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Everything posted by theredpheonix

  1. This adventure is for good roleplayers, or ones that are serious about it. It is for 3-6 or 7 people. The first 6 people to post a description of their character I will gm for. Also, this adventure is going to be a bit like starting skyrim. Please dont create characters with god like abilities or spells. Also, I would greatly appreciate reading the in depth backrounds. If you are going to make a character, i will probably give you your epic loot along the way, so please dont make them start off with full ebony mail or all daedric weapons, First tier weapons and armor would be great. This is going to be serious rp, so please no butting in and posting random comments, Thank you, and ill start the adventure after the first three good character posts. Setting- There is no one in all of tamriel who does not know about talos. He was the mightiest and greatest warrior of all time. He slew all of his foes, but every hero needs a weapon. Legend has it that talo's sword was shattered in a fight with a god, and scattered all through oblivion and skyrim ( the places not the games). Many adventurers and mercenaries have tried to find them all, but it is almost impossible. One of the only people alive today that is known to have an idea of where half the pieces are is jarl balgruuf the greater. The only problem with trying to find all the pieces is the thalmer and imperials. They have banned talos worship and will seek out people who try to collect the pieces. You are at the battered mare, a tavern in whiterun, when you meet people who seem to have the same goal as you. Maybe you could team up..... The form for your character should go like this Name- Age- Appearance- Occupation- intresting facts- History- Why are you searching for the sword- what brought you to skyrim Your abilities- Your equipment-
  2. Rojin asks the barkeep for a beer, she gives him one and he says to kristoph " Now who might you be, you look of noble descent"
  3. Name: Rojin Sca'tor Pronounced: Roh- jin- Sca- tore Age: 127 Sex: Male Race: Dark elf Equipment: A longbow and Iron arrows, A steel sword and a Fine elven dagger. He has bandit leather armor on What he does: Patrols the forests for intruders and monsters. He is a ranger that has started the order of the white arrow, a group of expert marksman who do good deeds and enforce the law out of cities Appearance- He has long, mangy white hair. He walks with posture and is very balanced. He has a longbow and many arrows strapped to his back, and a steel Sword and elven dagger strapped to opposite sides of his waist. Alignment- He generaly does good deeds, and he sides with the stormcloaks in the war, but he does not show it openly.
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