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Everything posted by YobaEhidniy

  1. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rlu6A1WwmzkBR14U2fo-x3SvN5SU-bfq I have recently started ds1, and, although my current playthrough goes with normal swords, what i saw as the ingame tachi-like saber just hurts to look at, both as a goddamn weeb and as a blade geek. Is there any re-shape mod, or a mod that just straight up replaces the ingame nonsence with a proper-shaped katana model? Maybe the one that replaces it with katana/tachi from Sekiro SDT?
  2. I've been searching for this mod for the past several hours, and haven't found it, yet, the idea seems so obvious to me that i simply can't believe noone have made such a modification. Have anyone ever seen anything like this, or am i the only war criminal in calradia? If so, i, like, really want such a mod, and, i believe, such tweak won't be a problem for someone who knows a bit about M&B scripts (I, thought, can be terribly wrong, m&b scripts weren't easy or logical for warband).
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