Hello I've been trying to make a mod that I've wanted but haven't seen around yet so i thought I'd take a stab at the creation kit. One thing that has bothered me is the difference between 1st person semi auto animated "visual" recoil and a full auto recoil.I can't for the life of me understand why a hair trigger version scope kicks like a mule but you make it full auto and it kick straight back into your shoulder allowing you to keep your sights on target while firing quickly. Links to screenshots showing what I mean. http://imgur.com/a/8iHQ2 Using the pipe gun as an example, you can see when shot semiauto with or without a reflex it does this weird down-leftward kick and throws the iron sights way off vs full auto which kicks it mostly backwards allowing you to stay on target. This really doesn't make sense to me as if fire an full auto version tap firing as if it's semi auto it kicks differently. What I'm trying to do, and if it isn't really possible w/geck alone let me know, I want semi auto versions of guns to use their full auto 1st person recoil versions, while still counting as a semi auto gun gameplay wise and for their respective Rifleman/Gunslinger perks and other similar bonuses and not Commando/fullauto bonuses. Does the automatic animation have a tag/keyword I should be looking for? Is it easy to just switch out and I just haven't seen it? Is the full auto visual recoil linked to the automatic tag and automatic mods/guns and I just really touch it? If this is really a mod request I guess it might be but I'm trying to learn myself but I just dont know where to start.