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Everything posted by Rorax

  1. Heres what this problem is specifically in relation to project wise. https://imgur.com/a/4bwVZ
  2. FIXED!!!!! Omg. Feels so good. I have to thank you Steve40 while you might not of meant it you made me realize that glass materials are made to suit their enviroment and ideally I can't just take a transparency material I saw somewhere and hope it works in my enviroment xD That made me finally swallow my fear and start playing with the material numbers. Have NO IDEA what I was doing I finally kind of started to understand what all the numbers meant through trial and error and now I have this #proud #hashtagsonnexus #justkidding #ami? I can now move on with the rest of my custom institute pieces without frustration. For those wondering it /appears/ that the inversion of color comes from the player camera exceeding the position of the Falloff Stop Angle in the material. If you want to literally rub your nose on the glass it seems you need a negative stop angle as that would mean the player camera can't exceed 0 (due to collision) That is to say that the falloff stop angle is how close a character can get before the material stops changing appearance. If the camera can exceed that distance, the material is forced into negative numbers and therefore starts to look inverted.
  3. Heya Steve Both Changing Env Map LOD to 0 and Map Mask Scale to 2 made no perceivable difference. I think maybe LOD made the "image" in the glass appear sooner on approach to the window but that might be my imagination. Could if be falloff? angle of falloff in particular? I'll have a play with that because I realized my reference, the institute elevator is a rounded surface and might have a angle that suits that.
  4. Someone suggested if I produce more visual guides as to what I have personally done that it may be easier to help me. So here goes. I had some minor success by only using the shader property values and removing the material reference from the shaderproperty entirely. However the glass was still kind of foggy. Here are three comparisons With what I tried. The problem is that 1. doesn't entirely solve the issue 2. is what vanilla assets seem to do with glass and 3. is just a failed hunch and appears like 2. 1. looks like this in game 2 and 3 look like this in game. And the vanilla glass that I am basing this off looks like this in game The confusing part is that the above working vanilla glass looks more like comparison 2. than comparison 1 or 3. As I note in the edited screenshot the values in the vanilla shaderproperty are different from mine, and importantly are different from the material themselves. What I want you dear reader to know is that I have tried their values. shown in the working vanilla version. The ones you see in the comparison are the ones I took from the material itself using a material editor program. In otherwords. It doesn't seem shaderproperty values matter /at all/ when a material is assigned. As shown by comparison 3. And anecdotally through me trying these values in the past. So thats where the confusion lies. The material. The material I am using is the exact same one the vanilla version is using same file, same archive. InsGlass02.BGEM Yet when I use it, its all gross and weird. When its on a vanilla asset it works perfectly and you can barely tell I'm looking through 2 panes of glass on a glass elevator shaft in the Institute. I have rechecked my UVs, I have as you can see used the correct paths in the shader property (both sets) And at one stage I even deleted my own shader property and whole sale imported the block from the elevator asset. Still borken. So that leaves me to believe its something that I missed in the /modelling/ or /export/ phases of creating my own window. Any insight would be appreciated.
  5. Hi all I have been having an issue with the way the glass looks in my custom window model when a player approaches it. within a certain distance anything on the other side of the glass looks inverted and further away the glass looks way too glossy. I posted a thread here looking for any insight a few weeks ago but didn't receive any answers. At this point I'm desperate as I am finding it very hard to move on without resolving the issue. Heres a link to the original thread. https://forums.nexus.../#entry53809068 If you could please post any help there I would be extremely grateful. I'm sorry if this seems like post necro but I feel I waited a long enough time before asking again.
  6. Unarmed and melee combat is fairly bad outside of VATS in FO4 and after doing an entire play through as an unarmed character I am fairly certain I know what the pea to the princess is in that regard. NPCs can and /will/ infinitely block the PC if they use melee and unarmed attacks this is especially bad for unarmed. Currently in order to get around the infinite block pattern you are required to break distance with the NPC in order to force a change in their AI. This is extremely frustrating especially in heated and extended fights. The idea of the mod is simple (whether it is in practice is another story of course) If a NPC is blocking, and the PC uses a heavy attack it will "guard break" the NPC so that they can't guard again for a second or two. The heavy attack is still blocked but any following attacks can't be blocked in the following seconds. This does several things for close range combat IMO 1. prevents combat flow from being broken 2. elevates the usefulness of non vats close combat play 3. makes the heavy attacks stamina cost worth more 4. makes close combat less brainless. Thank you for considering my mod suggestion. Any questions welcome.
