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Think I suggested this somewhere before but I don't think it ever got legs. I was very disappointed in the way that the Silverhand (ANTI-werewolf) faction was set up and portrayed in Skyrim. This group, which would oppose werewolves on sight, was not used properly. In fact, they are set way out in the wilderness at an unmarked location and are hostile the moment you walk upon them. Kinda odd... because it seems to me things should be the other way around. The Companions (which are like the Fighters Guild) are based in Whiterun... Seems to me that turning into a werewolf isn't exactly a honored thing... but regular skyrim folk would fear it (assumng the even believed). Back in Morrowind, there were some factions that if you joined one... another one would refuse to take you in if you had a reputation with their enemy. Why not fix some things here in Skyrim in regards to this? Make the Silver Hand to be the Official Werewolf hunting Faction... and if you join the Companions and become a werewolf... somehow they discover it and become your enemy from then on. This might take some AI reworking as they would not want to attack you in the middle of day in the city... but stalk you down and wait for that moment you go into werewolf mode maybe. I Dunno.... but it does seem like this was something they were going to do... but for whatever reason failed to finish, implement, or reap from. It can be done as easily as ... Whichever you join first.... you cannot join the other. And the other becomes your enemy or has a negative disposition towards you thereafter. Companions can be based in Whiterun... Silver Hand maybe based in either Winterhold or one of the other Lore-relevant cities out there. Perhaps, this would really be great for the TES Arena Cities Mod ? Someone know the author... get him to add SilverHand recruiting offices in some of those towns. Just make sure to fix the allegiances to the ones already present in the game based on the player joining the faction. Siver hand seems like more of a "Good" faction... who look for werewolves in general.. Maybe they got their suspicions about the Companions? Either way... surprised this has not been fully explored
Something occurs on the outside of it... I have solved the game... I got a handful of quests left.. the "find a book" quest from the orc in the library sent me here and it crashes when I get too close.. from the crabby shack or any other angle. I tried using TLC and flying to it and saw a standing bear that skates... crashed as I got close to that. I used to have monster mod installed but I have waited a long time in a cell before trying to go near this. Even tried a save game cleaner... etc... I've no clue what is causing this ctd its very annoying. going to try what the last guy suggested
Here is a simple mod idea for someone. Simple in idea for the most part with maybe just one catch. Summary: I think it's odd how most of the Orc Soldiers in the Orc Strongholds around Skryim do not even use their own Orc weapons and/or armor. The Chiefs sometimes do, such as Yamarz (the one that has to fight the giant), but for the most part they are all decked out in either steel, fur, leather, or something that just ain't "orc gear". LORE: Here these Orcs are, on their own, with their own smelters, grindstones, forges, and sometimes mines for the ore... and yet, they use the same gear as humans do. This has to be fixed. Only Yamarz, has a full set of Orc gear... and I'm not even sure if his weapon is orchish or steel (can't recall at this moment). Proposed Mod will do the following: Replace all normal orc warriors (at the strongholds) with full sets of Orc gear. Armor and weapons. Right down to the arrow type. i.e Orchish arrows Some orcs, like the women forgers, priestesses, shamans, or whatever should probably not be changed. Just the soldiers that already have gear on. if it's a soldier with gear, change that stuff to orc gear.... Search each member of the stronghold and replace all swords, daggers, axes, bows, arrows, and armor to Orcish made gear. The hard part is, some of the "loot chests" may have to be changed to reflect orc gear too. I think it would be highly unlikely to be able to find any steel or iron weapons or gear at an Orc Stronghold... so why have that kind of loot showing up randomly? Perhaps a special "orc random loot chest" to replace those present at the stronghold so those chests will only contain orc-related items randomly for those respawnable chests. Furthermore, if an Orc Stronghold has an enchanter (not all do), only those strongholds should have soldiers with the occasional enchantment. Figure out which type of enchantment an Orc is most likely to use rather than random enchantments or something that might put them out of balance (don't want to overdo it). Not sure if there is a light armor for orc armor or not (vanilla-wise)... but I thought there was special gear for Orc Chiefs... like a Chief Helm? Anyways... I think this idea would help make the Orc Strongholds more Lore-friendly and more in place than being out of place. Someone could also go further... with the exception of at least one stronghold (that has a mine), selling the other ingredients that is otherwise unatainable at the stronghold would probably be more in demand for a price. i.e iron ore would do well being sold at a stronghold if making the orc gear required an iron ingot to go woth the orchilium ore Anyways... just a thought.
