hey guys. ya that video is much better. its the golden moon armor (Gold version)which is actually a stronger version of the silver one. I just like the look of the silver helmet better. We all have our own opinion. but maybe you can see the armor better on that. Thanx for all the hard work again. I know i say that alot but all the atta boys really help, don't they? ahahaha. You guys ever rock monster hunter before. that game def. shows people if they are good at video games or not. Its not for the feint of heart. I bet you would really like it. Lots of work, but when you kill monsters you carve them up to make armor and weapons. Its killer. Each monster is massive and takes about an hour to kill though and you usually have to kill them at least twice to make what you want. Big following in Japan, but didnt really take off to much here. except for the dumbed down version on the wii which puts monster hunter to shame. super easy, but of course its wii, i should have known. Anyway im blabbing. thanx again guys.