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Posts posted by Kurron

  1. As in title. Is this possible? I'm looking for a way to apply a script to a poison or potion so that it only affects a target that meets a specified condition. Thanks in advance.


    EDIT: Fixed, that was incredibly easy, my bad.

  2. Thanks for the help guys.


    (1) Moving dialog infos around in quests or between quests. Oblivion also had this problem. If you are restructuring your quests, you can sometimes, but not always break things by moving them. Everything will be set up textbook perfect but it will not work after the move. It worked fine before the move. If you rebuild a new quest or topic or whatever to duplicate the broken one, and cut and paste all the old pieces into the new one, it will work, but you cannot copy and paste the whole big thing.


    (2) Lag. Dialog will not always be available if your computer is lagging a bit at the moment. If you exit Skyrim, shut down some programs, and restart, your dialog might suddenly work, even though you didn't touch anything in the CK.


    1. I still have this problem when making a simple "Hello" topic and "Hello" response in a completely new dialogue without moving anything around and when testing a basic vendor NPC.


    2. I rarely have anything performance heavy running in the background while playing Skyrim and I play with a high-end machine. I'm going to look into increasing allocated memory for Skyrim in case that's related. Also, I don't have any problem with vanilla NPCs.


    maybe you also didn't make an alias right. Had this porblem , too and was like "what the hell is now happening ? The whole dialogue is gone ? O.O" and then I realized i messed something up in the quest alias, corrected it and the dialogue worked again . You should be careful. Sometimes the problem is there where you had never expected it to be


    Looking into that now. Will edit with result.

  3. Hey. So basically I'm working on a few small projects and whenever I make an NPC and set up the dialogue for them and try to test it in-game, nothing happens. I just get the generic response for NPCs with no actual dialogue. Just a, "Hello," or something like that and they walk away. Before attempting any proper mod, I made a test NPC and set up some basic dialogue and a short script. No problems whatsoever. Right after, I made a new .esp and started to do almost exactly the same thing - no significant changes at all, but when I tested it, just the basic response from the NPC. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing, I've gone over the unique actor conditions etc. but I can't find anything out of place. I've been starting from scratch and changing things around repeatedly for the last day or so and I can't make it work and I can't make sense of this at all. There's nothing in my active mods that should affect the NPC or any dialogue in any way. I also have the same problem when making a simple merchant. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. So I'm a Skyrim hoarder, or collector. Depends on your point of view. I keep everything I find in-game that's remotely unique or valuable, including all keys, most jewellery and most gems. I did the same thing in Oblivion, using in particular the bottom deck of the Black Flag from the Thieve's Den DLC for storage... which brings me to the point of this post. I am looking for somewhere similar in Skyrim. A house, or anywhere else that has the same functionality, hopefully with an open chest or two - nothing too big. I don't like using containers for the stuff I collect - I'd rather display it, but I don't like trophy rooms much either because it feels too much like a museum. Anyway I'm looking for something like that, whether vanilla or mod. Also while we're here, I was curious about how many others there are that like to collect things in Skyrim? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.



    :psyduck: forgive my rambling, and thanks for taking the time.

  5. Excellent news! Hmm, ok, well I get the feeling I'm going to feel kind of useless at the moment with my lack of technical skills, so I will be as helpful as I can. I'll start by getting on this search for a mesh/texture artist. Feel free to have a go at anything you like for now, we don't need a great deal of organisation until we have.... well... an organisation. When we get more people involved we'll obviously have to make sure everyone is on the same page with versions and stuff, and I will have a little more to contribute when there is something to play test and feedback/creative-input to give.


    I'll get working on collecting graphics and concept design, even if it's just finding existing mods that would work well for our purposes, and asking permission to use them. But right now, I need to go to sleep since I have work in 5 hours, lol. Oops.


    hehe, don't worry about it, it's pretty late here too. On that note, I have a pretty erratic, though flexible sleeping pattern. I'll start working on the scripts we'll need and maybe some extras either tonight or in the morning, though of course I won't able to implement them until we have the meshes ready. I'll use a placeholder ship model and throw some furniture around while testing. I think we should start using some chat client or other rather than the forums or IM, so feel free to send me your Skype/MSN/Xfire or so on if you have them.