Rather than dive into modding (which I don't have time to do) I make a request for a special mod for Hearthfire homes (all 3). It seems to me there are too many smelters/anvils/grinders able to be placed all over a Hearthfire home. How about making taking some of those (like the outside grinders and the ones in the basement) and allowing for the option of something else? * For example an outside Smelter can be a "hot bath spa" (no bigger than the smelter itself). * The weapon grinder outside can also be an optional "Archery target" (really, this is where archery targets should be.. not inside a house) * workbench can become something else. Basically it would play out like this... when you are at the crafting bench you will see two options "(A) Smelter (B) Hot Bath, (A) Grinder (B) Archery Target , (A) Workbench (B) whatever else would go well outside the home in place of the bench Once one of these is made the other option vanishes as well from the list. ---- Inside the house I got two ideas for changes I think would be better. Either one would probably make the house mods a bit more interesting. Personally, I think the basement is the perfect place for any smelters, grinders, and workbenches. Having an additional "armory" room almost seems needless. Why not do away with the "armory" and instead add a "Bathhouse" as one of the three options? Either that our do the same for the basement as I suggest for the outside of the house. Basement could have two options for development: 1) Weapons/armor creation room with plenty of plaques or 2) a bathhouse/pleasure area for people who want to immerse. This would leave out the religious shrines OR perhaps those could be moved to the "armory" wing and have it called a "Shrine wing". THAT would fit in more with the family idea of a house. One final idea or thought... perhaps some of the "wing options" can be swapped around a little. Since there are three wings with three options each... and you can only make one wing at a time, why not allow the drafting board more choices for each wing thereafter by allowing the possibilities remaining ? A Bedroom wing, a kitchen wing, and a ... "hottub wing" (or shrine wing) What I am requesting is for some mod-making genius to figure out a way to allow a few more options to the houses of hearthfire. Something that can stay LORE-friendly as possible but also set an example of what you can do better than bethesda did. My family house is near Falkreath and has bedrooms (kids), storage room, and kitchen. I use an alchemy house near Morthal (swamp area) that has the alchemy, inside garden, and library The other house I have has the enchanter, trophy room, and armory Of course all houses have the smelters n stuff in the basement. Kind of a waste for the shrines (NPC's actually do kneel in front of them when idling, and they don't go into the basement unless u take them) be nice to be able to mix n match more options to the houses. Someone could experiement by making a FOURTH house somewhere in the game for testing all this.... if someone can do this, make a "sprial staircase" to the basement instead of a new cell so that NPC's (housecarls, wives, kids, or stewards) can wander down there to the hottubs or shrines or whatever.
Yeah... but I do want to stress this idea is aimed at artifacts and such that the player has already found but simply misplaced. Now with so many house mods... this becomes more necessary than before. :D
Last week I came up with a mod idea and was unsuccessful due to some computer issues and also (shamefully) a lack of talent using the CK. :( Proposed name: Daedric Artifact Sniffing Dog What would it do?: NPC owned dog goes with the player to find Daedric artifacts that the player already previously found during a quest. i.e The Ebony Blade, Necromancer's Amulet (yes I'll include that one since it's as rare), Mehrunes Razor, Mace of Molag Bal, etc. Why?: Some players like myself like to hang weapons up. Especially some particularly heavy ones such as the "Ebony Blade". It is that particular weapon that has the most problems. One, it does not show in inventory like other enchanted weapons and a lot of times can be accidentily sold to NPC's. Two, sometimes when placed on a weapon/shield mount it can "vanish" from sight or be kicked across the room to a corner somewhere. Three, some players may drop it because the name looks similar to "Ebony Sword" and with a weight considertion the name can sometimes be overlooked thus causing it to be "lost". More: Seaching for this blade via console is impossible to get an actual location. Some other rare Daedric artifacts may also not reveal their location via console. Thus a new way to "find it" may work. Here's hoping this works. How would this work?: I was going to place an Orc NPC in the Markarth Warrens (in the caved in cubby hole located a door or two down from where Garvey stands). This deshelved orc with no shirt on, was going to be standing there with his mutt, a "daedric artifact sniffing dog", and do nothing else but wonder how in the heck you, the player, could lose such an important item (no matter which one it was). In the end, this orc will, for a fee of gold, will lend you his dog to go find that lost artifact. You really don't need the dog, its there for asthetic reasoning, but the big point here is that the artifact in question would now have a "map marker" attached to its location. You fast-travel to that spot (escorting the mutt), find your artifact (of if it is unfindable perhaps the dog can get near the marker and resolve the quest) and then escort the dog back to the orc. The orc will give you a potion of memory improvement (a joke, it can be a healing potion + stamina + magica or something) and will take the second half of the payment. If the artifact was unrecoverable by yourself, here is where the Orc will give it to you (newly created).[/b] Rules of the artifacts: ONLY those Daedric (or rare) Artifacts in which you already were awarded can be asked about in the Orc's dialogue. For example if you have previously found the Mace of Molag Bal or the Ring of Namira, or of course the most often lost weapon; The Ebony Blade, the orc's dialogue will reflect all of those choices and ask you "which item did you misplace?" If you have the item ON you, he'll say something sarcastic and still ask for payment. :P If the item is elsewhere in the game (such a NPC Merchant, Follower, weapon/evidence chest, dungeon floor, etc) then the quest to escort the dog to the spot shall begin. Closing: I think this would be a brilliant and popular mod idea and was going to do it but realized this would take some scripting and time. Ideas I planned on referencing were the "Escort Barbas quest" "Find a book for Shurbaz quest", and any other that makes use of map markers. btw, I really need this one to be finished (cough) ... I lost my ebony blade (recently) in game and dont want to spend more time looking for it since the lost was recent. heh
Skyrim Stuttering. Can't figure it out.
