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  1. i eventualy gave up and removed all texture mods and rebuilt the lod gen...SURE WISH WINDOWS 11 DIDNT BRICK SEVEN DIFFRENT MODS I LOVED NOW
  2. tried turning off cloud shadows no dice and resorting load order by name instead of priorty
  3. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044565180/screenshot/2052002753547487486/ load order its this tends to happen when i use NMC/ojo something goes wrong with lod textures 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 11 b Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm 12 c NavmeshOverhaul.esm 13 d Uncut Wasteland.esm 14 e Misc Gameplay Merge.esm 15 f Simple Open Freeside.esm 16 10 Vanilla Enhancements.esm 17 11 YUPNavmeshPatch.esm 18 12 DMT _Dead Money Tweaks_.esm 19 13 TLD_Travelers.esm 20 14 LessEmptyPrimm.esp 21 15 Simple Open Strip.esm 22 16 Improved Sink.esm 23 17 HiddenValleyOverhauled.esm 24 18 ChainGang.esm 25 19 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 26 1a Cyberware.esm 27 1b Yes I Would Actually.esm 28 1c Afterschool Special.esm 29 1d PHWHPAPVisuals.esm 30 1e Decrucifixion.esm 31 1f Five-Card Ante.esm 32 20 Better Character Creation.esm 33 21 Functional Post Game Ending Lite.esm 34 22 IntimacyOverhaul_v1.0.esm 35 23 Sortomatic.esm 36 24 STRobot-Core.esm 37 25 Helmet Overlay.esm 38 26 YouGoToMyHeadQuest.esp 39 27 WMVM.esm 40 28 Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp 41 29 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp 42 2a Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp 43 2b MoreChems.esp 44 2c FNV Better Messages Plus.esp 45 2d JSawyer Ultimate.esp 46 2e NVNovacApartament.esp 47 2f Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp 48 30 ArMOAR JH Armor.esp 49 31 avangraffscorned.esp 50 32 DMT Master Patch.esp 51 33 B42Descriptions.esp 52 34 Little More Lamplight.esp 53 35 B42Inertia.esp 54 36 BooneImprovedQuestRewards.esp 55 37 PAVE_NV.esp 56 38 CASM.esp 57 39 Counterfeit NCR Dogtag 1 to 1.esp 58 3a CPI Icons.esp 59 3b Enhanced Item Info.esp 60 3c Enhanced Vision.esp 61 3d JSawyer Ultimate - Push's Tweaks.esp 62 3e Famine.esp 63 3f Famine - Flora.esp 64 40 Food Effect Tweaks.esp 65 41 Forgotten Millenia.esp 66 42 Boacombat2glove.esp 67 43 Heartache By the Number Fix.esp 68 44 Immersive Primary Needs.esp 69 45 JSawyer Ultimate - Menu Stimpak Variants.esp 70 46 kochandbohr.esp 71 47 MaskRemoval.esp 72 48 boa ncrpahelmet.esp 73 49 NPCsSprint.esp 74 4a NVMIM.esp 75 4b Pacersgambit.esp 76 4c Real Recoil.esp 77 4d Real Recoil Tweaks.esp 78 4e Player Combat Priority.esp 79 4f Quick Grenade Hotkey.esp 80 50 Roberts_NewVegas.esp 81 51 Simple Explosive Entry.esp 82 52 STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp 83 53 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp 84 54 Ammosmith.esp 85 55 Miscellaneous Tweaks.esp 86 56 DLC Enhancements.esp 87 57 Vanilla Enhancements - JSawyer Ultimate Push Tweaks Patch.esp 88 58 NarrativeExpansion01-Interface.esp 89 59 Follower Tweaks.esp 90 5a JustAssortedMods.esp 91 5b NarrativeExpansion02-LoadScreen.esp 92 5c The Weapon Mod Menu.esp 93 5d Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp 94 5e Universal Item Sorter.esp 95 5f V87UncleLeo.esp 96 60 Vanilla UI Plus.esp 97 61 VeronicaRobeReplacer.esp 98 62 Viva Nude Vegas.esp 99 63 VK_DesertKunoichi.esp100 64 VK_NevadaCowgirl.esp101 65 VNudeV - DLC Doors Patch.esp102 66 Wild Wasteland YCS Fix.esp103 67 XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp104 68 EVEM - JSUE Patch.esp105 