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  1. Question 1: I've created some override textures for the game and was looking to implement them. Question 2: Where does steam save workshop mods? Thanks guys! I'm aware somewhere this may have been answered. But I was digging for an hour and maybe missed it. So sorry if this has been answered elsewhere already.
  2. Hey Amineri, I'm grateful that you're such a huge help. My issue is less of coding and a curiosity on packing using the tool-kit. I designed some textures to replace the games default ones, and repackaged the UPKs. For example, HumanShared.upk contains some texture files in the base game. I decided to change these textures with photo editing software. I then saved the new UPK and exported it. When I add this UPK to the mod into the content folder, it doesn't seem to over-ride the game. TLDR; How do I make my mods UPK over-ride the games default files? Thanks a bunch!
  3. Hey guys, I think the pacify system is great but 10 charisma points seems a hefty investment to use it. My idea, everyone can pacify regardless of charisma. First rank of the charisma 10 perk guarantees that humans will succumb to your threat. Or maybe increase duration of how long they're pacified.
  4. Thank you very much, I just ran into this problem only a minute ago and you solved it.
  5. As title says, "Is there console command to open inventory menu?" I've been searching for awhile to try and find commands similar to this, and have found none. Thanks for any answers guys!
  6. Hey guys, I had a simple mod idea and I wish I had the expertise to do it myself. This is the idea, to allow the player to use the menu system from power armor in place of their pip-boy (While not in power-armor). This would allow the player to unequip the pip-boy via console commands, and still be able to use the in game menu.
  7. I cannot seem to change my Background Image on mine Either. It's quite troublesome. Could you please look at it Dark0ne? Thanks. http://www.nexusmods.com/neverwinter2/mods/854/?
  8. The texture issue only effects the first person body, as for the Mesh I need to use the default path for the mesh, but I will try your method.
  9. Yes, I'd like to know a solution to this. Question, did you get the CK from steam as well?
  10. I am currently using a body vanilla outfits mod that provides all the nifs. However I never actually changed the nif path at all. Also if this were the case, the Male 1st/3rd person and female 3rd person nifs wouldn't recieve the texture changes. However, they all do. The only one that does not change, is the first person female texture. So if I change it it shows the changes. But after saving/reloading inside ArmorAddOn the path to the texture then appears blank again.
  11. I've been spending a long few days making my mod, and getting everything dandy. But All of a sudden it is as though everything broke down. What I did was create new clothing but without NIFs, simple texture addOns using ArmorAddOn, which was relatively simple once I understood the controls/concept of CK. However, I now have a real odd problem out of no where, one that I did not have recently. The mod suddenly won't save textures for female characters on their first person model. It also removed all of my textures that previously worked on those very same first person models. The odd part though, is that this bug does not affect the males AT ALL. So has anyone seen this bug? And if so, how would I got about fixing this so 1st person can be seen with the correct textures. I'm not sure if this is only a bug with CK or something more. But it could be possible I'm doing something wrong I suppose. I tried re-applying all the textures to the first person bodies again. But after saving, if I start the game or reload the ESP in CK, it's as though the information never saved. Also I have removed the original esp out of the DATA folder, and resaved in the ESP to be assured that it was saving. It produced a new file in the DATA folder, so it is saving, but the information on the changes to first person, seem to not be. Edit; I also remade a completely brand new ESP and tried making ArmorAddOns on the new file, and it still failed to stay attached to the female models. I also reinstalled Skyrim and the CK completely, this did not rectify the situation.
  12. I've been spending a long few days making my mod, and getting everything dandy. But All of a sudden it is as though everything broke down. What I did was create new clothing but without NIFs, simple texture addOns using ArmorAddOn, which was relatively simple once I understood the controls/concept of CK. However, I now have a real odd problem out of no where, one that I did not have recently. The mod suddenly won't save textures for female characters on their first person model. It also removed all of my textures that previously worked on those very same first person models. The odd part though, is that this bug does not affect the males AT ALL. So has anyone seen this bug? And if so, how would I got about fixing this so 1st person can be seen with the correct textures. I'm not sure if this is only a bug with CK or something more. But it could be possible I'm doing something wrong I suppose. I tried re-applying all the textures to the first person bodies again. But after saving, if I start the game or reload the ESP in CK, it's as though the information never saved. Also I have removed the original esp out of the DATA folder, and resaved in the ESP to be assured that it was saving. It produced a new file in the DATA folder, so it is saving, but the information on the changes to first person, seem to not be. Edit; I also remade a completely brand new ESP and tried making ArmorAddOns on the new file, and it still failed to stay attached to the female models.
  13. Hey there, I'm working on a mod currently, to add various clothing retextures to Skyrim, however I would like to do this without having to make and edit Meshes for compatibility reasons so people can use any Mesh replacers they want, and simply just need my textures. So I was given advice and had tried different things, one I came across which I thought would work, but did not was armorAddOn. Example; Bar Maids outfit Variation 4 Biped model; Clothes\FarmClothes03\farmerrobe_1.nif SkinTexture; MyTexture First Person; Clothes\FarmClothes03\1stPersonfarmerrobe_1.nif Now I thought this would work in theory, but I was wrong. Instead of SkinTexture using MyTexture.dds to replace the outfits texture, it literally replaced the Skin of the body. EDIT; Nevermind I discovered my mistake. So my question is this; Is it possible to make armor, using my textures that still referance to default path .Nifs for Meshes. Basically have SkinTexture replace the armors texture instead of the Skin of the body. Thanks for any advice. ~PI
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