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About anarchyisawayolife

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  1. Seriously we need this, its long overdue! we need an Arena fit for the bravest and strongest warriors, the most powerful mages, or the most lethal of assassins! Blood for Gold! Chant it to teh heavens, or atleast the modders!
  2. Author Lingwei said that it would be fine if someone started it up again so I'm challenging anyone with experience to finish that and make it badass! I would do this myself but I suck at modding.
  3. I have a simple request, change fur into something more barbarian esque, as a replacer. Kind of like how it is in Skyrim. Also would it be possible to change the vanilla Dwarven armor into something more like this http://www.crazyforcostumes.com/ProdImages/HNG-DIS189.jpg but with pants under the skirt. I only ask because this looks pretty decent, and a bit more robotic centurion like
  4. The energy weapons are huge and bulky and they would seem cooler if they were slim and maybe a little rounded would anyone agree? Not a request as of yet just a discussion on if this would be lore friendly and if endorsable, or maybe keep the vanilla's and adding them in as alternatives, for instance, you take a vanilla laser rifle to a work bench, use some tools, bing bang boom, its slim and sexy! What say you lords and ladies?
  5. how about a quest were you learn to forge weapons, like swords and other interesting weapons? You have to scavenge, mine, and chop wood. Also, you get abducted in a cave and wake up in a crazy scientists dungeon, he refers to himself as the D.M. ;) and the dungeon is filled with his custom "fantasy creatures" and merchants that he has captured, forced to sell his weapons and armor, which are, oddly enough, from fantasy style games *cough* oblivion *cough*. Also laser sword weaponry and "staffs" used to "cast" spells. He is the last boss and his weapon is his pet dragon, which is a mutated lizard with wings and the texture shows that. Seriously I mean that, or if that is not lore friendly enough a city added on possibly Washington or Seattle? Maybe both? One is a quest in a large burned out city ( Seattle) and then Washington gives us some nice lush forested area with more woods, like Honest Hearts did? And maybe some nice snow capped mountains! Sorry when I dream I tend to go big :biggrin:
  6. :thumbsup: I have been barking up this tree for a while now. I mean a shield that one can actually block with would be nice for a change, and melee combat would be more fun. technically the mechanics are there since the pc lifts his left arm to use the pip boy, so if you make it so that when the player uses the shield he lifts his arm and it covers the face but not enough for the character to not be able to see. Also, when the player goes for the pip boy if one does not want the readius or the 2500 ( they are hand held not wrist mounted) the shield is intergrated into the pip boy. how? the pip boy is on the opposite side of the wrist palm side up, and the shield is attached to the pip boy via strap. Hows that for a shield idea!
  7. I would like to see this and sad when I never found a mod that does this exact thing Kudos my friend, Kudos. :thumbsup: Maybe the PC could be the mayor :yes:
  8. I agree this would be a bold new step in increasing the replay value of new vegas more so if we can get a better play after ending mod.
  9. currently learning to mod but I still suck :P Was wondering if we could get more automatic pistols and maybe some more creative pistols, like a double barreled pistol or one you can turn into a sniper rifle or AR with a mod kit and change it at your own discretion. also A mod that allows to use your weapon to bash people would be nice but the down side would be that it gets damaged easier when using it to beat someone to death
  10. My pleasure! :biggrin: I would endorse that just as long as the reload animations and stuff are correct and awesome
  11. That would probably make this game crisper in a sense. I would love to see this, very creative :thumbsup: Borderlands but less goofy? SOLD!
  12. YES! Let it be so! I can lend my voice if need be and possibly idea's for weapons and armor. New worlds, new tech, I think the brotherhood would be up for something like that ;) oh my I'm getting excited just thinking about mars! I'm too nerdy for my own good :dance: :psyduck: :dance:
  13. Love tailor maid mod, use the plain one so its more for aesthetics, but I would love it if someone could add a mod that basically lets you add a duster that I guess would be in the back slot or shoulder or something and basically makes it cover any armor, so one can have custom duster styles! Face it like anyone has never wanted to have a duster to go over their metal armor or hell maybe even a slimmed down power armor with less DT but higher agility or maybe like no agility penalty, that one can wear a duster over! got the idea because of geonox's riot armor mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=38887 so yeah, if anyone can do that let me know! if that works maybe next we can get a riot shield mod ;) for the discerning psychopath Please and thank you far in advance!
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