69 Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp106 6a DNWeathers.esp107 6b Street Light Corrections.esp108 6c STRobot-Companion.esp109 6d SU-NV Microwave Blaster.esp110 6e EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp111 6f Mojave Arsenal.esp112 70 rotfacetoriches.esp113 71 Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged - Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp114 72 STRobot-VoicePack.esp115 73 Better Brotherhood.esp116 74 athornysituation.esp117 75 Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp118 76 DelayDLCRedux.esp119 77 awilderwasteland.esp120 78 SU-NV The March West.esp121 79 Decrucifixion.esp122 7a SU-NV Little Dead Riding Hood Enabler.esp123 7b NukaCola-Ojo.esp124 7c Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp125 7d SU-NV WSFITS Enabler.esp126 7e MFC to APC SchematicV1.1.esp127 7f SaveCass.esp128 80 VulpineRace.esp129 81 SNekdog.esp130 82 VulpineNPCs.esp131 83 VulpineRace-Companions.esp132 84 The Living Desert - EVEM Patch.esp133 85 Strip Lights Region Fix - Uncut Wasteland.esp134 86 Cloud Shadows.esp135 87 Interior Rain.esp136 88 EVEM - Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp137 89 BigBoomerRelocated.esp138 8a The Living Desert - Strip Lights Region Fix Patch.esp139 8b Titans of The New West.esp140 8c Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JAM.esp141 8d Misc Gameplay Merge - JSUE Patch.esp142 8e Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp143 8f CC - Rain.esp144 90 SimpleDiseases.esp145 91 JustVanillaSprint.esp146 92 Titans of The New West - Power Armor Sprint JVS.esp147 93 Repair Tools.esp148 94 Alternative Repairing.esp149 95 CyberJAM.esp150 96 Cyberware OWB.esp151 97 VK_VGExtraIcons.esp152 98 FNVLODGen.esp153 99 tmzLODadditions.esp154 9a Strip Lights Region Fix.esp
  4. now thit is probbly a really stupid idea lol but i turned off the log gen mods wtich fixed the long distance textures but its prorbbly gona cause problems down the line
  5. at this rate i should just take out NMC and any other texture mods....resorting load order by prioty fixed the patch sheetmetal moutins but there still a few werid blurry lookin things in distant,and yea i am useing loot along side mo2 built in sorter
  6. anything lod related mod came from Viva new vegas and what you mean esp list for lod generation?
  7. sorry about no screenshots i couldnt get the file to upload,but this only happens with distant textures when i approch they look normal rearnaging it fixed another issue i was having thankfully but still having LOD issues,ive rerun the gen and no dice
  8. file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Steam/userdata/84299452/760/remote/22380/screenshots/20230523172330_1.jpg 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a Afterschool Special.esm 11 b Better Character Creation.esm 12 c ChainGang.esm 13 d Decrucifixion.esm 14 e DMT _Dead Money Tweaks_.esm 15 f Functional Post Game Ending Lite.esm 16 10 Helmet Overlay.esm 17 11 Improved Sink.esm 18 12 IntimacyOverhaul_v1.0.esm 19 13 LessEmptyPrimm.esp 20 14 PHWHPAPVisuals.esm 21 15 Simple Open Freeside.esm 22 16 Simple Open Strip.esm 23 17 Sortomatic.esm 24 18 STRobot-Core.esm 25 19 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 26 1a TLD_Travelers.esm 27 1b Uncut Wasteland.esm 28 1c Vanilla Enhancements.esm 29 1d WMVM.esm 30 1e YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 31 1f ArMOAR JH Armor.esp 32 20 athornysituation.esp 33 21 Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp 34 