  7. The material file is the same one as the one from the reference nif above.
  8. So I have no idea what the issue is here and any insight would be great. this is my first transparent nif object so I could very well be missing something obvious. https://i.imgur.com/Tzi2LJ2.png As you will see from the link above the glass inverts all colour through it. Its also quite a bit darker than the VltWindowPanel01Clean.nif I took the material from. I made sure that the shader property was an effect shader rather than a lighting shader too. The glass also appears opaque in nifskope unlike VltWindowPanel01Clean which appears transparent just fine. I feel like there is a property value somewhere I am missing but I feel like i have checked and rechecked the two BSEffectShaderProperties to the point of absurdity. Thoughts? Answers? I would be grateful for anything. Thank you! Edit: So I changed it to institute glass to check that I wasn't crazy. Heres what it Looks like when I rub my nose up against the glass in the institute. https://i.imgur.com/vAaPrOd.png Heres what happens when I rub my nose up against the glass in my window. https://i.imgur.com/MGpMeuq.png
  9. Good Gravy I'm an idiot. Turns I didn't even have the plugin enabled. Never mind -_-
  10. Ignore I'm an idiot I am trying to place a frame with power armor on it in the InstituteFEVLab interior. copying the national guard training yard third interior (the locked armory) it appears that its a matter of placing the power armor furniture object of your choice. In the NGTY example its a LvlPowerArmorFurniturePartialNoCore So as a test I dragged the exact same object type into the fev lab cell and it doesn't show up. Doesn't matter if its a new game or a reset cell on an older game. No power armor where I put it. What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? I searched the forums for the issue but others don't seem to have ever asked the question.
  11. Alright! Turns out Steve40 had it right. Had to clip back the collision mesh. Compromise is good I suppose :tongue: Also took the opportunity to fix the smoothing groups :)
  12. I was really excited for these to work. But Alas poor yorik :P Anyway thank you so much I'm going to try making the collision mesh more hospitable
  13. SOLVED: Thanks steve40 I have created a few custom pieces of structure. I'm working on and institute set, I have done all the blender > max > nif > elric > mesh work. I have everything in game and working quite well except. I have my connection points well and truly where I want them. And in most cases they work. All but in one pretty normal configuration. On with the screenshots! This works fine (although odd because they aren't meant to go together xD) This works fine This works fine BUT this /doesn't/ And I have no idea how to fix it I thought it might be WorkshopItemOverlap as an actor value in CK and to some extent its true. Thats how I got the third screenshot to work so it /seems/ that value dictates how many units a model can clip into it or something. probably not quite since 128 units is half a "square unit" in settlements. To that effect I have tried values of 8 to 128 and both the ceiling piece here (a test object) and the walls currently have the overlap value at 128. As you can see it works with the shack walls. So I thought I might of had the connect points placed wrong. But the ceiling points on the shack wall and my institute wall are both y -128. If anyone has some insight on this particular issue. I would love to hear it. If you are wondering why I don't just clip the wall model back so that they don't clip in the first place. I intentionally built the model like that so that the inside curve didn't create a bizarre sharp edge. If I absolutely must. I will. But I know there are other workshop items that clip when snapping just fine so I would love to know the answer.
  14. Thanks again for finding those. I followed them to the letter but nothing has fixed it. I took a different approach and dug up ShackMidFloor01Foundation02.nif on a theory that my multiple collision objects were what were getting in the way. I have since reordered my nif to match that one as closely as possible. Including block order in the hopes that /something/ gives. Turns out. That for HOURS I was barking up the wrong tree. My entire problem was on the CK side. To ensure that a object like this sinks properly unlike a flat floor. It must have the WorkshopPlacementAllowWaterAv in the Actor Values of its Static object -_- Have a picture for our troubles. https://i.imgur.com/lYCTcqu.png
  15. This is exactly the video I followed and why I removed the strings parents in the CPA children :tongue: But thanks for trying.
  16. SOLVED! I feel like I'm going insane. I created a custom model and such, in this case a floor piece and in order to apply snaps to it I lifted the BSConnectPoint::Parents branch directly from Dlc05WrhsFloorSlate01.nif (warehouse slate floor) Now I have done a couple things to try and get them to work. 1.I compared the two in nifskope side by side and made sure the strings were correct. 2.I copied the WorkshopConnectPoints NiNode from the slate floor and childed it correctly to the 0 NiNode in my own model 3.When that didn't work I follow an old snap point tutorial on youtube which didn't even have a parent for the connect points. So I removed their parent string and removed the WorkshopConnectPoints NiNode 4.Still an't working. Whats currently happening in game is that it will magnetise to the ground at the base of the floor tile OR with another workshop object bellow it will magnetise to its maximum height. It will not raise and lower smoothly, and it won't snap to anything. Strangely enough other things will snap to /it/ Its so damn weird, send help. The nif is linked below: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9VtzmeJu4hGaHJaamg2NUpDdEU
  17. This shows my ignorance. But couild I not just change that value to 5? Also thank you so so so much for helping :smile: I seem to have misunderstood you. I can just change that number :) And yes calculating a vertex's size is no issue for me so thank you so so much.
