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  1. I've ran into problems with duplicating a container. I was placing a container and then using Ctrl + D to duplicate it and dragging it where I wanted to place it. I wouldn't do that, not sure why or if my problem was due to that placement-method but since then I've made sure to place each container via the Object Window. My theory is that when you drag a container from the object window it gives the container a unique memory address, duplicating the container duplicates the memory address? Just a theory.
  2. Was a type'o. Poo, grabbed the wrong update. Sigh, TY.
  3. Ok, FO:NV 1.3 update breaks Geck, Geck gets updated to 1.1, but it's still broken for me. Uninstalled Geck, rebooted.. reinstalled GECK_NVE_v1.1 And it's STILL broken. Fallout.esm just loads blank, no data loads in the geck. Ran as Admin, Compat. for WinXp, everything I know to do. Anyone else have a issue with it even after the 1.1 download?
  4. Hello Shlomp, I checked out the mod. It works perfectly, Dialogue is fine and look/feel of the basement is perfect. The only thing I could say.. and this isn't negative at all, it only caught my attention.. was the basement door, I can't really put my finger on it, bigger? Small frame.. lol, I don't know. Nothing you should be concerned about or really need to change though, it's just me. I'd say if you keep going like you are, you'll push out some nice mods. Hope to see more from you, keep it up! Cheers, cp
  5. That Muppet/The Shining picture is chocked full of win.
  6. Well, this is actually a pretty lengthy process, but I'll give you a quick rundown. You can create your own Interior cell, but to begin with I'd use a duplicate cell of anyone you want to use. First one listed under Interiors in the geck is 1ECisternA, we'll use that for an example. Right click on it, and select Duplicate cell. You'll see something like 1ECisternACOPY0000 *, click once on ID we just duplicated and pause for a second, you should be able to type there now so you can rename it. We'll use MyFirstBasment (you want to make sure it's an original EditorID/name) now for the second step.. right click on your duplicate (MyFirstBasement) and go to the Interior tab on the top right. The first field is 'Name', change it to whatever you want, I used 'My First Basement' This will display the name when you put your cursor in the door in-game. Now, we have our own private cell to edit and mod as we see fit.. very easy. Now to 'Link' it to doors. You'll need two obviously, one to enter and one to exit (inside your new cell). Now, there are.. I'm sure different ways to do this next step.. this is just one I'm used to. Now, double click on 'MyFirstBasement' in your cell selection area, you'll see where we are working. There is already a door there, 'UtlDoor01'. We can leave this or we can change it to a different type of door. For this example, we'll just leave it be. Move your camera around so that you can get a view of the door and double click on it so you'll get the Reference window come up. Leave it up but drag it out of your way. What we need to do now is go to where ever it is we want to 'enter' this basement from. On the World Space drop down menu, scroll all the way down and select 'WastelandNV'. The first in the list is 188TradingPost, let's use that and double click on it so we get a view. Now then, we're looking top-down on the over pass. Let's zoom in and place a door that so that we can enter our basement. I'm going to add a hatch by the bench next to the fire-barrel. Over on our items menu, I expand World Objects and click on 'Door', type in Hatch to the filter box up top and let's use VHDTower02Hatch, drag to the world window and position it how you want. http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4307/linkreference.jpg A common problem I run into is that I position my door/hatch the way I want and add the Teleport Reference only to find that the position is so low it drops be below the ground mesh and I keep falling, so I've made it a good habit to leave ground hatches elevated about 20/30 points. You should still have the Reference Window open from the basement utility door, let's bring it back to focus and go to the 'Teleport Tab', select the Teleport Check box followed by "Linked Door: (Select Reference In Render Window)" you should see your cursor change to a cross marker with a circle around it. When you hover over a linkable door it will turn white, if it remains red then for some reason.. you cannot use it, select a different one or start over. Let's go ahead and select the hatch as a teleport reference marker. You should see a yellow rectangle teleport marker in the middle of the hatch. Now we need to readjust our position of the hatch since we left it elevated, double click on it and select the 3D Data tap right of Teleport tab and bring it down to the level you want, just make sure it's not too low or you won't be able to click on it. You now don't need to do anything else to the hatch, it will link your basement to the 188 Trading post. To make sure this worked, double click on the Yellow Teleport marker, you'll have a new box come up asking if you want to View door reference for this door Marker (in cell MyFirstBasement)?, click yes. Now if everything went ok you should be back inside the MyFirstBasement Cell if you are Click 'OK' on the bottom of the Reference window for the Utility door and close that window out. Move your camera around until you are focused on the utility door again, you'll see the same Yellow teleport marker that you did on the hatch but it's centered in the middle of the door, we need to move it back inside the 'basement', click on it.. and drag it in front of the door, inside. This is will the player will 'land' when they click on the hatch. The pyramid on the marker indicates which direction the player will face when they use the door. Now then, you are just getting started. Now comes the fun stuff! From here, you can edit and change your 'basement' any way you see fit. Remember you don't have to use a hatch, you can do the same steps using a normal door in the location that you want. Long as you select a non-quest object from the Door list, you should be fine. You may want to load your esp file in the game to play test it, run over to 188 Trading post and make sure everything is fine. I've included the actual esp that I did along with you here if you want to look at it.. tinker with it, maybe get a better understanding of what went on during the steps we took. Additionally you should read over the GECK Wiki in the link I've included at the bottom, it will explain just about everything you need and then some to pull off some nice mods. It will frustrate you at first, you'll pull hair.. throw stuff perhaps, but in the end I find it enjoyable and worthwhile. Helps me escape. I hope this helps, be sure to send me a link to your Mod when you finish it I'd love to see it! If you need any more help let us know, or you can even send me a private message if you want. Link Of Interest: http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Bethsoft_Tutorial_Finalize_and_Connect MyFirstBasement.esp : Cheers, hope everything goes well! codepoet
  7. Assuming you have WindowsXP or up, Go to your start menu and select All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore Beware that this will change other system files as well, any programs downloaded and installed after the date of when you are restoring too will be gone. Personal documents should be unchanged.