PestMastah replied to Ajanti514's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
You dont have Skyrim.URWL mod do you? The lighting mod? Or did you add a bunch of textures (no esps) like the ENB system or realvision? or ELFX ? changing the way shadows and light works can overload sometimes ... WHEN you update a bunch of other texture files. I recently had to lower my gfx settings after installing some new textures. Before that I had to remove some textures (manually!) by going thru directory -directory comparison to see what one added. Removed tons of textures and things improved. Well.. at least it doesnt stutter like a strobe light in the Bee & Barb anymore -
Hi, I'm about to embark on my first mod for Skyrim. It's just for myself unless of course I can find a way to get permission from the each one of the various authors/artists that did the mods which I want to combine. I have some questions I was hoping to get some answers for but first let me explain what it is that I want to accomplish and maybe someone can help in a more specific way that can save me some time. I'll explain (with links to the author's mods on Nexus, if that's okay?) by sayng basically, I want to take the clothing (meshes/textures) from the following mods, put them all into Radiant Raiments for sale. Then maybe adjust some things like "value" (that's for AFT purposes -- companions/spouses won't wear something lower value than their stock clothes) or even weight sliders for use with TBBP. Mostly this a private effort to cleanup the loose mods that add something either a town or a forge which could and sometimes does conflict with other mods that add buildings. Each mod/link has a brief explanation. Sweet and Sexy Lingerie Shop CBBE by Nikitaa That mod adds a CBBE set of lingerie to the game which is sold at the author's made store in Solitude. The store itself could cause problems with other mods by where it is especially if there is a Solitude-redone mod. I like some of the clothing and use it for my companion's house wear or town outfits. That being said, I want to use a few pieces but would rather put those at Radiant Raiment's for access than where its at currently. Don't get me wrong, the author did a fantastic job with the building.... its just that I'd rather relocate the goods. amk Border Lace Lingerie CBBEv3M and UNP by amesake This is a one piece outfit that does not wear underneath armor. It's great for giving a spouse a home outfit that she can wear inside (I use AFT to force that issue). It's found in a chest near the wall in Whiterun behind the smelter. I would love to take it from that chest and put it into Radiant Raiments so I can get rid of the chest for the purposes of adding another Whiterun touchup mod which I think will conflict with it (and the next mod as well). R18Pn 08 - Lingerie Set for CBBE or 7BSeveNBase UNP by NPR This mod adds some very nice lingerie inside a barrell around the forge in Whiterun. Same location as above mentioned lingerie and just five or six feet from that one's storage chest! These two mods almost conflicted. This is nice stuff because it fits over the following lingerie mod without forcing any of it off (great for an alchemy and smithing combo enchantment if you can do two per item). Lingerie Set -CBBE 3_2 By Nausicaa by Nausicaa Another great mod for lingerie this stuff can even be worn underneath armor (albeit some clipping sometimes occurs with certain sets). Great for making some "Victoria's Secret Sneak clothing" to be worn under the gear while sneaking around in dungeons, lol. Or like I mentioned above, more power for alchemy or smithing. --- If it only had silky lace gloves to go with them... It is craftable at the forge with gold ingots.... (insert sound of record being scratched by needle here) Look, I love the clothing but the thought of "hammering out a panty" at a forge... (facepalm) sigh. This needed to be made of silk and linens. Interestingly it's this last mod I mention on this list that got me thinking about creating a sewing animation or something and making things similar to what I saw in Oblivion. In that game there are spools of thread, bolts of silk, and even a weaving machine for making clothing. I'm thinking why not make my own clothing making mod that everyone can use? Lingerie for the most part is made of silk and those bolts of silk are already in Skyrim! Another fact is that linen is available (piles of it in dungeons. located around draugr, urns, and tables) so various creation combinations are possible. Some mods I've encountered use lavender as an ingredient to make a piece of armor! Interesting ideas. Setting up stores would be otherwise tricky if