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Nexus Mods Profile

About HorrorMortar

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I really miss the density of the tiles. I want my screen to show me the thumbnail, the title, and a bit of the description. Downloads and endorsements too in the little icons below. And then go on to the next one. I don't believe it's rocket science. When I check the front page, I want to see a good amount of trending mods. Front and center. Like 8 of them. Nice tiles, kinda like how it used to be. When there are two big ones and three small ones, it FEELS like there aren't a lot of mods. With the search, having it so it makes a list of the things you're searching for was great. Why is it full screen? I do not want to have to search for all of the other s#*! and sift through different categories to see what I want. Stop showing me collections. Please, just stop. There should be a separate area altogether for them like how they used to be. I consider modding a deeply personal project, which is added upon in waves of motivation. Please let us have personal "views" to toggle these categories on and off. Christ. Probably going to rescind my Premium until my suggestions are taken into account. - No full screen search. If I want to browse, then a full screen is cool. I want to find a mod QUICK. Show me the MODS. - Front page makes it feel like there are no mods. Like at all. Going from high density (6 - 8 "trending" mods in that slideshow view) front page to 2 big tiles and three small tiles and a whole bunch of unrelated s#*! below sucks and it feels like there are less mods. Having to go and manually set the filter for 30 days when there used to be a button for top monthly mods is annoying. - Please let us customize our views. I do not want to look at pictures. I do not want to look at videos. I do not want to EVEN TOUCH collections with a ten foot pole. This is a mod delivery system, not a huge community. Stop branching out in that direction, ugh. If this keeps up then other competitors are going to surge in popularity. :(
  2. What it says in the title, honestly. I'm completely green to modding Skyrim SE and I can't figure out how the quest-reward is cobbled together in that damn urn. After installing a suite of mods that allow me to blow my gold at faster rates than usual (No fast travel w/increased rates, supply and demand, more expensive houses, etc), I found the fact that you only get twenty thousand gold from killing the Emperor of Tamriel to be a bit underwhelming. As an assassin that decapitates the Emperor of Tamriel, I should be paid accordingly. I know it's probably one single line of code woven into the Creation Kit somewhere dictating where to find that string'o'gold, yet I don't have the experience to weed it out. Any pointers where to find it, and I'll reward you with a "hey thanks man". If you decide to make it a mod, consider it endorsed by me!
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