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Nexus Mods Profile

About DrunkKagouti

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I have obse installed from about 2018 i just got a 4k monitor (3840x2160) obse doesnt even load up now it worked fine before i got this monitor. so im not sure if that was something that could cause that. Also if I wanted to update obse how would i go about that? thanks alot edit: i forgot to mention the base game with non obse mods works fine.
  2. i have the gog version of oblvion and whenever i overwrite saves and i close the game and return later to play any saves i deleted are restored for some reason how do i stop this?
  3. ok thank you RomanR you have been a great help :smile: Edit: the normal version does the same thing.
  4. yeah that was it but that was the reverse feeding mod do you think the normal one would do the same thing or would not make it bug out?
  5. so i started a new character hadnt visited any vampire locations in awhile and now when i enter a location they are all already dead even resurrecting one with the console didnt do anything it just instantly died. Mods: Yami's Unique gear Yami's enchanted artifacts rebalanced sanguinare vampiris skyrim like vampirism Attribute progression redesign Companion Fergus 2.1 Companion Vilja Capped Bandits Marauders and highwaymen Oblivion character overhaul version 2 Curse of Hircine Resurrected Knights of the nine revelation Krraken a land dreugh companion Companion neeshka Killian a spider daedra companion Kajsa a troll companion critter HG eyecandy body longer summons Vampire race disabler eve eyecandy variants expansion thats it for the mods if anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated. thank you
  6. Will my mods be affected at all by the anniversary edition update if I dont use skse mods at all? I did install skse at one point but no longer use it for any mods or at all really if that makes any difference. thanks
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