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Everything posted by aegean77

  1. The excellent Varied Raiders and Varied Gunner Mercenaries by Cthulhuandme, https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15780?tab=description https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15784 Would it be possible to add or a patch to place in random celeb faces? (There are so many well made celebs) Imagine having looted bodies to discover OMG that was Will Smith or Vladamir Putin!
  2. All hail Francksteel ! saviour of Fallout New Vegas ! Seriously - I was going to give up on the DLC
  3. Hi, I have had in both FO4 and FO4VR, that when I hover over the default vanilla pistol the game would crash to desktop After some googling I found this thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/7vp5f6/ctd_in_weapons_bench_only_when_hovering_over/ I know this isn't on the nexus and there seems to be a couple of other mods for the creation club - which I haven't tried, but this definitely works in VR. Use the standard FO4 to download "Generical Compatibility Patch for Creation Club Skins" Then just pull it over from FO4 to the same and drop it into VR - either let vortex pick it up or add it to your load list manually peace!
  4. Click on link - he also fashioned the receiver from the spade itself! awesome lol http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/179192-DIY-Shovel-AK-photo-tsunami-warning
  5. bill8872 - All my mods were up to date as of yesterday. I downloaded the latest update and it disabled all active mods, although all the esp were ticked. reinstalled all my mods en-mass via the green tick, ran LOOT, no joy, disabled all mods re-enable, nope, nothing, nada. Even the DLC esp are not registered. I'm a FO4 junkey and I need my fix lol
  6. Sunshine Tidings co-op has "out house" toilets. Would it be possible to have toilets that improve settlement happiness? Just for immersion! Even some prefab small buildings Just a thought
  7. Squirrels - the crispy type, why isn't in any in the common wealth? Everything else seems to be available to kill for cooking except the squirrels! And could we thus have legendary types, albino death squirrels? Release the squirrels ! edit - typo in the header - arrrrgh
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