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About haganinc

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  1. Also check out PJ's Spell Compendium which adds something like 20 scripted unique spells: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16022
  2. So people look at updated mods? I know I only look at new ones.
  3. So awhile back I created a mod that wasn't downloaded and used as often as I thought it would that added new content. There were various reasons for this, one of them being a major crashing bug that wasn't fixed for a couple of days that scared people off right away after some bad reviews. Anyways, I have just now improved the mod considerably with even more content that I think would get a better reception and more interest in my project as a whole, my question is though should I upload it as an update to the previous mod or should I upload it as a new mod? The reason I ask is because I am afraid if I do it as an update then people won't even see it. However since there is overlapping material the cleanest way is to obviously do it as an update. I know NMM shows mods that have updates available, but I don't know how often people look at that and of course it doesn't help those who were scared away at first by the bugs or who have disabled the mod since then. They would have no idea the mod got updated.
  4. Looks good! This is a great weekend for spell mods, I think PJ is also releasing his scripted spells like magic missiles or picking up enemies and throwing them with telekinesis.
  5. So they are using a different tool than FRAPS then, something that comes with the video card driver?
  6. What programs (if any) do people tend to use to edit the videos of playing sessions in Skyrim? When I use FRAPS the resulting video file is HUGE, somewhere around a gig for only a minute or two of video. Do these files just get uploaded to sites like YouTube at this size or is any editing done that preserves most of the quality but shrinks the file size? Also, what about clipping video files, for example say I only want the first minute of a two minute video?
  7. When packaging a mod to load to Nexus, do I need to include all of my created Papyrus scripts as well? I see them included in some mods that I have downloaded but not in others. I'd prefer to not have to include them but I want to make sure it won't mess up anyone who downloads my mod. Thanks!
  8. So I am trying to learn about how NIF's operate, I have downloaded NifScope and am looking at a few art models for spell effects. Problem is nowhere in the tool can I see what the effect would actually look like in game so it is very time consuming to make small changes, go into the game, cast the effect just to see what the changes are. Is there another tool I could use that would show me right away what effect my changes are making to the mesh? I don't mind buying a product so it doesn't have to be free. Also, how do I see what texture(s) are attached to a mesh? Thanks!
  9. Oh, is that all? o_O ;D Looking at his other videos I remember his spells from Oblivion, PJ's Spell Compendium or similar. Don't see anything for Skyrim yet though, at least not here.
  10. Anyone know how this spell is done or know what mod it comes from so I can download and play around with it?
  11. Ok, thanks, so I need to archive the mod before uploading then?
  12. Couple of quick questions regarding uploading and loading new mods to Nexus. When uploading a new mod to Nexus, does it automatically take care of the logic that allows the Nexus Mod Manager to download and install the mod? When uploading my own new update, should I change the name of the mod to reflect the updated version or should I keep the name the same or does it matter? What is the best way to install updated mods? Do I uninstall and delete the old version before installing the new version, or do I keep both activated?
  13. So I was able to get this to work by having the target I want attacked casting a zero magnitude invisible hostile spell along with the StopCombat and StartCombat commands on the attacker.
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