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About Sk0rpio

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  1. I watched the tutorials but I have one question I hoped you could help me with. How can I install more than one mod than once, I mean installing them directly from the Winrar.
  2. So I've always used the Nexus Mod Manager to install\manage mods, but after all I've seen about Mod-Organizer and its true potential I would like to start using it. But the thing is that I've already installed about 200 mods or so with NMM, so how can I make them to be managed by MO and not by NMM? Apreciate all help :blush:
  3. I don't know why but my character doesn't do what I order, like when I try to mine a ore nothing happens, but later he teleports to the mine and starts mining, do you guys have any idea of what could be causing this?
  4. In this thread you can ask items so our modding team can incorporate them in the I.T.E.M. project- http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/759635-wip-item-mod/page__p__6226604__fromsearch__1#entry6226604 You can ask any type of items(weapons,food, armor, potions, etc...), if they are lore-friendly I'll definitly make them, even if they aren't I will give them a go. If you want to participate in the project, we are in need of: -Modellers -Texturers -Voice actors\actress -Graffic Artists
  5. Hi! I just wanted to know to add a background image to Blender 2.65, so I can guide to model with it. Thank's!
  6. Check out Heavy armory, it has quarter staffs in it: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21120
  7. That would be awsome, riding a steam loaded horse!
  8. I don't jknow either but I will try to make them functional! :thumbsup:
  9. Hi! I'm working with Blender 2.63 and I don't know how to add an image as a reference. :confused: Can someone help me?
  10. I personally would love that too, but the animations and scripts were very hard to make!
  11. Already have the dragon woodcuters axe, it was made by dfac364, one of I.T.E.M.'s moddelers.
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