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Everything posted by DaveTheRedd
Ok, I officially hate the shivering isles bit...
DaveTheRedd replied to DaveTheRedd's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Cool! I'll have to try that one out, looks fun. I always wondered in the movies, how a light saber would bounce off of some surfaces. I mean, it's basically plasma... :huh: -
Ok, I officially hate the shivering isles bit...
DaveTheRedd replied to DaveTheRedd's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Too funny, I've been reading Darths & Droids over the last few days, and now you post a reply that is somewhat force-like, a jedi mind trick. spooky. :ninja: -
Ok, I officially hate the shivering isles bit...
DaveTheRedd replied to DaveTheRedd's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
Ok, I'll give that a shot, but lately been pretty involved in DM'ing a D&D 4th ed game so electric gaming has taken a back seat for now. -
Why the end of SI is such a disappointment
DaveTheRedd replied to diosoth's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
I noticed when I was basically the top man of the Mage's Guild, the Fighter's Guild, The Holy Knight, and the Champion of Cyrodill, that I could at least give some orders to the NPC's left in all of those guilds, not to mention have an Imperial Guard escort. I could not even get a follower of either guild. I did get a knight to follow me around if I wanted them to, but they charge right in and get in the way of any ranged attacks. I did the shivering isles quest after I finished the main quest, so I used that as an excuse (because apparantly I'd been driven crazy by the madgod's wierd world) to do the thieves' guild quest and the dark brotherhood quests. (I wasn't even going to do those quests, but there wasn't much in the way of action left to do.) After that I went on a killing spree of all the guards and legion personnel whenever I came across them. Oddly enough, even after killing several guards, some of them called me the champion of cyrodill. :dance: -
Wow, at 47 years old, I am in the minority... :dry: oh well, still havin fun! :devil:
Dave The Red Race: Nord Sex: Male Class: Warrior Weapons: Steel mace, Silver War axe, Dwarven bow, Steel dagger. Armor: Orcish Heavy Plate Armor, with Orcish Shield Abilities: Armorer, Athletics, Block, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Marksmanship, Restoration, Wrestling. Born in Skyrim, his father is an alchemist, his mother is an armorer. He chose armorer to work in his mother’s forge, but learned restoration magic from his father who tends to his hold’s healing needs. Both parents are warriors as well as their given vocations. He passed the rite of manhood at the age of 13 by killing several ice wraiths, coming back with several wounds running with his own blood, giving him the name “The Red”. Appearance: 6’5” Tall, 280 lbs. Athletic build, Red hair, Ice-blue eyes, braided beard, heavy eyebrows. He wears Orcish armor for the nice fit. Loves to drink mead and sing songs (not a great singer, but very enthusiastic) Loyal to his friends and protector of the helpless, deadly to his enemies, and has a soft spot for Breton females.
When I played FF XI I loved playing my Galka Paladin, and also Galka Monk, very fun stuff, I thought it would be cool to have a mod with that playable race. I looked on the Final Fantasy Mod list, and did not see any for that one. If there is one, (I did try different wording on the search tool) then maybe someone can point me in the right direction. I have been able to edit some mods to suit my gameplay, but I don't have the skill to create a good one yet. Thanks in advance.
Ok, I officially hate the shivering isles bit...
DaveTheRedd replied to DaveTheRedd's topic in Oblivion's Spoilers
That's true I suppose, setstage works too, but I was more ranting about the limited options. As it is the Madgod's realm, I suppose I have to accept what choices there are, was just a bit of role-player's angst. :tongue: -
When I role-play, I am invariably the "good guy", As such, I would never want to torture anyone, nor kill basically innocent, (though crazy) people. It sort of goes against my whole "paladin" creed. This is just a rant, and I know I don't actually have to play the shivering isles plug-in, and yes it's just a game, but I like the role playing aspect, it makes it more fun for me when I can make choices I would, in fact, make in real life given the chance. At least in the oblivion realm the bad guys are truly bad guys, and have the whole "destroy tamriel and mortals" persona. Most of the people on the shivering isles are just crazy and in serious need of a healer, lol. To get through the main quest one has to torture people, kill basically innocent creatures who are minding their own business, and I just wish there were a third option on the play through. OK, end of rant, lol. ps. sorry about some of the spelling.
