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About starwarssonic90

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  1. This is pretty much a copy/paste of my thread I made Here. Figured I'd post it here as well. I'd like to know if it's possible to make a mod menu for settings that are in a w2ent file, because I'd like to extend my Geralt Torch Radius Options mod to give the user more control over the radius in-game, along with other settings, like the color, brightness, etc...If it's possible how is it done? Thanks :smile:
  2. Hello. As I'm sure most of you know, patch 1.20 brought changes to the UI, one being the ability to place your own custom map markers, to go back later. There's a small problem with this. There's a limit of 10 custom markers you can place. I would like to see a mod that lets you set as many custom markers as you want to. I already found where to start, in line 45 of ...\The Witcher 3\content\content0\scripts\game\gui\menus\mapMenu.ws there's the otherPinLimit = 10; line. I tried making a mod and setting this value to 100. It worked somewhat, with the custom map marker limit being 20. So, there's another value somewhere that I cannot find, or something else that's stopping me. I'm using the latest patch - 1.22 If someone with more experience either make this mod, or help me out, that would be great. Thanks :smile:
  3. Just posting this to say that the 15 minute CTD is now fixed! I'd also like to thank repusDude for posting the link to the fix :)
  4. Thanks! I tried it out and it seemed to have fixed the 15 minute CTD (at least on the vanilla game) ran Skyrim for 30 minutes without any problems. I'm going to load my modded game and see if that's working
  5. Bump. I really need some help. I've just tried a new vanilla game, with both Ultra then Low settings. Both CTD after 15 minutes. So it's not any mods, or my .ini files, I even tried running TESV.exe and SkyrimLauncher.exe as administrator. I really do not know what's going on.
  6. Hello. I recently felt like getting back into Skyrim, but for some reason it's crashing to the desktop every 15 minutes. The CTD also happened on a unmodded, vanilla game, approximately the same amount of time as well. 15 minutesI got up to River wood (2 CTD's at this point) then begun installing mods, hoping that my CTD's were random. Turns out I was wrong.I did not leave River wood yet, I can run around and do whatever and it'll CTD at the 15 minute mark. I'm using MO, so here's the needed information from that Modlist: Loadorder:Plugins: I'll also include my Skyrim ini files.Skyrim.ini SkyrimPrefs.ini My system specs:CPU: Intel Core i7-4720HQ GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 965M with 2GB of VRAM (100% Sure i'm not using my Intel HD integrated graphics) 14GB of RAM OS: Windows 10 Home edition I'm using SKSE version 1.7.3 If any other information is required, i'll provide it.Any help would be appreciatedThanks :smile: Page loaded in: 2.539 seconds
  7. Hello. In Oblivion, I noticed this annoying orange fog effect in caves. I cannot find a mod or anything to get rid of the effect. It makes seeing what's up ahead near impossible, and it breaks the immersion. Here is the effect http://puu.sh/jj4dU/61fd3c7084.png Here is my mod list http://puu.sh/jj4m0/138bc9d7ac.txt and load order http://puu.sh/jj4oE/ac7b46c46d.txt The OBSE plugins I have installed are MenuQue, Blockhead, Pluggy, and Oblivion Stutter Remover. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks :smile:
  8. @EvilDeadAsh34 and @Quadrefoil You two said to do pretty much the same thing, so that's why I'm replaying to both of you at once :P What you said to do with the config files worked :) As far as I can tell Dark Souls 2 looks the same as it did (runs the same as well), but this time with the texture mods I am using. Thank you both for the help :)
  9. I'm not using GeDoSaTo with Skyrim. I'm using it with Dark Souls 2, thus being the reason why I made the topic here in the Dark Souls 2 section, and not Skyrim's section.
  10. Hello. I would like to know if it's possible to use GeDoSaTo's texture override function, and nothing else that is provided by the tool. All I want is to override the textures, no fancy graphical effects added by GeDoSaTo. I already tried editing the config files, but I am not 100% sure what to edit, or even if I'm editing the correct file. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
  11. Bump. I really need help with this. It's the same thing no matter where I launch the executable from. I really do not know what's going on with it. :/
  12. Hello. I recently saw that Gopher made a tutorial on how to get FNIS to work with Mod Organizer, and I thought I would try it out, and see if I like the mod. The problem is that I can not get the main executable to load. When I run the GenerateFNISforUsers executable through Mod Organizer, or via the executable itself, nothing happens (Well, if I run it through Mod Organizer, I see the normal "MO is locked while the executable is running" message, but that disappears after a few seconds) Running as admin does not help either. It's the same thing in safe mode as well I read the readme that comes with the FNIS download, and I saw that it requires Microsoft .NET 4.0 to be installed, I already had a newer version installed, but just to make sure it was not a .NET issue, I uninstalled the newer version, and installed 4.0, same problem. I have Mod Organizer installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer The GenerateFNISforUsers executable is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mod Organizer\mods\Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS\tools\GenerateFNIS_for_Users\GenerateFNISforUsers.exe This is the first time I tried running this executable, I never tired it before today. If anyone needs more information, let me know and I will provide it Any help is greatly appreciated Thanks :smile:
  13. That somewhat works. When I take the "Ebony Sword (Fine)" items out of a container, I do get "Ebony Sword (Fine) (2)", but as soon as I equip them, it de-groups again. And, in the favorite menu, I can only equip one Ebony Sword (Fine) at a time, even though I see Ebony Sword (Fine) (2) This is still not ideal, though :/ Any other ideas?
  14. Hello. One annoyance that I can not find a mod for, is keeping items "grouped" when you improve them at a forge. Like, if you decide to improve 2 ebony swords (for example) at a grind stone, they "de-group" in your inventory list. So, instead of having Ebony Sword (2), you now have 2 listings of Ebony Sword (Fine), which is annoying, especially for dual-wielding / favoriting. I would like to see a mod that changes the 2 listings of Ebony Sword (Fine) to Ebony Sword (Fine) (2) If there is a mod that already does this, please let me know. Thanks :smile:
  15. Hello, Nexus community. I have just completed the Dragonslayer quest. And, I cannot find Kharjo anywhere. I looked for him at the Throat of the world (after I spoke to Paarthurnax) Inside High Hrothgar and, at Dragonsreach. I do know that a follower cannot accompany you after you fly off with Odahviing. I was hoping to find Kharjo at Dragonsreach because, that would be logical. I would just use the console to summon Kharjo to me but, when I do that he has none of the equipment I gave him. I used this command: prid cd92d moveto player I also tried player.moveto cd92d but, that causes a endless loading screen for me. This is what Follower mods I have installed: UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul and, Better Stealth AI for Followers - No Torch while Sneaking. My mod load order has been set by BOSS. So, yeah. I need help in finding Kharjo. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks :smile:
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