22 avangraffscorned.esp 35 23 awilderwasteland.esp 36 24 B42Descriptions.esp 37 25 B42Inertia.esp 38 26 BigBoomerRelocated.esp 39 27 boa ncrpahelmet.esp 40 28 Boacombat2glove.esp 41 29 BooneImprovedQuestRewards.esp 42 2a CASM.esp 43 2b Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp 44 2c Counterfeit NCR Dogtag 1 to 1.esp 45 2d CPI Icons.esp 46 2e Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp 47 2f Decrucifixion.esp 48 30 DelayDLCRedux.esp 49 31 DelayDLCReduxPOPP.esp 50 32 DLC Enhancements.esp 51 33 DMT Master Patch.esp 52 34 EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp 53 35 Enhanced Item Info.esp 54 36 Enhanced Vision.esp 55 37 Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp 56 38 Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged - Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp 57 39 Famine - Flora.esp 58 3a Famine.esp 59 3b FNV Better Messages Plus.esp 60 3c FNVLODGen.esp 61 3d Follower Tweaks.esp 62 3e Food Effect Tweaks.esp 63 3f Forgotten Millenia.esp 64 40 Heartache By the Number Fix.esp 65 41 Immersive Primary Needs.esp 66 42 JSawyer Ultimate - Menu Stimpak Variants.esp 67 43 JSawyer Ultimate - Push's Tweaks.esp 68 44 JSawyer Ultimate.esp 69 45 JustAssortedMods.esp 70 46 kochandbohr.esp 71 47 Little More Lamplight.esp 72 48 MaskRemoval.esp 73 49 MFC to APC SchematicV1.1.esp 74 4a Mojave Arsenal.esp 75 4b NarrativeExpansion01-Interface.esp 76 4c NarrativeExpansion02-LoadScreen.esp 77 4d NPCsSprint.esp 78 4e NukaCola-Ojo.esp 79 4f NVMIM.esp 80 50 NVNovacApartament.esp 81 51 outsidebets.esp 82 52 Pacersgambit.esp 83 53 PAVE_NV.esp 84 54 Player Combat Priority.esp 85 55 Quick Grenade Hotkey.esp 86 56 Real Recoil Tweaks.esp 87 57 Real Recoil.esp 88 58 Roberts_NewVegas.esp 89 59 rotfacetoriches.esp 90 5a SaveCass.esp 91 5b Simple Explosive Entry.esp 92 5c Simple Open Freeside - Uncut Extra Collection - VMS19 script Patch.esp 93 5d Simple Open Freeside - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp 94 5e Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp 95 5f SNekdog.esp 96 60 Street Light Corrections.esp 97 61 STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp 98 62 STRobot-Companion.esp 99 63 STRobot-VoicePack.esp100 64 SU-NV Little Dead Riding Hood Enabler.esp101 65 SU-NV Microwave Blaster.esp102 66 SU-NV The March West.esp103 67 SU-NV WSFITS Enabler.esp104 68 The Living Desert - Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged Patch.esp105 69 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp106 6a The Weapon Mod Menu.esp107 6b tmzLODadditions.esp108 6c Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp109 6d Uncut Wasteland.esp110 6e Universal Item Sorter.esp111 6f Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp112 70 V87UncleLeo.esp113 71 Vanilla Enhancements - JSawyer Ultimate Push Tweaks Patch.esp114 72 Vanilla UI Plus.esp115 73 VeronicaRobeReplacer.esp116 74 Viva Nude Vegas.esp117 75 VK_DesertKunoichi.esp118 76 VK_NevadaCowgirl.esp119 77 VK_VGExtraIcons.esp120 78 VNudeV - DLC Doors Patch.esp121 79 VulpineNPCs.esp122 7a VulpineRace-Companions.esp123 7b VulpineRace.esp124 7c Western Sky - Darker Nights.esp125 7d Western Sky.esp126 7e Wild Wasteland YCS Fix.esp127 7f XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp128 80 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp
  9. thank you for your time anyway,any help is allways appricated...i need to try and create a "lite" mod list
  10. that has not seemed to solve the issue,perhaps there to many npcs in one room?
