks...I...um..." - Carter could barely get a word in. - "My name is Adroroar, n-nice to meat you..uh..Hexol. Are you with that big group? You seem awfully young. And ...*yawn*... I'm getting sleepy" The tiefling made a long drawn out yawn followed by a slow blink of his eyes. The long trip's taking it's toll. "Hey...did it get brighter in here or is it just...." Carter looked up to see that his straw hat appears to be missing, and Hexol suddenly wearing a suspiciously similar hat. - "What are you doing with my hat?" - he said whilst glarring at Hexol.
  6. The short tiefling got no reply from the tall man. Maybe it was his size? Normally, Adrorar would be quite annoyed at that. Not the first (or last) time he was ignored due to his stature. The tiefling had to fight the urge to set the man's posterior ablaze as a tiny way of retribution. Wouldn't want to cause a scene now, do we? All of a sudden one of the group's members dragged a fellow member downstairs, still in her nightgown, and said it was story time, followed by them all getting hot cocoa. Despite not knowing who these people are, Carter was curious, so he pulled up a chair and sat down. A human warrior went first. His story wasn't exactly one of those tales that leaves you feeling joyous or cozy. Quite the opposite, actually. Very grim and sad.
  7. Adroroar had been walking along his path for days with barely any rest. The long trek has taken it's toll on him, thoguh. The tiefling was draging his feet and breathing heavily. He was about to call it a day and start finding a tree to lean on and sleep for a spell, until he notices stone walls in the distance. Feeling as if he had just slept all day, Adroroar quickened his pace towards the city. Finally, food and a bed.... Once Adroroar reached and entered the town, all he could think of was how to get to the nearest Inn. Thanks to his hat casting a shade over his face and the dimmer light of the evening, the tiefling didn't have to worry much about potential hostility towards his race. After asking around, Adroroar found his way to a nondescript tavern. Not wanting to attract too much attention, he slowly creeped through the door and looked to find a seat, but not before getting a drink for himself. It didn't take long for him to notice the very..colorful...group of people in the inn. One could tell they're adventurers forom a mile away. "Hmm...I wonder if they know how to get to Eartheart..." - the tiefling thought. After finnishing his drink, Adroroar decided to ask them for directions. Upon getting close to their table, he overhears the tall man infront of him ask about Shaar. "Excuse me..Uh..Are you going to The Shaar as well? I couldn't help overhearing..." - Carter asked timidly.
  8. Well yes, real life was an issue there, but not the only one.
  9. I figured I'd come back and try my hand at this RP again. Please be gentle :unsure: Name: Adoroar Carter Race: Tiefling Age: 23 Class: Wizard Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Azuth Place of Origin: Uthmere Appearance: Adoroar is somewhat short (4.9). He has short black hair, dark skin tone, a pair of short ram-like- horns that he occasionaly files, in order to shorten them even more. He also has a tail, which he keeps hidden under his robes. His eyes are human like, brown, and emit a slight glow, which is mostly noticable when he's in the shade. Armor/Clothing: Adoroar wears light blue robes and a large pointed straw hat, which draws a shadow over his face during most of the day. Weapon: Wooden staff and a Crossbow Personality: For the most part, Adoroar is quite timid and calm. He also tends to get too curious for his own good. He's accepting of his teifling heritage, but prefers to not attract too much attention when around others. History: Born and raised in Uthmere, Adoroar had parents that had somewhat...agressive... means of disipline. The fact that he wanted to persue magic, instead being a fighter did not sit well with his father. He left his home town at an early age and since then been to places like Waterdeep and Neverwinter, where he furthered his studies in wizardry, where also aquired a taste for adventure.
  10. Kyran had been following Rhaine and her fellow Kelemvorites to the tents, but at a longer distance, as to avoid any possible conflicts with them. Gods know if they can tell that he used to be a necromancer. Rhaine may have been merciful, but there men were not to be trifled with. The elf overheard them looking for Azuris earlier, and now it looks like he might be fighting against those armored men. As much as Kyran wanted to intervene, it wouldn't have been the wisest thing to do. He decided to wait and see how things go for the moment; standing by Rhaine's side, hoping this doesn't end in blood for both sides. --------------------------------------------- Ivan was at the party where the winners of the battle of the bards were. The atmosphere was so full of energy, the human couldn't help but sing along to whatever song they were singing, with a full mug in hand, of course.
