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Everything posted by henryetha

  1. Nvm that. It just says a lot about their personality. No use “discussing” with that kind of people.
  2. Simple: Because it can and will be abused, unless they manually verify them first. Those patches do require the paid mod, after all. Other than that, you'll have the legal issue, as Nexus has little (or no) control concerning permissions of these mods. And them being a “product”, this is a little different to other mods that are uploaded on a 3rd party site. I do? Which point exactly is it? And this is where you are fundamentally wrong. The implementation of paid mods already did harm the community. Treating them as normal, normalizes Bethesda's fancy business model. It's not even just the money issue, I already mentioned before. It's also the audacity, calling these mods “official content”. You won't believe, how many people are convinced, that these paid mods would be Bethesda content, and thus treat them superior to other mods, just because they are free. After years of work and support for free mods, this must be like a slap in the face.
  3. It's in the announcements, that links to paid mods are allowed. Maybe clarify if this includes links to their patches. Alternatively, seek out the creator of the paid mod, so they include the patch links in their mod's description.
  4. There is a difference. COTN and JK's are both free to use. The choice is ours from begin with, without having to first pay extra money in order to use one of those. When I choose not to use JK's, then it is because it's my choice, and not because of a paywall. Dawnguard is an official DLC by Bethesda. It's to be expected that it becomes supported. Same with other games I might not have bought. And tbh, I would gladly pay another €15~€25 for an official DLC like Dawnguard or Dragonborn. But starting on microtransactions on this old game? Bethesda milking the cow from content made by other people — not even by themselves? While relying on the free modding community to fix their bugs? (bugs that have been known for years!) This is something, I don't want and will not support.
  5. You can just host the patch elsewhere (GitHub, Google Drive, etc.), and link to it. No one is banning patches, you just need to upload them elsewhere. And honestly — I don't see why, as a premium user, I should pay for bandwidth used for content, I am locked out from (unless I would buy the creation). These mod authors chose to sell their product, so they should at least do so as professionals and actively provide support (and if it is only providing a platform where users can upload compatibility patches).
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