  18. Solved! Thanks zilav Disclaimer: I'm a nif noob and my perspective on whats sane is only based on the tutorials I followed and the trouble shooting steps I have taken so far. I have created a new nif model for a planned settlement mod I want to make however after following tutorials the ck continues to crash when trying to load the nif. Things checked so far. 1. textures are all Beths and so should be ^2 ? 2. all BSlightingPropertyShaders txt fields point to an appropriate BGSM (again all Beth generated) 3. Has a BSX block 4. Has a havok block (both bsx and havok blocks are directly from the warehouse slate floor nif) 5. All meshes are BStriShape s Aaaand thats all I can think of off the top of my head that you might want to know in advance. Find the file here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9VtzmeJu4hGb193dk9nVGlhRlU
  19. Hi sorry it took me so long to respond, haven't had a lot of time today to mod. I took a look at your mod and I honestly couldn't see any fundamental differences between our actors. Maybe there is something I'm missing. However. I'm going to try the reflinking trick by dropping one into the cell like you suggest. Maybe thats the difference? And to answer your question. Yes, before I made them uncommandable I made sure they would actually do the work I assigned them to. And they did. So they definitely CAN work. Thanks for the tip about Lchars :)
  20. Well I haven't even got them to the stage where I wanted to start messing with getting them recruited by a beacon Infact the plan was to set up a station where you could teleport them in (for a cost) after you had joined the institute. and no I don't have a bunch of different types. Just the one, the Synth settlement guard. (if I understand your meaning) Having a look at the "Custom faction won't do job" topic it sounds like I have done pretty much everything you did? I'll have to check your mod. Do you mark your custom actors in CK in any particular way so I know what to search? Edit: I didn't know what you meant by LChar until I looked at your mod. No the synth guard isn't part of a level list. do I need to make it part of one in order for this to work? Its only one npc right now I was going to worry about leveling later.
  21. Thanks I'll take a look and report back with what I find :) The only think I fear is that this mod isn't intended to have them added to the world via CK but instead "recruited" So I hope I can spot what I'm looking for. Thanks again
  22. Hi! I'm trying to unlock the tangled secrets of NPCs and workshops. I have created a Synth "guard" NPC for my mod where the only job I want them capable of is guard duty. Here are the steps I have taken to achieve this so far. 1. copied the main settler template actor (EncWorkshopNPCMaleFarmer01Template), changed its race and skin to SynthGen2 2. copied the main generic workshop NPC (WorkshopNPC) made its template my custom template, messed around with its factions to make sure it talked like a synth, and kept the factions I thought were related to being a workshop settler. 3.I edited the behavior graphs so that synths can use furniture this was a saga of its own, see here 4.Finally get to the point where I have to try to customize its behavior and realize I have no idea what I'm doing. So what have I tried so far? Following the string documentation of the NPCs attached workshopnpcscript I have set bCommandable to false (to prevent the player telling it to farm or run a stand) set bAllowCaravan to false to prevent the player making them caravaneers. Set bWork24Hours to true so they never sleep, and set assignedMultiResource to Safety in the hopes of encouranging them to take up guard duty The result of this is that I can spawn the synth in and I can use the "move" trick to add them to the workshop but when I do they don't increment the settler population despite bCountsForPopulation being True. They also will not take up any work duty, regardless of when or how I pass time elsewhere or present. I also know they can guard because before I set bCommandable to false I could assign them to guard posts just fine. So what am I doing wrong? what do I have to do? I'm stumped I have not understood the innerworkings of FO4 workshop stuff yet to even understand what to try next. My only guess is that they aren't being properly added to the workshop when spawned in and thats botching things up? But when I do the spawn/move trick with normal settlers they still increment population. And the issue with "properly" spawning them in is that CreateActorPUBLIC strictly spawns human/ghoul settlers due to workshopParentscript Thanks for reading :) TLDR; My Synth Npcs won't increase workshop population when added and they won't automatically take up guard duty.
  23. I have done it! \o/ It required an edit to the base behavior graphs however. I don't know if that will really have any sort of conflict as I can't think of any situation where Bethesda were trying to stop Gen 1 and 2 synths from interacting with furniture? Anyhoo its a matter of going to Gameplay > Animations... > and finding the animations that match the use info of the keyword (in this case the keyword was AnimSynthCanUse, and one of the uses was in the animation FurnitureInteractionEnter) And changing the conditions there to allow synths to use the furniture. Result http://i.imgur.com/BQ0oSqg.png By the way. Removing the RaceSynth Keyword from the Race object wasn't going to work since RaceSynth was intertwined with a lot of other stuff that I would of had to create rolling duplicates of and even then that doesn't help with the scripts who's properties are intertwined with the whole thing.
  24. It seems like a strange thing to hard code though considering as you say you can literally just copy the synthgen2 race and suddenly its not beholden to it *shrug*
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