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About dsheik

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  1. Its an oldie but goodie, used it a lot on oldrim but theres nothing close to this for SE. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30948?tab=description
  2. Silverstarre, thank you. I was using Mod Manager version .48. I installed .53 and the mods that are current are working properly. Thanks again :thumbsup:
  3. The reason I ask is i recently purchased DAI, about a week ago. Downloaded from Origin website, so I would assume its the latest up to date version. Ive used Nexus for modding other games, usually with no problems whether using the downloader or downloading manually. Ive installed the DAI mod manager and a few mods even following a tutorial. The mods show to be active. they have been merged into my DAI/Update/merged folder. Everything appears to be correct, but Im no expert so maybe theres something Ive missed, because none of the mods show up in game. Or being that the game was recently downloaded are these mods even compatable?
  4. Thank you for this. I screwed up my ini file by not saving first before trying another. Im also using a Radeon 7700 series graphics card so I figured what the hell what do I got to loose at this point. Well after copying your ini with a minor tweak or two my Skyrim is running the best its ever ran on these settings and this is with many mods including Tamriel reloaded textures and its corresponding ENB. Im averaging around 45 FPS outdoors with the occasional dip into the 30s in high rendering areas( tall grass and different textureed grass), 50-60 FPS indoors and cities (well at least in Whiterun havent tested others yet, Solitude will probably be lower.
  5. What Im trying to do is duplicate Golden Glow estate from the thieves guild questline. Edit it and relocate the new structure to another location in Skyrim. Im running into trouble trying to edit it. Maybe ive copied the wrong file for this. Ive attached a screenshot of the render window if that helps. The path to the file in CK I took was World Objects/ Static/ Architecture/ Riften/ Goldenglowestate. Maybe I cannot edit this. Any help is appreciated
  6. I cant help you with your mod request, but you may like this version Thieves Guild Duelist Armor CBBEv3 Echo
  7. After the quest My link the Riften warehouse seems to have no purpose. Nice lake front property, large space, It would be nice to have this abandoned warehouse turned into something. A player home, a business, maybe an extension of the Riften Fishery, a fish/farmers market, a tavern, Skyrims largest alchemy shop? Seems like a deck could be extend around the building to create a nice view of the lake. Im sure there could be several improvements made to the current structure but something with some purpose in that location would add to Riften. http://images.uesp.net/8/8d/SR-place-Riften_Warehouse.jpg http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120125043117/elderscrolls/images/thumb/6/6a/TESV_Riften_Warehouse.png/830px-TESV_Riften_Warehouse.png
  8. thanks for the link. Im also going to see if I can find someone interested.
  9. This would be a good Thief/assassin armor. The Thieves guild armor is ok but just ok. Dark Brotherhood simply sucks.
  10. Im using Blender but I cannot figure out how to import meshes. The file path seems right, no error messages, but nothing seems to actually be imported. I still have the default square image on the blender screen.
  11. Does anyone know how to upload Oblivion meshes into the creation kit?
  12. Are you be able to import meshes from Oblivion in the creation kit? How exactly would one go about getting them to the CK?
  13. Unfortunately I am not skilled at modding, but I do like the armor. Hopefully someone that can create this will like it enough to do it.
  14. I wish there was a pic of the Helm, curiass, and boots, but I like what I see.
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