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Everything posted by senny135

  1. Thanks for the advice! I disabled autosaving, deleted the tmp files and now it seems that i can fast travel and wait, but the saving problem persists. I also reinstalled the game and disabled all my mods.
  2. I don't have any .bak files. Here is a screen of my save folder. http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag42/senny135/savescreen_zps1e15c001.png
  3. Hey, While I was reinstalling Skyrim I screwed up my characters irreparably by misplacing some of the save files. Although I can load a savegame, whenever the loading screen pops up ( when waiting, fast travelling, sleeping) the game crashes to desktop. I know it may sound stupid, but is there a way I could maybe clone my character ( along with stats, skills, quest progress etc.) into a new game?Or is there an alternative? I have tried every solution I could dig up, but none seemed to work and it would be shame to have wasted all those hours I put into my chars. :(
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