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Nexus Mods Profile

About Randomguy0011

Randomguy0011's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)



  1. I was looking for someone willing to help with a mod idea. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2481 I I was looking for someone to help make a mod similar to this one but using the Wasteland Wanderer gloves instead.
  2. I was looking for anyone willing to create a mod that hides the "Confetti Mess" Lunchbox effect.
  3. I had a bug happen in my game where I transformed into a werewolf but it kept my weapons on my back. Would it be possible to make that a feature?
  4. As the name suggests. The only change to my game recently was that steam auto updated my game. It was not an issue before that.
  5. I've been having problems with shinny/glowing objects and NPCs/Animals. It only happens in the fog and I am not using any graphical mods. I was just hoping to find some common causes of this bug.
  6. That was the one I was trying. I already sorted the issue though. The 4GB Patcher has to be unpacked with 7zip not WinRaR. I had to completely reinstall windows and other apps recently and forgot about 7zip.
  7. I went to bed last night after playing and today my cursor isn't showing up. I can still make selections in menus and I tried installing a cursor replacer from Nexus Mods but it didn't work.
  8. Does anyone know why my PC is rejecting the 4GB Patcher for New Vegas? I recently had some PC trouble that had me reinstalling Windows 10 and now when I try to run the 4GB Patcher my PC tells me it can't run the app and to contact the app publisher but RoyBatterian has locked the mod page.
  9. Looking for someone that would be willing to help convert an outfit mod to be compatible with Enhanced Vanilla Bodies for Fallout 76.
  10. Is there anyone who thinks they can fix the off center weapon with the third person crosshair? It isn't a huge issue but it's hard not to notice once you've seen it.
  11. The Pyro and Cryo receivers have that smoking/steaming effect to them and I've found that it obstructs my sights a lot. I'm sure there must be a way to disable it but I have zero modding experience.
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