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Everything posted by OmegaModelZXA

  1. Not the problem. If you wanna talk about the Russia-Ukraine war, this is NOT the place to do it. Showler had a point in that it isn't at all related to what's being talked about here. Go talk about it elsewhere, and do not be a prick about it. ---- Не в этом проблема. Если вы хотите поговорить о войне России и Украины, то это НЕ то место, где это можно сделать. Showler был прав, когда говорил, что это вообще не связано с тем, о чем здесь говорят. Идите и говорите об этом в другом месте, и не будьте придурком.
  2. Pretty much everyone despises the new site browsing UI and have made their distaste known. Give us the option to revert back to the site UI. This new UI genuinely sucks and is a flat downgrade compared to the old one.
  3. This update is trash, and frankly enough all the problems I have with it have already been stated by others before. Revert this update, give us back the old UI for f*#@s sake.
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