  6. "- Replicating the completed exterior part of the ship into all 9 major cities. I can't see any problems here, except we'd probably have to play with more scripts that has them enabled conditionally. It could be awkward in-game, unless we have some way of moving the ship to the city the player is in without them having to "fly" it there themselves. Though come to think of it, that's probably a much better idea immersion-wise. Forgive my rambling..."


    Ok, my thoughts here were actually really simple but I think it could work fine. Basically, the player can only be in one place at any one moment in time, so if he's in Solitude, there is no need to hide the version that is in Windhelm, because he is not there to observe it anyway. I was thinking for simplicities sake, to just say that the crew have orders to wait for the captain at the nearest town.

    That way, you are sure that your home will be waiting for you at whichever town you go to. It is worth experimenting with your plan, but like you say, it will involve more scripting, which I was hoping to avoid. Depends if it would cause problems, slow down, or potential bugs, I will totally refer to your opinion on that though since you can script and I cannot.


    Well I am not in a rush, I'm not actually doing this for myself, it wouldn't really fit my character at the moment anyway, I have more of a passion for sharing my ideas for other to enjoy it rather than myself. Although I will no doubt use it anyway.

    I have no expectations of people who are generously offering me help, if we start on it and you decide half way through that you can't carry on, it's no problem, we can find someone else to pick it up :)


    Consider yourself in?


    I'm in.



    ...and so it begins...

  7. That is music to my ears, as I think the whole concept kinda relies on that. Would it be possible using that technique to have it appear to be just one door? As in, all the doors in the same place, but only the one we want active to be interactive? I guess this would be done by placing all the doors in the same place but only one of them having a texture (so you don't get that weird texture effect you get when textured mesh faces are placed in the exact same place)? Or is is possible to get the other doors to disappear entirely when not active?


    There's really no need to go into anything complex with textures and so on - the game does it for you. When an object is marked as 'Initially disabled', for all intents and purposes it won't exist unless or until a specified script variable is triggered, thereby putting it in the 'enabled' state. When something is disabled, it can't be seen or interacted with in-game - even its collision box disappears. This can be done with a virtually limitless amount of objects in one place. An example of its use would be where the player is required to buy furniture for an owned home before it will appear. The furniture is actually there, but all marked as initially disabled. One piece of furniture per set (example, 'wall hangings') will be flagged as the parent and the rest as children. Lets say for example, an orange tapestry is the parent and the rest are blue tapestries. When the player buys the set from the merchant, it enables the orange tapestry and because it is the parent, the children - in this case the blue tapestries - will be enabled as well.


    If you think you can get the scripting to work whilst keeping it simple, I would be happy for you to work on this, and thank you very much for your interest!

    I think that finding out if it is possible was step one. If you think you can do the rest of this stuff, then we could start on it as soon as you are ready? If not, we could at least start experimenting with the doors idea while we look for someone to do the bits your not sure about.


    Like I said, I'm willing to do everything I can to help, but I'm being careful not to guarantee anything. I don't like to disappoint. I want you to understand that if we begin work on this, it may take longer than expected but I'm willing to stick to it.


    - Experimenting with the doors. Little to be done here, besides planning and organization and making sure the script works flawlessly.


    - Re-texturing/meshing the ship and balloon. This will be a job for any decent artists you can find. I don't have too much experience, but I know my way around texturing well enough for some simple jobs.


    - Plotting out and placing the static objects inside and out which will make it home. I'm a decent decorator, but I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, so I'm pretty slow when working on a lot of it. Probably best to find someone else to do this if possible. If not, I'm still willing to do it myself.


    - Creating NPC, invulnerable crewmen. Simple enough. I can program them to do some basic tasks around the ship and to act as followers if needed.


    - Replicating the completed exterior part of the ship into all 9 major cities. I can't see any problems here, except we'd probably have to play with more scripts that has them enabled conditionally. It could be awkward in-game, unless we have some way of moving the ship to the city the player is in without them having to "fly" it there themselves. Though come to think of it, that's probably a much better idea immersion-wise. Forgive my rambling...


