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  1. any news about the site redesign or there's the ads/server-thing running before anyything else? bye bye
  2. In response to post #41652435. #41662765, #41746055 are all replies on the same post. i second it! search between dates (ranges) should be very easy to implement in SQL queries.
  3. In response to post #37703415. Absolutely agree. As soon as sunday I'll disable adblock for this site. I'm not a frequent user but every time I come here I see these site-admins that care about our mental sanity more and more... they're worth of trust, so they deserve to be rewarded. (amen :) )
  4. I don't know a lot about the riding horse, but I'm sure that if a horse is running at full speed and jump, it certainly does not implanted as shown in the animation of oblivion. in other terms: if you jump with the horse, suddenly when you reach the ground he stops his run for an unknown reason, as if it crashes into a wall... I'm not able to make KF files, so, if anyone knows how to modify it, he will be welcome. or, if anyone know a mod where this is already done, tell me! ;)
  5. Uh, I know I ask and question by myself everytime. I didn't search well in OBSE: this is the function (for books) BookRefTESCS.SetDescription "DescriptionInHTMLstring" It replace all the text with DescriptionInHTMLstring. But noe I have a problem: how to wright the double quote > " < in the string? I cannot understand what is explained in tes cs wiki... And I haven't the english keyboard...
  6. I hope there is a chance to modify the text of a book dinamically, but I didn't find that way yet, also searching in OBSE commands. Anyone can help? (The thing I want to do is: have a letter given to player by a NPC that say in what month and day he have to turn back) Thank you in advance
  7. no way. it happen and i really think it's not really a bug, but when moving to the player and encountering obstacles, the AI of enemy search a million way to reach you and, if it reach an edge of a mesh, it use it like a path to move the enemy unrealistically.
  8. I have no time to find out them, but if you open the oblivion.esm with your TES CS, find stell weapons, right click on the one you want to know where is located, click on "Use Info" and you'll see all the user and the location of it.
  9. I've scripted a spell to use the PushActorAway to the target. It happen an oddity: when target fly into the air, his weapon/shield etc. are blocked into their original position (and aren't reachable) :ohdear: and when he gets up again, magically that things are sucked back to him... if he's still alive. else there is a possibility that weapon/shield etc. remain forever in the limbo untill I take them from the target inventory I have a skeleton.nif that enable BBB (from greywolf I believe). May be its fault? i don't think that. is it a "bug"? what do you think about?
  10. Ahahah, yes, i had cut RIFERIMENTO to have less letters (it's not a slang -> MagicReference if you like to translate it). and yes, your italiano isn't so bad... you aren't Montale, but I understand what you seem to say :P I had found another way to do the same thing. i'll post as soon as possible my code (is more simple, it require only the target script!) but, for the retless: short i begin scripteffectstart set i to getscriptactiveeffectindex set TheCasterRef to (getnthactiveeffectcaster i) set TheTargetRef to getself it's less ambitious than the firsts, but it's so simple and free to use! I don't know if there are some "Contro", only "Pro"... ;D
  11. It's what I did, but there is a chance to hit the creature. it happened and the Imp (i've used it) said YAAARGHH! :biggrin: however, I'll think about your purpose (also make trigger zones). Thanks! grazie mille! (si, sono italiano. scusa il mio pessimo inglese)
  12. Ok, I found this on tes cs wiki: SelectPlayerSpell ref:MagicItem It work.
  13. Ok, I'm back to ask something else for my script (I think I'll post my esp, when I'll consider it good and well done). I'm searching how to impose the player to set automatically the spell he have to perform. If I have not explained well: you know that, if you press on a spell/tome in your inventory, it become the spell you'll perform in-game when hitting "C" on keyboard. I want to set it by script, avoiding the player to do this manually.
  14. Another script I made is less elegant, but work fine. Please, note that I need that the caster is npc or creature. This is how it work (I don't post the code): take a creature with a reference (we call it CREAT) initially disabled with a script containing some variables A, B, C... V==0 take the caster (NPC) take the target (TARG) NPC casts a a target-spell on TARG: this spell wait that CREAT.V is equal to 1 at the same time NPC had casted a on-self spell that summon CREAT with the same position, and he pass to her some values, overwriting A, B, C... and set control value V==1 Now the CREAT is serving as invoice of NPC and the spell that was waiting can do some stuff (and disable CREAT) Pro: low cost of time, simple script, caster and target ever known. Contro: CREAT is visible and reachable, even if for a few frames. If other npcs cast nearby in time the same spell, this can cause oddity or malfunctions
  15. Aggiorno i miei tentativi di ieri: I update my yesterday-tests: without know that you (WarRatsG) answer me so fast, I implemented this code (is so complicated, but I'll explain). Now, think that NPC1 casts a spell. this spell attaches to the target a script (for 2 sec) and a feather (for 2 seconds). How many NPC can cast a similar spell??? Anyone but the wanted NPC1 at 90%. So if I find a caster that, at the same time, had casted script+feather spell... that's it! [can I say in english "the game is done" istead of "that's it!", like in italian "il gioco è fatto"? or is no-sense?] Now, in base of my tests, I presumed that GetNthActiveEffectCaster requires the index of the active effect on the target. But the index is only an integer from 1 to the number of active effects (even: I presumed) so i made a cycle that find the presumed caster. ref target ; target of the spell ref caster ; will be the presumed caster of script ref castertemp ; will be the presumed caster of feather short effnum ; number of active effects int rifermagia ; number from 1 to effnum int rifermagia2 ; number from 1 to effnum int riferscript ; the code of the [i]script effect[/i] int riferscript2 ; the code of the [i]feather effect[/i] short i ; controls if the cycle found the right (presumed) caster begin scripteffectstart set target to GetSelf let riferscript := MECodeFromChars "SEFF" ; script let riferscript2 := MECodeFromChars "FTHR" ; feather set rifermagia to -1 set rifermagia to -1 set effnum to target.GetActiveEffectCount printc "%g active effects", effnum ; first loop: search a caster of a scripted spell (hoping to be those who casted this script) while rifermagia < effnum set rifermagia to rifermagia + 1 set caster to GetNthActiveEffectCaster rifermagia if caster != target && (GetNthAECode rifermagia == riferscript2) ;printc "TEST2 | I %g | Caster = %i (%n)", rifermagia, caster, caster set i to i+1 ; second loop: search same caster of a feather spell (if exist) while rifermagia2 < effnum set rifermagia2 to rifermagia2 + 1 set castertemp to GetNthActiveEffectCaster rifermagia2 if caster == castertemp && (GetNthAECode rifermagia2 == riferscript) ;printc "TEST2 | II %g | Caster = %i (%n)", rifermagia2, caster, caster set i to i+1 set rifermagia2 to effnum endif loop ; control if, at the end of 2nd loop, the search is failed or not if i==2 set rifermagia to effnum else set rifermagia2 to -1 set i to 0 ; restart cycle from last rifermagia index endif endif loop end begin scripteffectupdate if i == 2 ; only if cycle found the caster ; ** do stuff ** endif end It works fine. But the limits is: if other NPC casted a spell with the same effects, the caster can (will) be wrong. Another thing: I tryed to use less than 2 seconds for the spell duration (over a target with 9 effects active). That settings cause the failure of the script. I don't know why I have to set at least 2 sec, even if the effects to the target are immediate in-game, but so it work... Ehi! E' il più complesso script che abbia mai creato per Oblivion!
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