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  1. Hi, I'm trying to alter a mod (Rail light) to make use of more than one character light source. Currently every light mode is exclusive to each other: the light shining in front of you overlaps the light shining behind you. I'm trying to change that so it shines from the front and back at the same time, but nothing I changed in CK or Nifskope has worked. I feel it's something I'm doing incorrectly, or is this a game limitation? Thank you
  2. Currently, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit outfit in the shop does not allow you to remove the helmet, and I doubt this would be a priority on Bethesda's to-do list.. I've seen a few mods from the Fallout 4 Nexus that just remove the helmet, is there a simple enough way for the game to reference those instead of the default model? I've extracted the models (and textures) of the suit from the Fallout 76 files, and I have the meshes from the Fallout 4 modded files. Thank you
  3. I'm trying to work on this, as well. I only need the Health Bar to be visible... So far I tried to make most of the other interface elements transparent, but it would be way easier to use code.
  4. Hello, friends! Can anyone tell me where to find these eye textures for Serana? (Red eyeball, with yellow iris) Thanks
  5. Hello, I was wondering if any modders out there can give me a few tips on creating this weapon easily and efficiently? http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140329040554/darksouls/images/d/d2/Malformed_Skull.png What I plan to do is attach one of the dragon skulls from the dragon skeletons, to a weapon handle, preferably the one on the Dragonbone Warhammer. I'm well aware of the many weapon tutorials out there, but I figured there's no harm in asking for professional tips first. Thank you!
  6. Hello :smile: I was playing Dark Souls II recently, when I came upon a weapon known as the Malformed Skull : http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140329040554/darksouls/images/d/d2/Malformed_Skull.png I thought it would be a good weapon, if I could combine a Dragon Skull with one of the Dragonbone weapons from Dawnguard's DLC. Unfortunately, I lack the experience... Anyone willing to do it or at least give me a few step by step tips?
  7. Hey, So I noticed the Bone King Armor has a nice metal peice underneath the cloth rag and I was wondering if someone would be able to make it so that we can only see the 'chest' part? I tried doing it myself, but nope- didn't work. =/
  8. I really liked Serana as a character in Skyrim, especially her voice. I did a little research and found that her voice actress, Laura Bailey, is responsible for other video game characters as well. So I thought why not splice fitting bits of dialogue from other games and integrate it into Skyrim to enhance Serana? It'll certainly add to her depth. Problems could be that it would be too time consuming - I imagine the author would have to look for cutscenes on Youtube for bits and pieces of dialogue and filter it so that it fits in to a conversation. Also I'm not sure if it would be allowed, as it might be classified as importing? I'm not sure. Last, it might not be very fulfilling work experience: You do so much work for only a few seconds of dialogue. The payoff would be a mod where users can pick and choose bits of conversation that they could have with Serana to fit their own role playing experience, such as dramatic, funny, naughty?, etc... So what do you guys think?
  9. Hiya Soo I've been having issues loading my saves that have been working fine before earlier (posted my mod order and papyrus logs below). In an effort to pinpoint the problem I started a new game, which worked just fine, until I saved and tried to reload...it still loads, but after I start walking it gives a CTD. Since the 'new game' save loads though, I thought to load that game, then load my main saves after, and they work. I still can't load my main saves directly after launching Skyrim, and that's my problem. Any clue as to what's going on? If it helps, I know the last thing I did was download some Environment, Immersion and Visual mods...but uninstalling them doesn't seem to help. Load Order This is the Papyrus Log from the game that can load, but crashes after a while: Thanks in advance
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