  11. when i get done with dead money ill see what happens there,but at least i found a work around with the whole daytime only acess,heh thought my labtop was more powerful then that,thank you so much for taking the time to advise
  12. so...i kinda fixed it? but in a werid way,if i enter the room ingame day hours it loads,albeit with a dipped frame and at first some npcs were missing inventorys...litteraly walking around butt naked,though that sorted istelf after 2 3 vists everyone was clothed and equipted,there just that tiny frame drop
  13. the second the cell loads it crashes,not out of memory or frezzing just the room shows for a split second then bam crash to destop 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 11 b Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm 12 c Uncut Wasteland.esm 13 d Misc Gameplay Merge.esm 14 e Simple Open Freeside.esm 15 f MoreMojave.esm 16 10 DMT _Dead Money Tweaks_.esm 17 11 TLD_Travelers.esm 18 12 Vikki and Vance Improvements.esm 19 13 vault22FloralOverhaul.esm 20 14 LessEmptyPrimm.esp 21 15 Simple Open Strip.esm 22 16 Lime's Fort Overhaul.esm 23 17 ChainGang.esm 24 18 NewVegasRailroads.esm 25 19 Mojave NPCs.esm 26 1a The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 27 1b Uncut Road to Legate's Camp.esm 28 1c Cyberware.esm 29 1d CIBS-Customizable-Integrated-Backpack-System.esm 30 1e Afterschool Special.esm 31 1f House and NCR Truce.esm 32 20 PHWHPAPVisuals.esm 33 21 ACNV.esm 34 22 AGPAssets.esp 35 23 Brotherhood and House Truce.esm 36 24 Brotherhood and Legion Truce.esm 37 25 WMVM.esm 38 26 RenamonNV.esm 39 27 Sortomatic.esm 40 28 STRobot-Core.esm 41 29 Decrucifixion.esm 42 2a Hardin and NCR Truce.esm 43 2b Helmet Overlay.esm 44 2c House and Followers Truce.esm 45 2d IntimacyOverhaul_v1.0.esm 46 2e WMIMNV.esp 47 2f Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp 48 30 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp 49 31 360Movement.esp 50 32 Uncut Wasteland.esp 51 33 Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp 52 34 Uncut Extra Collection.esp 53 35 MoreChems.esp 54 36 ACNV.esp 55 37 FNV Better Messages Plus.esp 56 38 FNV Better Messages.esp 57 39 JSawyer Ultimate.esp 58 3a The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp 59 3b Panzermann's Changes.esp 60 3c DMT Master Patch.esp 61 3d Ammosmith.esp 62 3e outsidebets.esp 63 3f MECourierStations.esp 64 40 S6S Ingestibles NV.esp 65 41 NVNovacApartament.esp 66 42 Lucky38Reloadedv5.esp 67 43 Simple Open Freeside - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp 68 44 Miscellaneous Tweaks.esp 69 45 Little More Lamplight.esp 70 46 DLC Enhancements.esp 71 47 newvegasuncut.esp 72 48 MWEP.esp 73 49 Lucky38Overhaul.esp 74 4a ACGS - Cozy Sink.esp 75 4b Dumpling Radscorpions.esp 76 4c EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp 77 4d Realistic Safehouse Upgrades Ex- All.esp 78 4e STRobot-Companion.esp 79 4f rotfacetoriches.esp 80 50 A Cyber Affair.esp 81 51 5 Level SPECIALs.esp 82 52 Accidental Discharge.esp 83 53 Ammunition & Crafting Expanded.esp 84 54 STRobot-ChemImmunity.esp 85 55 Aid Addon.esp 86 56 Aid Addon DMT Patch.esp 87 57 Altitude - Zion Music.esp 