someone else's mod has something built there. So the only logical starting point would be Radiant Raiments since it is a clothing store and the clerk/NPCs already have the "act" down perfectly for that kind of merchant anyhow. But still this gives way to more modding ideas like sheep farms, or spider silk harvesting ( :blink: ) farms, around Skyrim which you all know might very well be put to use in a future mod. Even if its just for the illusion that it all somehow works. My questions are these: 1. What do I have to load in order to create a mod from scratch and lift the meshes/textures (of any mod) is it just Skyrim.esm? or the Update.esm or both? (remember I just want to add these things to Radiant Raiments and adjust them from there) 2. When I do figure it out.. and save. Will it create its own esp file? If so, does this mean any textures/meshes would be inside the esp file or would the mod still look for them in mesh/texture directories? Reason I ask that is that If I ever do make this and it works like a champ... I might want to consider uploading it to Nexus. However, I don't want to cheat anyone of their own glory and hard work. It would just be an *.esp file that requires the original mods from those authors I mentioned above. So they would still get their downloads/endorsements. My simple mod idea would just put their clothing into one location assuming a user downloads ALL of them and installs them all and just activates my .esp. 3. Is this idea okay? If not, then I'll just try and do the mod for myself only. 4. If it is okay, and someone gets all but one of the mods I list as a requirement (the above mentioned author's mods)... will the mod itself work without say a texture or two if someone skips out on one? Or will it cause a CTD? I don't want to be causing ctds. I go through plenty of those already. I hope someone can answer all my questions. Thanks in advance for reading.
I remember in Morrowind there was a mod that did this. S*** was getting "too real" with those mods. lol They used "muck" as...erm.. nvm. Heh
When you begin Skyrim you are given a choice to follow an Imperial or follow a Nord. Choosing either option opens different pathways for a secondary quest line (the civil war quest line) Although.. its not strictly kept as with some other games past... the option to choose a path should be explored a bit further. Going to Whiterun to warn the Yarl there about the Dragons you happen across a group of fighters called: "The Companions" Now, (not to ruin ANY subplot here) these guys are basically the Nord version of the old "Fighter's Guilds" that we have seen before in both Morrowind and Oblivion, with the obvious exception related to a certain special -something-something- (which I won't spoil)... (if you've joined the Companions you know what I mean. and you know their secret) Also, later on they reveal the guild's mortal enemy... "The Silverhand" I was thinking the other day... that somehow this could have easily been the other way around. One could have been persuaded to join the Silverhand guild and end up fighting Companion-related forts/lairs and their breathren. So why not merge the choice of OPTION into the mix? My mod idea is based on this idea: If player choose to follow the Imperial Guard at the begining... this opens up the door to join the Silverhands. SIlverhand would be based in Markarth (same city as the Silver-Bloods) and like the Companions they'll be outside (at night this time) killing a "you know what" (dont want to spoil it) during a bright moonlit night (cough) Both instances will still occur for the player... (the incident with the giant outside Whiterun will still occur the first time you show up .. unless...) The player outright joins the SilverHands first... it will cancel (quietly fail) the "Join the Companions" quest... (and vice-versa) If either guild is joined first... and their respective incidents... (the giant in front of whiterun.. and the "you know what" at night near Markarth) will not occur for the player. This mod will require careful management of both quest lines to ensure no companion quests suddenly pop up out of nowhere.... and to go further and to actually make Silverhands across the land suddenly "friendly" to the player upon joining. Its quite obvious what the Silverhand's quest lines would be... I dont have to say it. Kinda like the Stendarr Vigilants only they dont hunt Daedra... but "you know what" I hope someone does this mod idea... I think it should have already been in the game ... I realize it'll take some tweaking to get the companion quest to basically.. "be quiet" should the Silverhands be joined. But it might be worth it in the end.
