Hi! I'm still new to Oblivion. My best char so far was a level 15 Dunmer, which I accidentally deleted (a bit too much cleaning up load & save)... Regardless, Oblivion is still the only I play. Since I've discovered mods, barely a month ago, I think, I've found searching and adding mods very addictive. But there's always something left out.. (why hasn't anyone done that already?) As you get accustomed to the game, or perhaps when you grow as gamer, you want more - enter mods. I noticed many people here have requested a playable centaur race. My modding skills are zero, but I think I recognize how hard it would be to make such a race. If you accept a human with four prosthetic limbs, voilĂ ! you'll have your centaur in no-time. I imagine though the centaur would continually hit its head, in the IC prisons alone. So, if you want more, their appearance should resemble the way they're usually portrayed, and have them running around Tamriel the way they're supposed to, you, like me, will have no trouble identifying this as an Oblivion overhaul and not just some race mod. But still... Having said all that, I'd like to request a BIG mod. It struck me, when browsing for mods, how many people want to a "develop" land on the Gold Coast, around Anvil. The area, however, is limited. I propose, therefore, that Anvil is moved. You'll get a city, more to the east, and a separate port / harbor. Cyrodill, as far as one can tell from the maps, feels like a bridge between two continents. In my view, such a land, relatively wealthy, stable, should attract ships, all sorts of people and trading companies from here to Tokyo. Yet in Oblivion only two ships have anchored in Anvil Port: a ghost ship and sheep smugglers. That just will not do! So there..