88 58 Animated Ingestibles.esp 89 59 B42Descriptions.esp 90 5a Casino Crowds.esp 91 5b CASM.esp 92 5c CCO Perks - Slimline.esp 93 5d Hanlon dialogue fix.esp 94 5e Isul - ChiefHanlonFix.esp 95 5f Conelrad 640-1240.esp 96 60 CPI Icons.esp 97 61 BG All Armors V1.esp 98 62 NarrativeExpansion01-Interface.esp 99 63 Cyberware OWB.esp100 64 Counterfeit NCR Dogtag 1 to 1.esp101 65 DineOrDash.esp102 66 FlameCurse.esp103 67 Enhanced Vision.esp104 68 Euclid Tweak.esp105 69 Even More Accurate Geiger Clicking.esp106 6a Event Sounds.esp107 6b First Aid.esp108 6c Follower Formula Redone.esp109 6d Follower Tweaks.esp110 6e Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.esp111 6f Functional Food Sanitizer.esp112 70 Heartache By the Number Fix.esp113 71 B42Inspect.esp114 72 B42Inertia.esp115 73 ImmersiveFastTravelEncounters.esp116 74 ImmersiveSleepEncounters.esp117 75 ImprovedTerrifyingPresence.esp118 76 IntimacyOverhaul CyberAffair Patch.esp119 77 JustAssortedMods.esp120 78 JustDynamicCrosshair.esp121 79 JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp122 7a JustLootMenu.esp123 7b LaserWeaponIronSights.esp124 7c VK_VGExtraIcons.esp125 7d VeronicaRobeReplacer.esp126 7e BooneImprovedQuestRewards.esp127 7f ImprovedSexualityPerks.esp128 80 Lucky38Reloadedv5_YUP_Patch.esp129 81 Mojave Arsenal.esp130 82 workbench better recycle.esp131 83 MoreCookingRecipesES.esp132 84 NarrativeExpansion02-LoadScreen.esp133 85 Neck-id Crucified Slaves.esp134 86 Pacersgambit.esp135 87 kochandbohr.esp136 88 NPCsSprint.esp137 89 Panzermann's Changes - JSUE with Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp138 8a Panzermann's Changes - Mojave Arsenal Patch.esp139 8b Panzermann's Changes - Outside Bets Patch.esp140 8c PerkPackPlus.esp141 8d PlasmaWeaponIronSights.esp142 8e DisableMuzzleFlashLights.esp143 8f Player Combat Priority.esp144 90 Quick Grenade Hotkey.esp145 91 Real Recoil.esp146 92 Real Recoil Tweaks.esp147 93 Roberts_NewVegas.esp148 94 Runningnude.esp149 95 S6S IFTE Hardcore Patch.esp150 96 The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp151 97 Immersive Primary Needs.esp152 98 1nivVSLArmors.esp153 99 MusicRecovery.esp154 9a Better Vipers - Highway 95.esp155 9b GRA Scavenger Hunt Balanced.esp156 9c SU-NV Microwave Blaster.esp157 9d Uncut Cottonwood Cove Shack.esp158 9e Northern Passage Cave Entrance.esp159 9f Rewarding Exploring.esp160 a0 New Vegas Tactical Urbanism - Neils Shack.esp161 a1 Better Brotherhood.esp162 a2 avangraffscorned.esp163 a3 Nipton Road.esp164 a4 athornysituation.esp165 a5 Classic Fallout Weapons Remastered v1.2.esp166 a6 awilderwasteland.esp167 a7 SingleActionArmies.esp168 a8 SU-NV The March West.esp169 a9 QwibNewBackpacks.esp170 aa Decrucifixion.esp171 ab Better Character Creation.esp172 ac Wolfeco_Courier.esp173 ad Uncut Wasteland Tweaks.esp174 ae Wondrous Canteens.esp175 af VulpineRace.esp176 b0 FreesideOpen-Uncut Extra Collection.esp177 b1 Simple Open Freeside-rotfacetoriches.esp178 b2 Alternative Repairing.esp179 b3 SU-NV Little Dead Riding Hood Enabler.esp180 b4 CottonwoodCoveSlaveMarket.esp181 b5 Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp182 b6 SU-NV WSFITS Enabler.esp183 