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About DrunkKagouti

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. all the files from that mod im pretty sure and i dont know what you mean by purge..
  2. well it only messed up two pieces out of the whole thing i set up skyrim a long time ago it is set to go to the mod folder why it would have done anything with the game folder i dont know so what could i do now if anything to fix this?
  3. i have previous saves that havent been loaded with any of these mods as well.
  4. it cites the daring demon hunter mod in the warning doesnt cite anything else.
  5. i downloaded this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40728 and it worked fine but then i tried to downloaded this mod https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/62773 and it said something about changes outside of vortex and now the one piece of the first outfit looks really stretched even if uninstall reinstall the mod any help would be appreciated thank you. Now every time i even download a new mod it asks me about the one mod having external changes and whether or not to save or revert i selected revert but nothing changed. This is all for skyrim special edition by the way.
  6. i just updated to version 1.13.1 and fallout new vegas no longer shows up in my games section when it was there before. It said some extensions need fixed but i accidentally clicked it away and now i cant fix the new vegas extension what can I do? also i use the gog version of new vegas. thanks edit: ignore this i figured it out. My apologies folks
  7. not sure about doing that makes me way too nervous. and yeah i see how to stop it from doing it but its too late for that.
  8. To be honest I dont know about being ok with the new version a number of them havent been touched by the author in awhile and i havent checked all of them either yet. Here is a list of my mods: Winchester p94 balanced Ultracite power armor true storms tesla heavy autocannon t-65 power armor shogo laser katana secret service cbbe bodyslide files secret service armor scar lk assault rifle riot shotgun rifles rebirth rb proton axe gatling plasma mk 2.6 plasma cannon one shot version nuka world vendors sell nw clothing and raider equipment nirnroot sidearms 45 9 38 N.O.N.E. Ballistic weave overhaul 2.0 Mojave cazadores Miniguns rebirth Midwest power armor revolution mg42 v 1.4 machineguns rebirth loving cait jaguar msx 200 lmg improved shogo laser katana leveled list version icestorm's sci fi grl 45 hellcat power armor 1.1 gauss minigun g36 EN gauss rifle splitter female outfit replacer with vanilla shoes fallout 3 flamer damage and range beast master creature companion overhaul exotic creatures 1.3 enclave gear pack desert eagle CROSS blades v091a Catalyst AAS shotgun Capital wasteland autoaxe cbbe body enhancer v 2.6.2 blades of the east and west beast master creature companion overhaul beastmaster 1.4 beast master creature companion overhaul exotic creatures patch 1.4 aquila eng accuracy international AX50 see through update 12.7mm smg 12.7mm pistol sig sauer p127 10mm smg classic unarmed pack laer mod bodyslide studio (thats not really a mod though) azar's ponytail hairstyles thats it for mods also how would i go about doing that with fallout 4 on gog? thank you
  9. Since the new patch i have been having fps drops in weird places, around sanctuary and far harbor a few places in the commonwealth as well and no it never did that before the patch, my computer can easily handle fallout 4 at ultra settings it ran flawlessly previously. Im not sure if its just the bad bethesda patch or would it have anything to do with my mods? i also dont use any script extender mods either. I only have 49 mods not a crazy number. I can provide a list of my mods if necessary. The second question is it possible to safely move fallout 4 from one drive to another and keep your mods working and how would i go about that if possible?
  10. actually i fixed it by just loading the non scripte extender version then closing it and loading the script extender then it was fine.
  11. I have obse installed from about 2018 i just got a 4k monitor (3840x2160) obse doesnt even load up now it worked fine before i got this monitor. so im not sure if that was something that could cause that. Also if I wanted to update obse how would i go about that? thanks alot edit: i forgot to mention the base game with non obse mods works fine.
  12. i have the gog version of oblvion and whenever i overwrite saves and i close the game and return later to play any saves i deleted are restored for some reason how do i stop this?
  13. ok thank you RomanR you have been a great help :smile: Edit: the normal version does the same thing.
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