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Nexus Mods Profile

About Fapujo

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  1. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10277 Have you tried these? There are some great-looking armors to use.
  2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15501 I think this is what you want.
  3. I have rather bad graphic card (technically, it's too bad for Skyrim but whatever). Are there any ENBs than have chances to work?
  4. I have an idea for a mod. I didn't like that every dog in Skyrim is an Irish Wolfhound so I was thinking about retexturing/remodeling to make some dogs unique. I've seen mods retexturing dog fur or changing models to Husky-coloured wolves, but I though of making each unique dog different. It would be nice to see Meeko, Viligance as some different, unique breeds or Barbas like his previous games appearances.
  5. Oblivion was also my first TES game. I can see many better things in Skyrim. I definitely like the world much more, but compared to Oblivion, Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild quests were rather poor, especially Dark Brotherhood. I must admit that DB questline in Oblivion was epic win and one of the best game quests I ever played, if not the best.
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