b7 Ranger Denali.esp184 b8 BM Dish Explosion tab.esp185 b9 SU-NV_Uncut_Wasteland_Extra.esp186 ba BM Dish Explosion No tab.esp187 bb YUP - Base Game + All DLC-NewVegasRailroads.esp188 bc ChainGang-UncutExtraCollection.esp189 bd ArthurMorganClothes.esp190 be MrBennyNoMadNoBork.esp191 bf Barton Thorn Alternate Reality.esp192 c0 BigBoomerRelocated.esp193 c1 CyberJAM.esp194 c2 FreesideOpen-MoreChems.esp195 c3 SimpleDiseases.esp196 c4 I Got Spurs.esp197 c5 MFC to APC SchematicV1.1.esp198 c6 NV Uncut - Remove Wasteland Adventurer.esp199 c7 LynxSuit.esp200 c8 QwibMessengerBag.esp201 c9 Mutant Eyes.esp202 ca NCRDressUniforms.esp203 cb Outfit Stat Improvements.esp204 cc Panzermann's Changes - WMIM Patch.esp205 cd ArMOAR JH Armor.esp206 ce Panzermann's Changes - YUP Patch.esp207 cf RangerSequoiaSafehouse.esp208 d0 S6S TLD Patch.esp209 d1 SaveCass.esp210 d2 Simple DLC Delay.esp211 d3 Simple Explosive Entry.esp212 d4 Skill Items.esp213 d5 STRobot-VoicePack.esp214 d6 Take Chems Make Fiends.esp215 d7 The Game Was Rigged From The Start.esp216 d8 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp217 d9 XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp218 da Type3BG.esp219 db Type3BG_PreOrder_Armor.esp220 dc Unfound Loot.esp221 dd Universal Item Sorter.esp222 de Universal Pip-Boy Customization.esp223 df Vanilla LOD.esp224 e0 Vanilla UI Plus.esp225 e1 Vault_34_better_reactor.esp226 e2 V87UncleLeo.esp227 e3 FreesideOpen-Cyberware.esp228 e4 V87UncleLeo - Simply Uncut.esp229 e5 VegasChokers.esp230 e6 Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp231 e7 VK_DesertKunoichi.esp232 e8 Wild Wasteland YCS Fix.esp233 e9 Zhu-Rong Pistols with 45.esp234 ea FNVLODGen.esp235 eb tmzLODadditions.esp236 ec Altitude.esp237 ed FreesideOpen-Mojave NPCs.esp238 ee Simple Open Freeside-newvegasuncut.esp DMT DN Patch.esp DMT TTW Patch.esp DMT TTW Sortomatic Homes Patch.esp i have a crash log but cant upload the file to here,if anyone can help me sort this mess
  14. so after fallowing viva new vegas guide, ive been having a bug with LOD where distance textures like the moutains look like plastered sheet metal till i approch,any clue whats causing that? 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm 11 b Big Empty Rebuild.esm 12 c New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm 13 d Simple Open Freeside.esm 14 e TGMIO.esm 15 f MoreMojave.esm 16 10 DMT _Dead Money Tweaks_.esm 17 11 Navmesh Fixes and Improvements.esm 18 12 NVInteriors_Core.esm 19 13 TLD_Travelers.esm 20 14 NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm 21 15 vault22FloralOverhaul.esm 22 16 Less Empty Primm.esp 23 17 Masters of the Madre.esm 24 18 New Vegas Redesigned II.esm 25 19 Simple Open Strip.esm 26 1a Lime's Fort Overhaul.esm 27 1b NewVegasRailroads.esm 28 1c The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 29 1d Cyberware.esm 30 1e Sortomatic.esm 31 1f Afterschool Special.esm 32 20 Decrucifixion.esm 33 21 Helmet Overlay.esm 34 22 MTB.esm 35 23 House and NCR Truce.esm 36 24 IntimacyOverhaul_v1.0.esm 37 25 PHWHPAPVisuals.esm 38 26 RenamonNV.esm 39 27 Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp 40 28 WMIMNV.esp 41 29 YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp 42 2a Uncut Wasteland.esp 43 2b Simply Uncut - New Vegas.esp 44 2c Uncut Extra Collection.esp 45 2d Legion Quests Expanded.esp 46 2e MoreChems.esp 47 2f FNV Better Messages Plus.esp 48 30 FNV Better Messages.esp 49 31 HK-47 Dialog Overhaul.esp 50 32 JSawyer Ultimate.esp 51 33 The True Revival of Luxury - An Ultra-Luxe Overhaul.esp 52 34 outsidebets.esp 53 35 Panzermann's Changes.esp 54 36 Ending Slideshows Ultimate Edition Overhaul.esp 55 37 Mojave Raiders.esp 56 38 MECourierStations.esp 57 39 Simple Open Freeside - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp 58 3a VanGraffOverhaul.esp 59 3b NVNovacApartament.esp 60 3c S6S Ingestibles NV.esp 61 3d Mojave Wildlife (Vanilla-Style + No Chanced).esp 62 3e Miscellaneous Tweaks.esp 63 3f NVR2 - YUP Patch.esp 64 40 1nivVSLArmors.esp 65 41 360Movement.esp 66 42 5 Level SPECIALs.esp 67 43 ACE - All DLC.esp 68 44 Aid Addon.esp 69 45 Casino Crowds.esp 70 46 Handloader.esp 71 47 Little More Lamplight.esp 72 48 NarrativeExpansion01-Interface.esp 73 49 Mojave Arsenal.esp 74 4a lexx_brahmin-betsy.esp 75 4b Primm Legion.esp 76 4c El Dorado Legion.esp 77 4d EMR-StealthSuitMkII.esp 78 4e MCL_Weapon_Pack.esp 79 4f MainStoryAlterations.esp 80 50 Realistic Safehouse Upgrades Ex- All.esp 81 51 YUP - Outside Bets Patch.esp 82 52 rotfacetoriches.esp 83 53 Join The Think Tank (if you dare!).esp 84 54 MusicRecovery.esp 85 55 TreePositions.esp 86 56 YUP - Base Game + All DLC-Legion Quests Expanded.esp 87 57 Uncut Cottonwood Cove Shack.esp 88 58 Northern Passage Cave Entrance.esp 89 59 The Town of Vice - A Gomorrah Overhaul.esp 90 5a GRA Scavenger Hunt Balanced NVSE.esp 91 5b avangraffscorned.esp 92 5c Neck-id Slaves.esp 93 5d SU-NV Hunting Rifle Legacy Caliber Conversion.esp 94 5e athornysituation.esp 95 5f Alternative Repairing.esp 96 60 Alternative Repairing - Honest Hearts.esp 97 61 Alternative Repairing - Lonesome Road.esp 98 62 Animated ingestibles - JSUE Fast Travel Patch.esp 99 63 Animated Ingestibles.esp100 64 awilderwasteland.esp101 65 Brotherhood and House Alliance.esp102 66 Cyberware OWB.esp103 67 Legion Quests Expanded-outsidebets.esp104 68 Decrucifixion.esp105 69 SU-NV The March West.esp106 6a Better Character Creation.esp107 6b Wolfeco_Courier.esp108 6c GolfWaterScene.esp109 6d Mojave Raiders - TLD Patch.esp110 6e Uncut Bison Steve Trees.esp111 6f Less Empty Primm - VnVMascot.esp112 70 Decrucifixion - More Victims.esp113 71 SU-NV WSFITS Enabler.esp114 72 Ranger Denali.esp115 73 ArMOAR JH Armor.esp116 74 B42Inertia.esp117 75 B42Inspect.esp118 76 BM Dish Explosion tab.esp119 77 Holster.esp120 78 NVR2 - Mojave Raiders Patch.esp121 79 NVR2 - UW NPCs Patch.esp122 7a The Law Won.esp123 7b SU-NV_Uncut_Wasteland_Extra.esp124 7c VulpineRace.esp125 7d ZionAntCaveRestored-HonestHearts.esp126 7e UnholyLands.esp127 7f BM Dish Explosion No tab.esp128 80 YUP - Base Game + All DLC-NewVegasRailroads.esp129 81 MCPipBoy2000MK6.esp130 82 BigBoomerRelocated.esp131 83 Caesar Brotherhood.esp132 84 CASM.esp133 85 ChinesePistolPack.esp134 86 Conelrad 640-1240.esp135 87 Counterfeit NCR Dogtag 1 to 1.esp136 88 CPI Icons.esp137 89 