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  1. UPDATE: not a single problem with Vortex. Unky Plunky is sold.
  2. decided i'm gonna give vortex a go. i want to play, not troubleshoot
  3. Hi. I've scoured the internet and can't find a fix. Finally delving into SSE after years of LE and I can't launch in full screen from Mod Organizer. I edited skyrimprefs.ini per the countless threads about that -- including adding my screen resolution. No matter what I try, the game launches a little to the right and with a title bar at the top (see attachment; cropped but it shows the top right). I checked for multiple copies and multiple profiles. I have only installed skse64, acquisitive soul gems, and the vivid map; but I am 100% sure the problem existed before I installed any of those. Currently I have this (in both INIs for good measure): bBorderless=0 bFull Screen=1 iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920 But I have tried this also and it made no difference: bBorderless=1 bFull Screen=1 iSize H=1080 iSize W=1920 Also tried with both zeros just to see what would happen. Nothing makes any difference. Just about to abandon hope. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
  4. Hey, anybody know if there's been an update to the plugin, or if maybe there is another way to get Nifs into Max 2019 in the meantime? Thanks in advance.
  5. Lol I just found this when looking for help with another custom object, having forgotten I posted this. The problem persists. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
  6. There is a vanilla script attached to every perch in the towns, which is basically like mine except it registers a quest event. But rather than risk a big error, I left their script alone. Thanks anyway foamyesque.
  7. C'mon, somebody help an old veteran out on Independence Day. :D Seriously please.
  8. I'm trying to get a shop door to lock whenever a dragon perches on the shop's roof. It's not working. I put this on the perch above the Sleeping Giant Inn: Scriptname plunketDragonPerchScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property myDoor Auto Spell Property Smolder Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Debug.Notification("Local shops are damaged!") MyDoor.Lock(true, true) Smolder.Cast(self, akActionRef) EndEvent Nothing happens, not even the notification. I tested during Assault. 1. what am I doing wrong, and2. do I need to set it to unlock after a while or will the door's schedule do that on its own? Thanks in advance.
  9. Then this idea is not for you. But I don't like it when guards attack me and I have no memory of committing a crime. Probably most players don't.
  10. You cross from one hold to another and the guards attack you. Turns out you have a bounty in this hold and cannot remember why. Are there any mods to jog your memory ("You stole a potion," or "You killed a chicken" or "you attacked [npc name]"?
  11. I made a custom object (exterior) and it looks great most of the time! It is about the physical size of a farmhouse. But the side getting direct sunlight at certain times of the day becomes weird and muddy-looking, even (especially?) on a clear day. Details vanish on the side with more light, while the opposite side looks clear and nice. It's sunrise and sunset, and a few hours around them, when my texture gets ugly on whichever side has more sunlight. Other types of light do not seem to cause the problem. It uses one 4k diffuse and one 4k normal (with specular on the alpha) on a single NiTriShape in a single nif. I tried using a solid black alpha channel. I tried to mimic the settings of other outdoor nifs (rock cliffs, etc) but maybe something got mismatched or overlooked? Shader Flags 1: SLSF1_Receive_Shadows, SLSF1_Cast_Shadows, SLSF1_Own_Emit, SLSF1_Remappable_Textures, SLSF1_ZBuffer_test Shader Flags 2: SLSF2_ZBuffer_Write, SLSF2_Vertex_Colors, SLSF2_EncMap_Light_Fade Glossiness: 50 Emissive Color: Black Specular Color: Black Specular Strength: 1.5 No ENB and this happens with or without ELFX. Thanks in advance if you can help.
  12. I just made my first custom collision object for a large standing stone, in 3DS Max. By looking a little here ( )and a little there (https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/570723-custom-collsion-help/), I got the collision to work perfectly; and when I shoot arrows at it, they are deflected. But when I use spells like Flames on it, there is no effect decal. What might I have overlooked? Thanks in advance if you can help.
  13. Thank you again -- I just launched the mod, made entirely with TES5Edit. That was educational.
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