  11. The tome was heavier than what Kyran expected, but not too heavy. He opened it up and started flipping through the pages in excitement. It was full of all kinds fire related spells of all shapes and sizes, among other things. "Wow...this is amazing...I never knew a single school of magic could be so...vast. I cannot wait to learn all of these and be more of a use and less of a burden to the group. But first, the fair! I'm sure we've missed the start of the Battle of the Bards, better hurry before we miss more. Thank you so much, Xalistine. I didn't think you'd be willing to help me...considering...my past."
  12. Kyran was a little surprised that Xalistine accepted him. He breathed a sigh of releaf, as he was nervous beforehand. "Well I've always had a thing for fire. So beautiful, yet so destructive. I can go as far as cast a basic 'burning hands', but that's it. Over the years, the majority of my magic studies was about necromancy. Now that I have no reason to go back to it, I figured I'd start focusing on other forms of magic." - he explained with a sheepish smile. --- Meanwhile, Ivan was at the bard competition, cheering all the contestants, even those who made him wish his ears hadn't been regenerated from Rhaine's resurrection spell. He was too busy enjoying life, again, to let some bad singing ruin his mood. Through some miracle, he found a seat in the front row. In one hand he held a mug of ale, and in the other - another meat roll. Aurora's performance was easily the best he'd seen so far. The energy, the effects, everything. Ivan anxiously awaited Tannin's turn.
  13. I likey the post. Can't wait to see it start.
  14. The last tent was pitched. Due to the limited amount of tents, Ivan and Kyran were going to share a tent. The elf walked around the mini campsite, looking for something to do, when he saw Xalistine and walked over to him. "Hello Xalistine, I've been meaning to ask you something. I've noticed you're very adept in magic. More than any spell caster I've ever seen, even. My won skills are quite lacking. If it's not too much trouble, can you...teach me how to be a better sorcerer?" - he asked shyly. Meanwhile, Ivan was strolling through the fair grounds and enjoying the sights. Suddenly a certain aroma caught his attention. He raised his nose high up and sniffed out. It was bacon. Upon 'investigating' further, the fighter saw that someone was selling sausages with bacon wrapped around them. No sooner said than done, Ivan had one meat roll on a stick, between each pair of fingers on both of his hands. It's been a while since he ate....anything.
  15. Due to the unfortunate fate of Monksley's steed, the archer joined Nikov and the rest of the infantry. Before going off, he poured the rest of the wine in his tankard into an empty water skin, and added more to fill it up completely. The fight with the looters was a nice warmup for Monksley's aim. He had a few head shots in while only being slightly tipsy. He found some extra arrows among the equipment that was carried by the bandits that were decimated by Cameron. "So...sir...uh...Nikov was it? Any idea on how to gain the trust of the villages? We gonna be patrollin' their town and it's outskirts for them bandits?
  16. My favorite video game series of all time is Spyro the Dragon. Doesn't follow the trend, at least in the original trilogy, which i am a die hard fan of. As for other cases where this theme exists. I'm assuming this happens mostly for ease of building up the dragons. It's easier to write about them being extinct/been extinct/whatever than have them as common species, but that's just me.
  17. "You lads need an archer? If so, I'm game! Killed loads of the bastards back home." - Monksley said to the large group that had gathered, as he took a large gulp from his tankard. - "If we'll be fighting the bandits, I expect they'll make some kind of ambush, if they happen to see us coming. Perhaps go through some nearby forest? I'm not a commoner 'round here so I'm not very familiar with the terrain. As experienced as we may be, ambush is not a good thing to have, lemmie tell ya.
  18. The party hard traveled for few hours. Kyran and Ivan alongside the others. Despite being exhausted the elf and his human companion could not wait to get to the fair, even if they weren't going to participate in it. Not only that but they both had a lot on their minds. Kyran, for the first time since he met the group, was not stressed out while surrounded by the others, now that the necromancy thing was no longer a secret. Ivan had been meaning to speak to Rhaine about becoming a worshiper of Kelemvor, but decided to leave the serious matters until after the fair. When they arrived on the grounds, the bright colors and cheery atmosphere caught Ivan and Kyran's attention instantly. The smell of fresh brew and roasted meats followed right after. "That name....sounds similar to another name I heard. I think it was from a book...can't put my finger on it." - commented Kyran. - "Anyway, let's go try the menu. I'm starving." - the elf continued, but was stopped short by a large hand grabbing the collar of his robe. It was Ivan. "Let's go help Conall with the tents; and see if he has spares for us, too." *sigh* "Fine." - pouted the elf. The two walked over to where Conall was and asked him if needed help, and if there were any extra tents.