TAUNTS I'd like someone to figure out how to script a mod whereas you could be looking at someone (with the aiming recepticle) and press a keystroke (anykey that isnt already assigned) causing your character to unleash a verbal taunt. Like if you are playing an Orc... you aim at someone , press the key, and you'll hear your hero actually speak (or if yer in 3rd person u'll see him speak!) and say something like... "You're nuthin'...." The result of this action... could raise the target's aggression towards you an inch or so... and lower his liking of you the same way. A lot of these taunts could cause him/her to get mad and attack you. Or maybe a guard would walk over and tell you to leave the area (crime of trespassing within 20 seconds) to add some realism so the power doesn't get abused too much.... Either way... even if you cannot cause the reaction of angering someone... in the very least it would be funny to add it in its simpilist form. You'd have to make sure the correct voice for the race you have is used ... (it wouldnt be cool if your female Imperial speaks like a male orc..... funny... but not cool.) CHEERS After kicking the crap out of a Draugr Lord last night with my Orc... As I was walking away, I really seriously had the desire to press a key somewhere that delivered the infamous orc line... "You're weak!...." Just for giggles. So if anyone has a way to add a "cheer" button which delivers a select choice of after-battle-taunts... (such as) "You need to pick up your trash..." or.. "Need something?" (as was said to me after I died once from a bandit chief) Heh.. Anyways... there's a couple ideas for you modders to play with
(Mainly for newbie Orcs who need ideas on how to beat certain Draugr lords) I was cruising through a Dragir dungeon last night trying to find the Alchemy Ring for some chick who said it was in there... (my Orc is mean as hell but somehow finds the time to help little old ladies recover their rings)... Since the dungeon for this quest can be random... it put the stupid ring into the one with the Dragir Lord who is "bound and sealed" with the writ... etc. Cant remember where this was... but I was kicking butt for a while until I met the big bad boss at the end.. dying like 8 times in a row. Nothing I tried seemed to work. the Boss kept shouting at me and knocking my mace or bow out of my hands... causing all sorts of chaos for me (and deaths) This was the cave where I fell into a hole and swam (I think) and so I had no choice but to go forward. As an Orc, I had Berserk, a power that cuts your damage by half, and deals 2x more. Also I had one more thing.. a scroll that sets undead on fire and makes them flee for 30 seconds. Turns out Its all I needed as my back was pretty much against the wall in this tomb... was nearly out of useful potions.......etc I had previously used the Berserk Power earlier (hitting z like a shout) so I had to wait 24 hours in sneak mode somewhere until it recharged... Then I went to face my enemy... that butthorn... that terrible Bonemeal-sniffing, skeever-petting, Dragir-stain that he is.... I prepared the scroll while in sneak mode (it takes like 10 seconds to get it to full power)... then you cast it like Billy Batson yells "Shazam" on the Big Bad Boss of the Dead..... and watch him run like Forest Gump from a school yard bully. Be sure to follow him into a dead end where he cant get past you... and then you hit "Z" to start the Berserk mode. Whip out the two hand Hammer of "Draugr butt-kicking" and begin wailing away like Ralphy did on top of the bully in the "Christmas Story" movie. I hope this helps a newbie or two... coz I sure could have used it 4 dungeons before this... I simply didnt realize I had it in me to go into "psycho orc-mode" until I was faced with no way out. Heh
Im a first time modder for Skyrim and am considering an idea.... I was wondering how I could set up a mod whereas a NPC's quest demand upon the player is that the player must have a blessing from ONE of the special stones (such as the Warrior stone, or the Thief stone) AND... if there is a way I can instruct the NPC quest giver to give the player something different depending on which of the blessings the player chooses... Basically... Im giving a reward to the player for getting a blessing from one of the stones that signifies what type of character he's leaning more towards. For example.. my NPC , a Khajit, will tell the player to go get one of these blessings and then talk to him again. If a player chooses the Warrior stone for example, the player will get a reward based on that choice. Thief stone will get a thief's reward, mage's stone will get mage one etc. Im trying to only limit this to just 3 basic prizes even though there are more than 3 stone choices... Any ideas?
Nexus Modmanager links not working.
PestMastah replied to Icec0ld4Skyrim's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I got issues here as well. I downloaded it for the first time today... and it had to auto download .NET framework 3.something... it did but whenever I try and run the Mod Manager it crashes instantly. Also trying to manually download a file from this site is impossible. It hangs up forever. -
You all know him.. you loved him in Morrowind.. he bought all your crap and had the gold to do it (10,000). He lived upstairs in an Orc's house.... http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/12/123595/1866149-thecreeper_thumb.jpg (The Creeper in his natural habitat, upstairs in the Orc's attic) Today's version would probably be a Falmor... since it has the same pointy ears and pale skin... Someone did an OB mod with him... but where Oh where is he in Skyrim? (hint hint.. cough cough)