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Everything posted by Swordofthedragon

  1. Maybe add mod of month feature to the front page to encourage voting. Having the same search features but only for tracked mods would be nice too. Skyrim been out for awhile and doubt I'm the only one with a multiple pages of tracked mods.
  2. It's a good start. After comparing it to the collection page and the original profile page, I would say I prefer the collection page. The collection page is the only page that covers a 3440x1440 screen and shows a large number of collections, 4 rows x 6 columns. I also like how it shows the picture of the mod collection to the left and then a description to the right for each mod profile. The original profile page give indicators if you downloaded the mods or have been updated. I also prefer that the original's profile page default list parameter is the date published (recently added) so hopefully the preference for searches will be carried over. I also like ability to track a mod with the + in the top right of the mod. Looks like most games have not been added to the game tab on the new profile page with Skyrim SE seen only through all games. Maybe create some unique backgrounds for specific games for profiles, similar to STEAM, so users can bring some individuality to their profile. You can even make some unique profiles for making mod of the month, unique download benchmarks, popular collections, or category specific (npc, home, quest). Hope the feedback helps.
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