    - Integrating the scripted doors and navigation map. I think I have a pretty good idea for the map - I'm not sure if you've mentioned a detailed plan for that already... I'll get back to you on that one.


    At that point the main bulk of it is pretty much done, I have a strong hunch who I would like to get involved for creating the home itself, and I am contacting him at the moment, fingers crossed. Any ideas who would be good at meshing/texturing?


    Unfortunately, I lost contact with most of the people I used to know and work with on Oblivion and I have yet to settle into the Skyrim modding community.


    After that is all done, the next steps I suppose would be:


    - Creating the new world space and placing the exterior model there along with another airship, enemy crew, and vulnerable versions of our own crew. I've gotta say, I'm not sure about this idea - but that depends entirely on the writing, hehe. Besides, I'm not here to design the mod.


    - Adding some script to the use of the navigation map "flags" to cause a random chance of activating the door to the combat instance instead of your intended destination. Okay, I completely change my mind about that last one. I really quite like this idea.


    - Adding NPC merchants to the interior cell. Sounds good. Maybe we could add optional support for other mods when we're not focused too hard on everything else.


    - Creating new pirate clothing for the player and NPC's. Hmm... what if we browse around and try to find someone willing to let us use theirs? I'm pretty sure there are some good ones around.


    - Creating a "treasure pile" mesh and texture for the treasure room. I think there's something already in-game we could use. If not, I think it would be a good idea to use vanilla meshes and/or textures so it would fit more... seamlessly. I was thinking the same for the ship in general, but that's a job for you and the modeller.


    - Integrating some nice pirate music and singing sailors! Can't agree more. What'll we do with the drunken sailor earl'ay in the mornin'?


    - Possibly a tall order, but maybe custom voicing the crew. Although silent NPC's are preferable to NPC's with bad voice acting. I agree that silent NPCs are a better option than ones with bad voice acting. I've always been wary of mods with their own voice actors because I'd like everything to fit with the quality Bethesda have given us, and that's never an easy thing to measure up to. I think you'd be surprised at what can be accomplished with mix'n'matched vanilla recordings however.


    That would be all the frills done, and then your just left with future possibilities such as integrating other peoples mods, creating new towns accessible only by airship, quests etc...

  8. I just wanted to let you know, I'm very interested in this idea and I'm willing to help in any way I can - though you should consider my abilities fairly limited, I am moderately capable at scripting and AI and have experience with the CK (and CS for that matter). I'd like to point out that the dynamic door idea can probably be accomplished fairly easily by disabling and enabling different doors based on certain variables.
  9. When you say the first mods you tried didn't work and hadn't updated in a while, I assumed they just became useless after an update - but if you made one yourself and that didn't work either... maybe you have another mod conflicting? You should try moving the mods up in your load order, particularly above any others that affect followers.
  10. I agree, there would probably (depending on the idea itself) be a lot more interest in helping with this project if people knew what they were getting into. I can't say I blame you for not wanting to lose control of an idea you put time into but, in this case, a modicum of trust is required.
  11. Sure, I'll have a look around the nexus to make sure it hasn't already been done and if it hasn't, I'll get to work on it.


    So sorry about the delay, I found these yesterday but forgot to share them:




    Either one should work fine.


    Be sure to have a quick look around before requesting something :wink:

    the Nexus has a lot of stuff like this already.

  12. Hey. Sorry to say, but I don't think it can be done. I can't find any script function that has anything to do with changing actor names, or even an example script of it being used in-game - which at this point, I doubt it is... it's a shame, because this was so simple in Oblivion. Anyway, I don't think it would be possible with the way the vanilla game works. Sorry to disappoint, and for taking so long to tell you this.
  13. I'm very interested in this idea. I suggest putting together a short list of what you'd need in a mod team, specific roles etc... personally, I'm willing to do anything I can to help - though my capabilities are limited to basic scripting and AI, I'm pretty good at level design and organization. I'll keep checking in to see if there's anyone else interested.
  14. I could have a look at this, if no one more experienced is willing. It doesn't seem too difficult - there was an actor value associated with the NPCs in Oblivion that carried their full name, so you could set it with the console by typing "set actorfullname <name>" or something along those lines. As far as I'm aware though, that's changed for Skyrim. I'll have a look in the CK.
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