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Hey guys! Having a small issue with some of the grass/brush in the game. Instead of loading in properly, it loads in as this weird stone texture block, or two flat stone texture blocks in an X formation. No idea what is causing this... Help would be appreciated.
Version 1.0 will have liches and nether liches (the latter being the weakened form of the former, needing to repair their damaged phylacteries). Version 2.0 (or thereabouts) will add ancient liches, the next "evolution" if you will of liches. This ain't even in the planning stages yet -- still brainstorming on this one. My efforts for now are primarily on getting version 1.0 done and released, after which will be versions 1.1, 1.2, etc. adding new followers, new locations, lich NPCs, etc. And a side note: I think D&D has forever corrupted the meaning of the word "demilich". "Demi" is a prefix that means "half" (or, in many cases, simply "less"): a demigod isn't a more powerful deity, it's a less powerful one; a demitasse isn't a big coffee cup, it's a small one! So why is the more powerful form of lich called a "demilich"? Because, physically, it is less than it used to be -- e.g. just a skull with a pair of glowing eyes -- despite having given up that physical form because its power has grown to such a point that it doesn't need it! Nonetheless, this has associated "demi" with "more powerful", despite its meaning being better described as exactly the opposite. It's probably the one thing I fault Gygax for. that always screwed me up to, I really like uesp's way of explaining the nether lich, thats how I see it
I'll probably put the call out for custom models after 1.0, and depending on how that goes 2.0 might even release with all-new custom models and stuff just for it! We'll see, though, I can not and will not make promises about things that are beyond my own capabilities, and completely out of my control. Good to hear. Also, if you want a...sort of.....lich haven, I got a medium sized nordic ruin with safe containers and lich-like features that i'm working on currently, if you or anyone else wants access to it, i should be posting it on the nexus by the end of this week. And trust me, I am a LORE-FRIENDLY person, not one of those people who puts dwemer crap in a cave and nordic ruins in a dwemer ruin....I like to keep things just as if it was an actual developer made dungeon, so I am basing this dark lair (Nemroth Crypt) off of lore from both tes and forgotten realms. Another thing, if anyone wants to read a really really good series that has a lot of undead and lich like stuff. Read the drizzt series, Szass Tam is one of the coolest liches ever, not to mention Valindra or the Dread Ring... : ) really good series identical to tes, awesome read :thumbsup:
After 2.0 will you maybe work on custom lich models? or atleast try and find people that will do them?
How many versions are you planning to release? I mean your going to support this mod for a while right?
make a skeleton or draugr body and then when your choosing AI packages select i think its stationary they wont move if you do but I might be wrong but I think head tracking is still active when they are stationary. On another note like the screen shot I took Thats me :D That is so motherf'ing awesome! Now i really want that he would make liches into skeletons :confused: What mod are you using to turn into that skeleton? wow, now i'm really debating whether or not I want to look like a dragonpriest, or a skeleton..... decisions decisions .....if you could let us know which mod your using too, that would be great :)
When your done could you put a link to your (what i assume is) house mod I would actually like to see it. ya sure thing, It's basically a nordic crypt thats farely small with a few small rooms (alchemy and such) and then one large room that I will be using as my "headquarters", I just need to learn how to add non-hostile enemies.....I just started it tho...might be a few weeks (nav-meshing is a pain)
All these Ideas sound fantastic to me! :) atm I am creating the ultimate lich haven.......dark mist....crypts.....summoning circles...undead minions...about 1/4 done (started yesterday) maybe once I'm finished I will upload it as a sorta "lich home sweet home" :) ooooh your close to a release? that sounds absolutely awesome...I can't wait!!! I guess I can bear looking like a human lich atleast for the first few versions........
I was thinking (moving on from the topic of maybe later version lich forms.....I only hope :)) about the phylactery..wouldn't it be much more..ehm...interesting...if the player could choose a rare item or artifact (ie. staves, tortsen or reareks skulls, jewelry, etc) that they would want as their "phylactery" I mean 1 single widely used phylactery...is well..a bit boring...I mean wouldn't it be cooler if you could CHOOSE your phylactery? maybe you could list the possible phylacteries? (if you think this is an idea worth taking?) just a suggestion :) :)
These look great : ) ^ ROLE-PLAY < that is the ONLY reason I would download this mod.....its not like I really want the buffs or boosts..I'm a lvl 81 mage with 900 magicka....so ya. but this is just my point! you cannot "roleplay" a lich...without looking somewhat like one....I understand this is above and beyond what you can do, and I'm not arguing that. But if someone could do it, would you not add it in? I mean the quest and search sounds great, phylactery, great. I just really think if someone is willing to volunteer with doing this, you should consider adding it.