  8. It's a long shot, but have you tried to first remove Archive Invalidation through FOMM, deactivate all your mods (Not delete). And load a game previous to falling off said cliff, turn around and save your game and exit. Reload FOMM Reactivate all your mods and don't forget to re-apply Archive Invalidation also. Run FalloutNV again, select 'Load' on the menu screen instead of continue and load an older save. If that didn't do anything I'd imagine you only had a few more options before fully reinstalling. 1.) Turning off Mod-by-Mod and loading game to see if it's a certain mod making all of them fail. (May want to try Conflict detector first, if you haven't.) 2.) Using your system restore feature. It may do absolutely nothing, then again it may completely fix your problem assuming it was Fallout that moved/modified files when you fell off the cliff. Beyond that, I don't know :\ Truly hope one of these things helps you, been there myself.. kinda, cp PS Whoops, didn't see how long you've been around. I totaly gave ya noobie advice, already tried all of this huh? Sorry! :\
  9. There are actually a few different things you can do. Of course, the most important thing you can do on your side (with out upgrading your computer) is to decrease the playing resolution, lower you go the more performance boost you'll experience. Additionally, some people will argue this.. but I know it to be true personally. My cousin had the same problem with performance on his laptop, after taking the following steps it helped enough to make it enjoyable. Are you using a quad-core cpu? The computers cpu I'm using now has 8 cores, I randomly experienced crash after crash with random freezing. You can force Fallout 3 and NV to use only two cpu threads by editing your Fallout.ini file in your "\Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\" Folder. See the example below. This may make your game run smoother, reduce crashes and freezing. And secondly, you can use this Mod in addition (or stand-alone): Better Performance for Older PCs: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36654 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Force FallNV to run 2 cores only: Before you do anything, copy your fallout.ini file, and make a duplicate copy of it just in case something goes wrong, now run a 'Find' in notepad for bUseThreadedAI=0, you'll see these settings: Original Fallout.ini SSaveGameSafeCellID=2AEEA bUseThreadedAI=0 bChangeTimeMultSlowly=1 You'll want to change 'bUseThreadedAI=0' to 'bUseThreadedAI=1' and add a new setting (iNumHWThreads=2) and save the file. It should look like this: SSaveGameSafeCellID=2AEEA bUseThreadedAI=1 iNumHWThreads=2 bChangeTimeMultSlowly=1 I hope this helps, if you need a better explanation of this process visit this page on Fallout 3 Nexus, it works just fine on FalloutNV as well, same engine. Reduce FO3 Crashes and Freezes -- http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7529
  10. Very nice, keeping an eye on out this!
  11. @ tunaisafish Dang, thank you tunaisafish!! This is exactly what I was looking for. A little divison and I'll be set each time with out spending 45 minutes looking around in Geck. Should have known to check the Geck Wiki. This may be even worth putting into a mod now. Huge Thanks, cp
  12. Yeah, I understand that. I found a way to find the actual coordinates in-game using a mod. But I'm wondering how bethesda gets the World Space version of the coordinates. For example.. Standing on the goodsprings Travel Marker. The Coordinates are (X: -70992, Y: 2560) now in the g.e.c.k. that translates to the world space of -18,0. How are they getting this value? Are coordinates and world space coordinates even the same, are theylinked? Is there a formula I can get World Space coordinates from (what i'm calling.. sorry if it's the wrong terminology) "raw" coordinates? Dang I hope this isn't totally confusing, anyone follow? LoL thanks for taking the time to try and help! Thanks, cp @stevie70 Interestingly close! "Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live." was actually a quote I took from Mark Twain.
  13. Being a beginning modder, I find one of my biggest problems is actually finding the location I'll be working on for the first time (not including interiors of course) . I was wondering if anyone knew of a Modders resource or a mod that displays the X,Y coordinate of your current location while you are in the game? I imagine this can be done through the console though I don't know how even if I did it wouldn't do me any good since I cannot open the console dispite my best efforts. Using near by locations to find where I need to be in the G.E.C.K works just fine in most cases but the next mod I'm working on will take me to soo many different locations that having a tool like I mentioned would save so much time. I've done a bit of searching with no luck, I was hoping maybe some one had a personal file or could offer me some advice how to better resolve this? I'll be working with a lot of Unmarked, Unamed wilderness locations and any help would be great! Thank you, cp
  14. Yes there was a projectile node in it, but I found the problem this morning with a clear head. Amazing how a little sleep can work for ya. Anyway, I had the Attack animation set wrong. -.- Feel like a dipchit! :wallbash: Thank you for replying though Ghogiel :)
  15. I've imported a custom weapon into GECK, set up textures art & sound. The rilfe shows up in the game great, even with the custom scope and all that seems fine. Only thing is when you go to shoot it, nothing happens. It's not just a lack of sound, no projectile leaves the weapon at all. I've searched google, double check..triple checked I can't find any reason as to why the weapon isn't firing. I've changed the type of ammo it uses to various types. 308, 556 and others with no luck. Has anyone ran into an issue like this? Any suggestions or advice would be awesome.. I'm really scratching my head on this one.
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