CyberJAM.esp138 8a DisableMuzzleFlashLights.esp139 8b DMT 3006 Addon.esp140 8c Dead Money Survival Gear.esp141 8d Economy Overhaul.esp142 8e Enhanced Vision.esp143 8f Enslave Gannon fix.esp144 90 Euclid Tweak.esp145 91 Follower Formula Redone.esp146 92 Follower Tweaks.esp147 93 Followers-NCR Alliance Fix.esp148 94 FOVSlider.esp149 95 FreesideOpen-Uncut Extra Collection.esp150 96 Simple Open Freeside-rotfacetoriches.esp151 97 VGO-TheLivingDesert-Patch.esp152 98 FreesideOpen-Cyberware.esp153 99 FreesideOpen-MoreChems.esp154 9a FreesideOpen-NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esp155 9b Friends With Benefits Perk Pack.esp156 9c Functional Food Sanitizer.esp157 9d Heartache By the Number Fix.esp158 9e Immersive Primary Needs.esp159 9f ImmersiveFastTravelEncounters.esp160 a0 ImmersiveSleepEncounters.esp161 a1 ImprovedTerrifyingPresence.esp162 a2 Isul - ChiefHanlonFix.esp163 a3 JIP Improved Recipe Menu.esp164 a4 JoeCobbIsFiend.esp165 a5 JSawyer Ultimate - GRA Merged.esp166 a6 JustAssortedMods.esp167 a7 JustDynamicCrosshair.esp168 a8 JustHitMarker.esp169 a9 JustLootMenu.esp170 aa kochandbohr.esp171 ab LaLongueCarabine.esp172 ac MoreMojave-TheHighDesert.esp173 ad Legion Quests Expanded-awilderwasteland.esp174 ae Legion Quests Expanded-JSawyer Ultimate.esp175 af Legion Quests Expanded-NewVegasRailroads.esp176 b0 lexx-hh-letter-english.esp177 b1 LivedinSewer.esp178 b2 Lucky38Overhaul.esp179 b3 Marathoner.esp180 b4 Outfit Stat Improvements.esp181 b5 MaskRemoval.esp182 b6 MFC to APC SchematicV1.1.esp183 b7 Mojave Raiders - 22LR Varmint Rifle.esp184 b8 NarrativeExpansion02-LoadScreen.esp185 b9 NCRDressUniforms.esp186 ba NVDLC04 Allegiance w Duster.esp187 bb NVR2 - JSUE Patch.esp188 bc OldCourierDuster_Replacer.esp189 bd OrkelLoadingScreenPatch.esp190 be Oscar.esp191 bf Pacersgambit.esp192 c0 PerkPackPlus.esp193 c1 Perks for Challenges.esp194 c2 Quick Grenade Hotkey.esp195 c3 QwibsHolsters.esp196 c4 RangerSequoiaSafehouse.esp197 c5 Real Recoil.esp198 c6 Recipes Reorganized.esp199 c7 Roberts_NewVegas.esp200 c8 Runningnude.esp201 c9 S6S More Mojave Patch.esp202 ca S6S TLD Patch.esp203 cb S6S's Prodlimen Creature Pack.esp204 cc SaveCass.esp205 cd Simple DLC Delay.esp206 ce Simple Explosive Entry.esp207 cf Simple Interior Lighting.esp208 d0 Weapon Retexture Project.esp209 d1 Simply_Uncut_-_WRP.esp210 d2 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp211 d3 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp212 d4 Type3BG.esp213 d5 Type3BG_PreOrder_Armor.esp214 d6 Type3BG_Replacer_DeadMoney.esp215 d7 Universal Item Sorter.esp216 d8 Universal Pip-Boy Customization.esp217 d9 V87UncleLeo - Simply Uncut.esp218 da VanGraffPatch.esp219 db Vanilla LOD.esp220 dc Vault 3 E-mails Restored.esp221 dd Vault_34_better_reactor.esp222 de VegasChokers.esp223 df Vigilant_Recycler.esp224 e0 Weapon Mods Restored.esp225 e1 Wild Wasteland YCS Fix.esp226 e2 workbench better recycle.esp227 e3 XFO - 4bb - Perks - Two per level.esp228 e4 YUP - Base Game + All DLC-The Law Won.esp229 e5 Zhu-Rong Pistols with 45.esp230 e6 FNVLODGen.esp231 e7 tmzLODadditions.esp232 e8 Altitude.esp
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