If its possible for skeleton lich's to were armor and robes....that would be stupendous, awesome, Imagine....a skeletal ancient lich floating around in arch-mages robes with the Jagged Crown....AWESOMENESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe even 2 files, one is the draugr like lich, the other skeletal! either one would be perfect and dreamlike! :) anyways, night all :)
One of the most popular mage mods in oblivion made mannimarco look like a real lich like in daggerfall my main point is, without a lich looking like a lich....there isn't really too much point in becoming one...other than a few buffs..... all you would need is one single custom lich model, with no armor showing up on it, but still equip-able, so you would still gain the armor boosts or magicka boosts of robes, and a toggle so you can go and do quests or buy and sell as you please! :) when I think of a lich, I think of this> Physical descriptionEdit Liches are generally gaunt and skeletal with withered flesh stretched tight across horribly visible bones, but can vary greatly in appearance depending on their age (some appear as skeletons dressed in regal finery, yet others seem to be rotted zombie-like mages. Bright pinpoints of crimson light burn in the empty sockets of those whose eyes have been destroyed or otherwise lost or are so old they have simply rotted away. They are often clad in dark, tattered robes. When moving, they seem to glide as if floating on water. Liches often do not have lips or the necessary organs to produce natural speech, but they have the ability to project speech from their mouths magically, moving the jaw (if present) to aid the illusion.
What i'm saying is a lich is a lich, and a lich most definietely doesn't look like this> What a lich CAN do on the other hand, is use magic to disguise himself around others, also.....I doubt that armors and such would be able to show up on a custom lich model, they could still be equip-able and maybe you could still receive the bonuses of them, just I doubt you would be able to see them. About the transformation idea...I think that is terrible...thats like saying a human can only transform into a human sometimes, the rest of the time it looks like an ape....no....the lich's DEFAULT form should be the undead one, and then maybe a toggle or toggle-like spell that makes them take on the form of a human. All i'm saying is a lich is an undead abomination with rotting flesh and bare bones that skulks in crypts and tombs doing dark rituals and raising undead armies, not a human that walks around town and goes shopping like no biggy. A human illusion toggle is much more logical and lore friendly.
ahh sorry for the outbreak, but I just don't understand how you can be a "lich" without looking like a "lich". You wouldn't have to make any more than 1, I mean I doubt anyone would care if their argonian lich had the skeleton of a human.....Oh and about the Mannimarco bit, the only reason they did that is they were lazy, UESP considers it a bug. You every played Daggerfall? look at him in there :) I'm not trying to be a retard but I just don't understand the point of becoming a lich for just a bunch of abilities and buffs, I mean the look of being a lich is what got me searching for these types of mod in the first place. Removing that completely would be.....kind of, I don't know...removing the point? Could you maybe do an optional file that includes this? I see Skullerris is sharing the same viewpoint here to, also, your point about about it being tedious to recast is relevant I think a better idea would be make it a toggle. I'm not hating, but could you atleast consider making an optional file? I mean looking like a lich is really kinda the whole point.....thats like removing beast forms look and just giving humans a speed and attack increase....... otherwise I think this mod is near-perfect, your doing a great job. :thumbsup:
WHAT!!!!! NO! YOU CAN"T MAKE THE LICH WITH A HUMAN MODEL? Liches are ALWAYS looking like this>>>>>>>> You can't make them look like a human when they are most powerful!!! no way! do what they were going to do in TRUE LICHDOM where you look like that^ all the time, but you have a spell that makes you have the illusion of looking like a human being! you can't seriously make the lich look like a human at any time at all, that would go against every single bit of lore attached to the liches ever! Liches are undead! the very skin is dripping from there bones or they don't have any skin at all! you cant do this!!!! PLZ don't do this, if you are going to make liches look like the human model, this would cause me to go to the point of not downloading this mod....... :( And this is my last hope!!! plz just let them have an ability or toggle or spell or something that gives them the "illusion" of looking human! this is much much better than making them look like the player model :( plz!!!! don't do this!!!!!