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Nexus Mods Profile

About Scorana

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I saw that but the elevator i wanted to add was'nt in there. maybe it's just ingame specific for the workshop? i've tried some of the other packin elevators but i cant seem to get those working either ^^
  2. Hi all. im trying to incorporate the industrial styled elevator that came with the workshop dlc, into a mod but i cant seem to get the object to actually work. Would appreciate some advice. It seems the elevator wont do anything as it seems to be missing buttons?
  3. Thanks for all the answers, i seem to have gotten hang of things for now. ihave another issue tho, is there away to "mirror" objects? :smile:
  4. Hi all im a bit new to the CK but i got mos tof the basics down, there is one thing that irks me tho and that is if it's possible to snap object placed in the ck, together, eith building peices ect. In a similiar way that you do it ingame?
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