LOL, great guide, "...if anything strikes you, let me know." Very well done. ;D
Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak, His funny command of the language made me laugh so much, I had to keep clicking on him to catch everything he said, lol. I really would love to know why he wants so much to be "respectable"? The rest of the royals, Lord Drad for example, seem arrogant and uppity, and I would like to know more about the "Orc Social Club" lol. Also, Baurus, I worked so hard keeping him alive only to have him killed during the defense of Bruma. He's a great character, and grows on you, it seems that Jauffre would send him or another of the blades with you on some of these quests, it just doesn't make sense for them to trust one guy to do these. An idea for a mod might be some quest to join the orc social club, lol.
Maybe this one? Yay! Thanks so much! that's the one I couldn't find. And thanks to Kingtitan for the suggestion, I will try it when I get a bit better at the CS, it still overwhelms me a bit.
If you can't find it, i think it would be pretty easy to make from scratch, but don't quote me on that. I'll keep my eyes open for you. If I made a copy of Enya in the game would she have the same script? (would she want to return to the house in Skingrad, instead of the house she was created in?)
I saw a mod once for an additional servant for the other house in Chorral, and I think, in Anvil, (the haunted house you can buy). I have both of those houses updated completely in game, but no servants. The one in Rosethorn is pretty good, but I wish she had more options. Can't find the mod now. :confused: I know it's there somewhere.
Hi, just wondering what the differences are between the free membership and the premium one. I went to the subscription link, and it gives different options time-wise, but what is the advantage for the paid one? I truly enjoy your website, and have downloaded a few Mods, and found them to be very fun additions. I am new to games you can modify yourself, and have not had the courage to attempt a mod yet, (besides the one in the tutorial) so I would like to get my feet wet and this seems like a great place to get some support and share some ideas. I have two games now, TES IV, and Skyrim. Sadly my system just isn't up to playing Skyrim, even at the lowest video settings. It will play, but not very well. (Sorry if this same question was posted elsewhere, but I did look for it before posting this.)
Apart from the Games You Play Do You Also Read the Books...
DaveTheRedd replied to Maharg67's topic in Debates
I really enjoyed playing “Starcraft ™” and found a couple of novels based on the game characters that were pretty good. I am an avid reader, and a comic book/graphic novel fan, so if I happen to come across one on a game I have played, then I will probably pick it up. I also watched a movie based on the “Final Fantasy ™” games, and I am a huge fan of those games also. (I have every one of those games in my collection, along with the separate game books to accompany them) When I was playing “Final Fantasy XI™” MMORPG, I even made spreadsheets to keep track of everything, lol. -
Should Rush Limbaugh be losing sponsors for the things he said?
DaveTheRedd replied to Deleted472477User's topic in Debates
Rush is just another "shock jock" type of entertainer. It is widely known he is going to say things that are outrageous and are meant to irritate some people. Just because he is a right wing shock jock, does not make him any less outrageous than guys like Howard Stern. The sponsors know he is going to be controversial, so why pull the ads now? This is not to be an endorsement of Rush, my own political leanings are moderate, somewhat conservative. My point is, that it is entertainment, just like the news, none of it is just informative, with the exception of maybe the weather. Every news service has political leanings and always will, dictated by whoever is in charge of that service. (ie: fox, msnbc, abc, nbc, cbs, cnn…) -
Glad to see the MOD Downloads here, this is my first experience with The Elder Scrolls Games, and Oblivion IV is very cool. A nice departure from fixed games that you cannot change at all. The MODs here that I've downloaded so far have been recommended by another website, and I've found they have accurate information. Kudos to this wonderful website, and to the people who create the cool MODs. I usually go by "DaveTheRed" but that one was taken on this site. Sorry if mine is too close in spelling, but because I always use that moniker, I would forget my username if I tried another.