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  1. You'd need an animator for stuff like that tho. Super cool idea, but I'd never be able to pull stuff like that off. But I'm sure some modding god could do it for sure.
  2. make a mod that lets you get into a power armor then call down liberty prime then use him like a power armor? https://i.chzbgr.com/full/8596710400/h7EFB3403/
  3. Holy s***, that minutemen idea is pretty neat... that would give us 3 unique call ins for the the institute, BoS and minutemen. with the insitute way also being possible if you tweak the molecular interceptor or what's it called. And yeah, once the Geck is out, this mod idea should be able to skyrocket. And I have some basic knowhow and creative ideas and balancing off it, but the real modding part is not yet my strongest game.
  4. well, the institute way would work basically everywhere. And I on the other realy want things like these to be lore friendly, or as "realistic" as possible within the game. But I think it should be possible to have multiple armors stored, and an item to configure wich power armor you will be calling in.
  5. deathclaw power armor... damn this got my hyped up. just imagine crawling into your deathclaw suit, and wreaking havoc.
  6. +1 While I realy love the bulky ones too, (I always loved the t51!), I also found it a shame there weren't more out of the box and special power armors too.
  7. I think it pops up when the exiting area of the powerarmor is obstructed/not free? quite impressed you already almost figured this out. I'm a noob at modding, but still never thought it wuold happen that fast already.
  8. a clever modder could just reskin the base frame, the frame alrready has stats of its own that the pices stack on top of like how armor stakes over your vault suit, just remove the holes in the frame and bam institute tec Yeah, but would be a bit bland no? But could make it so that the armor pieces of institute power armor are like just thin overlays?
  9. yeah, the synth option seemed the simplest to do to me as well. the hardest thing will indeed be, how do you make the power armor use npc like behaviours ( even the drop animation is npc-animated) without an npc in it? The empty Power Armor "Furniture" already has some pretty intricate animations which makes me think it uses the same skeleton as the Power Armor "NPC", with that in mind i don't think it would be TOO difficult (for someone experienced) to move some animations around and make it work properly when empty. The hardest thing will probably be getting it to use the player's Power Armor, and getting said armor to despawn/teleport when called in. Maybe a script to track and copy the inventory of tagged Power Armor? my idea was to make you "store" your armor in a specific location. like maybe for the institute, after you build the signal interceptor, make it repairable. after that you can store a power armor in the machine, and this way have it known what power armor should be spawned in. For the BoS way there could be another way to do it, but I think the most feasible way would be to have you store the armor away somewhere where the mod/game can read what power armor should be spawned. This way it would also be balanced a bit, that in order to have a power armor on demand, you have to put it away.
  10. greatly agree! Was severely dissapointed by the lack of marine life, especially when there's that much water! You could even have interesting combat, since when using power armor you sink to the bottom and walk there!
  11. yeah, the synth option seemed the simplest to do to me as well. the hardest thing will indeed be, how do you make the power armor use npc like behaviours ( even the drop animation is npc-animated) without an npc in it?
  12. what I would like to see is "institue power armor" when I entered the institute in power armor, there was a courser saying "power armor offers good protection, but limits your mobility" and a bit further there was a scientist: 'amazing power armor, makes me think we should devellop our own" So why shouldn't they? I would love to see a institute power armor. I'd see it as a more slender powerarmor than the other ones, as to make it more agile, as the coursers would wish.
  13. Yeah, also a possibility, but I'm not realy a fan of that, as if feels quite unlorefriendly. + you'd have to balance the fusion core use etc. someone also had a cool Idea to make your suit fight autonomously like the iron man suits. Did like that idea tho, you could balance it by making it high level perked, having max robotics expert and hacker for example. But an issue would be, as I see it: what happens when it "dies"? does it shut down? does it get unusable? because as an npc dies, power armor is non usable. and you basically would have to make the armor behave like an npc I think they're quite capable, + they'd only have to do a high flyby do drop it down. I had this funny Idea of having a gen 1 synth running in your power armor to you, then exit it as it says: " here you go, have a nice day sir"
  14. once the GECK is released, mods like these will come with the thousands. currently there are some mods though that add many object, including stairs. the settlements expanded one for example
  15. an Idea I had, and would love to make a reality, is something that popped in my mind when I saw a BoS knight drop out of a vertibird with his powerarmor and slamming into the ground li.ke a real badass. I've added some more ideas posted by others and myself during the topic here. So not all credit goes to me on this one. I'll try to credit where it's due on the ideas. But this way it's all together in the first post. The BoS way: 1. the badass dropdown you could call in your powerarmor. you drop like a signal grenade, and a vertibird comes flying over and your armor drops down to the ground, with the awesome powerarmor drop animation and damage. 2. the halo drop pod (credit to Daminoth for this one) The armor is in a pod and warps in in the sky above grenade, pod has rockets that propel it to the ground and has an amplified aoe fire effect similar to the leg mod. pod the opens revealing armor. The Institute way: you assign a power armor to use, and get a power armor relay grenade. Like the synth relay grenade, you throw the grenade and you can relay in your power armor. maybe even if you no longer need it, you could put in a callback device or something like that, wich makes the power armor relay back/despawn. the institute spawning in will be the easiest one to pull of I think, as you can build of the synth relay grenade. The minutemen way kelstr33 and demonocolips you build an aritillery cannon on steroids, wich can shoot in a power armor ofc the Geck would be needed for these ideas.
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