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  1. Update: I re-installed the game. No change, still unable to move. I bought a controller (the 2020 Xbox gamepad with usb-c cable), but that didn't change anything either. Now I think I have no choice but to disable mods and work from there. always start with the Realm of Lorkhan; perhaps that mod is the issue.
  2. Tried that several times: nope. Tried that several times: nope. I found a SkyrimPrefs.ini in Appdata\Roaming\Vortex\Skyrimse\Profile, but setting "bGamepadEnable=0" there as well changed nothing. Tried: nope. I hoped I waited ten seconds, but: nope. crash-2024-12-08-01-38-41_upload.txt I uploaded screenshots of all my mods, SKSE plugins and I tried uploading a crashlog from two days ago (I hope that worked). My saves folder contained over 28k in save-files (4GB all together), which I deleted. However, some saves did work, but only when starting from SkyrimSe.exe. Then I started re-installing, which generated this crashlog; so all the save-files where removed. Now I'm going to re-install the base, without starting Vortex (I have the SE/AE from GOG).
  3. My character simply cannot move. WASD, F, Alt, pretty much every standard keybind do not work. I can only work with tilde, alt-tab and escape. Tried but failed: - change the ini-files; - change in-game settings; - start skyrimse.exe (not the skse-loader); - a mod to alter the keybinds; - turned off Steelseries GG (I have a keyboard and a mouse from Steelseries); - re-installing SKSE and SkyUI; - switched from SkyUI to Nordic UI; - removed Vanargand animations: The end result is, so far, always the same: stuck. STUCK! This all started after I updated the Community Shaders. After installing, the loader could not find the official exe. So I downgraded and tried everything desribed above. Could it be updates from either Steelseries GG or Path of Exile 1? Seems farfetched, but who knows. The last thing I could do is to uninstall all the mods, Vortex and then re-install the base AE game, but I'd rather not. I already made a list of all the mods currently running which makes over four pages, with two columns on each. Re-installing everything: no, thank you. What solutions are there that you know of and would probably never occur to me?
  4. Not using either Diziel's mod or the Picker. Of the CC content I haven't explored so far: Dead Man's Dread and Gallow's Hall. I'm not sure I'd cherry-pick stuff. If Bethesda did another round of CCC, where they choose from whatever mods we nominate, I think I'd pre-purchase that. Nchuathumz, glitchy? Not in my setup! I have Fantasia and Skyland B&B installed and experienced no problems with the home so far. If anything is "glitchy", it's a mod like Immersive Patrols II... Oh, sorry! Thank you both for replying.
  5. Honestly, I'm surprised no one has made an overhaul of that dwemer home. There are great overhauls of Hendraheim and the Tundra Homestead, but nothing for Nchuanthumz. Why? The place has more than enough room to turn it into, say, a Luxury Bathing suite (for anyone who prefers another far off, cold and underground location, dwemer style or no)...
  6. Hello, What I would like is an adaption of "Malazan Book of the Fallen" (fantasy series by Steven Erikson) for Oblivion. After all, what's not to like? Planes of Oblivion become warrens (labyrinths) that may or may not be home to other races or elder gods; the deck of dragons; the gods at war; sole-taken (shape-shifters); a fallen god, chained to an alien realm (to him); a flying fortress; an order of assassins devoted to the emperor; last but not least: the bridgeburners. In any case, if someone picks this up: please make the Tamriel height maps a requirement. Thank you!!
  7. Iliana is still on Nexus. A few days ago I was browsing - and this is the awful part - some discussion (more than five pages, if memory serves) and someone provided a working link on Oblivion Nexus to "Elsweyr". So it's definitely there.
  8. Thank you! And yes: that was my first post. I agree now that moving Anvil is a bad idea. The spot where I wanted it to go is already taken by the city of Sutch. Oops. In any case, can I alter the request (even if it keeps the name)? Actually I have several requests. First: I have Oblivion GOTYUK, which comes with KotN and SI. There are more official plug-ins, I know. Can't Bethesda, for some celebration of TES, release all - and at present hard to get - plug-ins to, say, TES Nexus? Second: the mod "borderless Cyrodill" allows me to venture into Hammerfell, Valenwood, Elsweyr, Morrowind and Skyrim. There's only one problem: unless you install a specific mod (providing content for every province separately), there's nothing there. Ahem, but one would expect someone to release a mod that provides randomly generated content, but only and only if borderless Cyrodill is active. I may be spoiled rotten, but sometimes Cyrodill feels a bit... small. Such a mod might give people an idea of what to expect in the upcoming Tamriel MMO. Third, and last: there's a race-mod "Sirens and tritons". There is, as far as I know, one suitable house on TES Nexus for mermaids and mermen, but no underwater adventure. Working title "Swimming With The Fishes" is probably not a good idea. BTW: did you notice that Samsung plans to produce foldable screens? Computers obviously do not work in Oblivion (totally lore unfriendly), but talking scrolls might pass..
  9. Hi! I'm still new to Oblivion. My best char so far was a level 15 Dunmer, which I accidentally deleted (a bit too much cleaning up load & save)... Regardless, Oblivion is still the only I play. Since I've discovered mods, barely a month ago, I think, I've found searching and adding mods very addictive. But there's always something left out.. (why hasn't anyone done that already?) As you get accustomed to the game, or perhaps when you grow as gamer, you want more - enter mods. I noticed many people here have requested a playable centaur race. My modding skills are zero, but I think I recognize how hard it would be to make such a race. If you accept a human with four prosthetic limbs, voilĂ ! you'll have your centaur in no-time. I imagine though the centaur would continually hit its head, in the IC prisons alone. So, if you want more, their appearance should resemble the way they're usually portrayed, and have them running around Tamriel the way they're supposed to, you, like me, will have no trouble identifying this as an Oblivion overhaul and not just some race mod. But still... Having said all that, I'd like to request a BIG mod. It struck me, when browsing for mods, how many people want to a "develop" land on the Gold Coast, around Anvil. The area, however, is limited. I propose, therefore, that Anvil is moved. You'll get a city, more to the east, and a separate port / harbor. Cyrodill, as far as one can tell from the maps, feels like a bridge between two continents. In my view, such a land, relatively wealthy, stable, should attract ships, all sorts of people and trading companies from here to Tokyo. Yet in Oblivion only two ships have anchored in Anvil Port: a ghost ship and sheep smugglers. That just will not do! So there..
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