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About isidor987

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  1. I keep crashing around Soljunds Sinkhole and the area around it i dont know why i read that the unofficial patch might be the cause but i lost all faith in resolving this on my one so help would be appreciated. Im posting mod list in the overwrite order and the esp list bellow i use MO 2
  2. I have a enb setup the memory is set to 8 gigs same as my vram i have a gtx 1070 but ill try it see if it helps whit the bug.Gonna try iTexMipMapSkip=2 mine is set to -1 but it didn't fix it. Ty for your help.
  3. The game just dose not want to load the high detail textures it just keeps the LOD ones for some items i tried multiple fixes and solutions to this problem i found on the internet but none work.I no matter how long i wait the textures wont load and the game doesn't go above 4 gigs of vram usage same for ram so it cant be that i'm running out of memory.Any help would be appreciated in fixing this issue.I posted my mod list and plugin load order below but i had this happen on vanilla as well before. Mod list Load order
  4. CFL and the brightness is normal and the game looks grate.
  5. Thanks for the help man but i just switched enbs and it fixed it.
  6. My enb make books too bright and some characters faces as well.I cant find the option to change object lighting parameters in the enb config and i tried changing enb brightness and gamma but it dosent affect the books and character faces.I only have 1 lighting mod and that is obsidian weather the other mods dont change lighting as far as i know.Any help is appreciated i dont know what to do anymore didnt have this problem in oldrim. Mod list Edit:Im using NVT enb tried PRT both whit the obsidian config but still same issue
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