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  1. Hey i was just wondering cause my game randomly crashes if there anything wrong with my wrye flash http://imgur.com/gallery/TS15VFh heres a pic of it on imbur Or do i have to many mods or somthing Active Mod Files:• 00 FalloutNV.esm • 01 DeadMoney.esm • 02 HonestHearts.esm • 03 OldWorldBlues.esm • 04 FCOMaster.esm • 05 LonesomeRoad.esm • 06 GunRunnersArsenal.esm • 07 CaravanPack.esm • 08 ClassicPack.esm • 09 MercenaryPack.esm • 0A TribalPack.esm • 0B Interior Lighting Overhaul - Core.esm [Version 6.6] • 0C MikotoBeauty.esm • 0D NVWillow.esp • 0E MikotoBeauty.esp • 0F 1CazyTestEsp.esp • 10 dD - Enhanced Blood Main NV.esp • 11 EVE FNV - ALL DLC.esp • 12 RCSS.esp • 13 NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp • 14 Readius_NV.esp • 15 ILO - Fallout New Vegas.esp [Version 6.6] • 16 ILO - Lonesome Road.esp [Version 1.1] • 17 ILO - Old World Blues.esp [Version 1.2] • 18 ILO - Dead Money.esp [Version 1.3] • 19 ILO - Honest Hearts.esp [Version 1.1] • 1A Mission Mojave - Ultimate Edition.esp [Version 10] • 1B WeaponModsExpanded.esp • 1C Centered 3rd Person Camera.esp • 1D Companion Sandbox Mode3.esp [Version 3.1] • 1E UnlimitedCompanions.esp • 1F A Better Cass.esp • 20 A Better Cass - Rearmed M1911.esp • ++ A Better Cass - Rearmed SG.esp • 21 delilah.esp • 22 FCO - GlowingOne.esp • ++ FCO - Mikoto Patch.esp • 23 FCO - Delilah.esp • 24 FCO - Willow (Cazy).esp • 25 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
  2. Hey i was just wondering cause my game randomly crashes if there anything wrong with my wrye flash http://imgur.com/gallery/TS15VFh heres a pic of it on imbur
  3. Hey i was just wondering cause my game randomly crashes if there anything wrong with my wrye flash http://imgur.com/gallery/TS15VFh heres a pic of it on imbur
  4. These are all my mods im runing and there load order only thing is missing is the FalloutNV.esm which is at the top above all of them i cant figure out why my game will crash randomly some times if i FT somewhere it crashes or when a mod activates somthing it will happen (like RCSS stealth when u crouch it will crash some times off thet or if i steath then go third person, or when and explosion goes off an eve makes it bigger it crashes these are just some of the examples) and some times it will just randomly crash. Can anyone help me figure out whats wrong with this my batch patch merged a few files togeither and nothing it showing up red so im at a lose. Heres a pastebine of it http://pastebin.com/UVaycpqE
  5. K thanks didnt know that will keep it in mind
  6. Mod was also updata since i downlaoded it maybe the modder fixed it
  7. Thanks tho to both of ya for helping me this far im still geting random crashes sadly and i tryed FNVAC but that thing just makes my game crash on FT im delete and redownlaod will and see if it changes to just and esp or just and esm I still dont know what causing these crashing even after following ever thing you said im might just be unlucky and my game cant handle mods for one reason or the other think imma keep messing with it for a little bit see if i can find somthing but thank you again for all the help
  8. Lol and in NMM it shows willows file above the FNV so imma just delete FMM and use Wyre Flash and NMM but it didnt show Willow were she was in Flash but it did show her above the FNV esm
  9. I use NMM for the most part downloading and installing my modes i was just told before that i need FMM to merg patch then i was told about wyre flash and batch patchs
  10. Also i should point out willow isnt moving in Wrye only in FMM
  11. It is FMM 0.13.21 and its the combine one for FO3 and FNV the game is located at G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas in my PC. Here is my mods folder G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout New Vegas\mods My pc specs are Windows 7 Pro Processor: AMD Phenom 2 X6 1055t Processor 2.81 GHz Ram: 8gb system type 64 bit Graphics Card:AMD Radeon R9 200 Series(280x) Mother board: Gigabyte 890GPA-UD3H
  12. So it seems like it might be random crahses again
  13. Ya i do but she keeps moving bot to mod inex 00 after i play the game idk if its cause the games crashing and resting it or somthing but she keeps moving back after i move here. also just ran another test the explosion werent it jumped back in fired of 2 greneds nothing happens and i ft 5 times back to back and 1 time to the Gun Runners which was crashing me before then to a NCR camp that was too and niether crashed me but then i tried to jump back to the gun runners to save cause i have a quest there then come tell you it was fixed when it crashed :( again
  14. Weird Think the EVE mod is giving me major problems this whole time i just got on FT and was fine but then tried to FT again but enemy were near by so i stop to fight them then used vats but it was super lagging (when the rest of the game is normaly runing 100+fps and vats dose not lag and keeps the frams as well as 0% on everty body part on someone out in the open (which might be the rifle accuracy mod) then exited vats heard an explosion and game crashed i had a problem a while back when i was just using NMM with explosion cause EVE makes the look and feel better were they would crash my game and that just happend again i think which is weird cause iv been testing it each time before I FT and crash and they havnt been crashing it in-till now. Also i move Willow down in Wyre but in FMM she moves back up to the top ahead of fallout nv after i launch the game http://pastebin.com/tea7fZcn
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