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Everything posted by myinstantregret

  1. Welp, a new application of thermal paste didn't solve it (I wasn't particularly confident it would, but it was worth a shot). Looks like I'm gonna have to replace my gpu then. Which I guess actually works out alright, I was thinking of upgrading to a newer one anyway but couldn't justify shelling out $500 for it, but now I guess I have an excuse to.
  2. Yeah, I tried verifying my cache a few days ago and unfortunately no luck. I was really hoping it wasn't gonna end up being a card issue (obviously) but damn... At least my laptop is capable of upgrading cards though, so I'm not totally f***ed. Still though I'm holding out hope, gonna try and reapply some thermal paste to my gpu tonight, see if that improves the situation.
  3. So, I've been having this strange graphical... error, if you will. Polygons on the player character keep shooting across the screen like they're trying to reach goddamn Cyrodiil, and I can't figure out what's causing it. I'll shove some screenshots of these rogue polygons in here in the likely event that what I'm saying makes absolutely no sense. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1616049762679072439/F6AAE33C1E72ABF20FDF3415B0A96E98914BB2A9/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/1616049762679062789/7F5DB612D12374E416BD913FE17050E6C15A0E66/ At first I thought it might be mod-related as I've had a really stable build going for a few months now (very few to no CTDs despite being modded to s***) and the issue seemed to begin at around the same time I installed Familiar Faces. However, upon uninstalling FF and its required mods, I still had the same issue. So as a test I tried loading up an old vanilla save on a separate totally vanilla install, I still saw some stretching polygons when drawing my bow, although it was much less than on my modded install. I've been searching around online for a good three weeks trying to find some sort of solution, and—let me tell you—I've tried everything. I've tried updating my gpu drivers, as well as uninstalling them completely and reinstalling them. I've cleaned all the dust out of my gpu, fans, and heatsink. I've disabled AA, I've turned on mesh threading in the INI, I've reinstalled xp32, changed weight sliders for player characters to zero. EVERYTHING. As you can probably guess by the fact that I'm here asking for help, none of it has worked. So I'm kind of out of moves here, I don't know what could be causing the issue. If anyone has any suggestions or theories about what might be making this happen and how I might be able to fix it, I'd love to hear them. It's pretty annoying staring at pieces of my character's head sailing through the air; I'm playing as a mage, not JFK taking a ride through Dealey Plaza. Literally any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, yo
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