Aw shucks... I'll try anyway, in case it doesn't go well, my flatmate's desktop pc has some preeeeetty good specs, so in case I'll just take over his room. fml for buying a laptop, lol. EDIT1: And anyway, thanks for your extremely quick answers. ^_^ If anyone else has any say in this to give me hope or further confirm that it's pointless to even try running it on the laptop, please do. Any help is greatly appreciated. ^_^ I'm gonna buy it in any case because I just can't hold on anymore, Bethesda will have my money, twice. But I have a feeling they deserve it. I feel like this game will rock for real. By the way, this laptop can run The Phantom Pain with EVERYTHING maxed out at 1080p with 20 fps minimum, so MAYBE I'll have a chance to make fallout 4 run nicely on all low settings? EDIT2: My flatmate asked me to check for him as well, if you guys don't mind. I'm sorry I ask all of these questions but we're all pretty hyped to say the least and we're going kiiiiind of mental about all of this. If you'd be so kind to give me an answer for these ones as well, I'd say it should run just fine like this, hopefully? I'm not much of an expert unluckily, I've always been a console peasant my whole life and am pretty much new to PC gaming. Thank you for your kindness. :) AMD Radeon R7 200 Series with 4 GB (or so dxdiag says) 8 GB RAM AMD FX-4300 Quad Core 3.8GHz Should do, right?