  19. Monksley-on-Harwich had been running on foot since the early hours of the morning towards Castle Chalbek. Finally, the gates of the Main hall open wide, and the middle aged archer walked in. "Sorry I'm late for the fight lads. I would've came here sooner....but...let's just say - Never ride a drunk horse...it's a long story...." - he said to no one in particular With that, Monksley walked over to one of the large tables, grabbed a bottle of wine and poured it's contents into an ornate silver tankard that was tied to his belt. After a few gulps he noticed the large group forming around Clarrisa and decided to see what's going on.
  20. Kyran saw Nawen come into the inn and sit down with everyone else. "Ivan would love to try the jousting, but I think he'll have to sit this one out since being alive is somewhat new to him still. The magic show sounds interesting. What do participants have to do?" The tournament was new to Kyran as it was to the drow. The moderatly peaceful atmosphere was interrupted when the Grey brothers realised all of their favourite food had been taken. The elf made sure to hide what little bacon he himself managed to save from the tri'kreen's appetite.
  21. Name: Monksley-on-Harwich Gender: Male Age: 46 Physical Description: Monksley is roughly 6 feet tall and physically fit. He also has a short black/grey beard. Nation of Origin: Foreigner. Fighting Style: Archer Equipment and Clothing: Often wears chaimail with a blank tabbard over and leather bound boots. His bow and quiver are tied to his back and has a shortsword in a scabbard tied to his belt. Background: Monksley-on-Harwich was born on the battlefield. Both of his parents were fighting in a war on a another continent. As a boy he started learning how to use a bow and arrow. During his early adulthood, all the way into his late 30's, Monksley has tried to work as an archer for all of the kindoms, but he didnt like it. Oh and he likes to drink a lot as well. There have been many cases where he's been drunk on the battlefield and suprisingly still managed to get a kill or two (whether said kills were enemies or not, is not important) Reason for Joining Rebel Faction: In his own words: "The other kingdoms are full of arseholes!"
  22. The sun's rays pearced though the dusty windows of kyran and Ivan's window and landed right onto Kyran's eyelids, waking him up. As the elf stood up, he rubbed his eyes and got up to get dressed. Once he put on his black robe, he saw his friend sleeping soundly onh is bed....the first time that's happened in a very long time. "Ivan...wake up, we have to get ready for the tournament." - said kyran whislt shaking Ivan's shoulder. "uuugh...just five more minutes..." - groggily replied the fighter. Kyran decided to to leave him alone, he's earned his rest after not having slept for a decade. The necromancerheaded downstairs for some breakfast. Not wanting to miss out on the bacon, Kyran got some for himself along with a mug of mead and sat down at the table where Tak'We was. The insectoid's grizzly appetite was as frightening as it was immpresive, so kyran avoided starting a conversation for now, unless the thri'kreen spoke first. But for the moment, the necromacer was just going to enjoy his breakfast.
  23. "It's hard to describe. It feels...amazing, like I've been shackled for years and have just been released from my prison." - replied the newly ressurected Ivan, still not used to having a full body again. As everyone was leaving Kyran and Ivan's room, going back to what they were doing, walked over to Rhaine. "My Lady, there appears to be another misunderstanding about my affiliations with necromancy. You see, I don't really practise it, so much as I study it. Infact the only things I've ever risen from the dead are rats, lizards and other such small animans, and that was years ago. While I do know a veriety of necromantic spells, I assure you I have not, and will not be using them. And before I forget - thank you for helping my friend. He's the reason I began studying necromancy in the first place, in hopes of doing what you just did. I am in your debt as much as Ivan is."
  24. The room was engulfed in a dead silence. Ivan had to cover up his eye sockets as the Doomguide's spell was being cast. Once the spell was completed he realised he was clenching his eyelids. He opened them, only to see everyone in the room staring at him in awe. The former undead then gazed down upon his renewed hands and body. This is something he thought he'd never see again. His eyes were slowly filling with tears as he looked up again and meeting Kyran's gaze. "H-how do I look?" said the warrior as he tried to smile but could barely do it. "Alive." - replied the elf. The two looked at each other for another second before Ivan lunged at the elf and gave him a brotherly bear hug. "Ivan....you're...crushing....my bones.....can't....breahe" - wheased out Kyran with a face about to turn blue. "Oh...sorry." Ivan loosened his grip on the skinny elf as he dropped to the floor. "...don't know my own strenght" "No *cough* kidding" Ivan then turned to Rhaine. "My Lady, I cannot thank you enough for what you've done. I owe you my life....literally" He then bowed, not knowing whet else to do.
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