I've been spending a long few days making my mod, and getting everything dandy. But All of a sudden it is as though everything broke down. What I did was create new clothing but without NIFs, simple texture addOns using ArmorAddOn, which was relatively simple once I understood the controls/concept of CK. However, I now have a real odd problem out of no where, one that I did not have recently. The mod suddenly won't save textures for female characters on their first person model. It also removed all of my textures that previously worked on those very same first person models. The odd part though, is that this bug does not affect the males AT ALL. So has anyone seen this bug? And if so, how would I got about fixing this so 1st person can be seen with the correct textures. I'm not sure if this is only a bug with CK or something more. But it could be possible I'm doing something wrong I suppose. I tried re-applying all the textures to the first person bodies again. But after saving, if I start the game or reload the ESP in CK, it's as though the information never saved. Also I have removed the original esp out of the DATA folder, and resaved in the ESP to be assured that it was saving. It produced a new file in the DATA folder, so it is saving, but the information on the changes to first person, seem to not be. Edit; I also remade a completely brand new ESP and tried making ArmorAddOns on the new file, and it still failed to stay attached to the female models. I also reinstalled Skyrim and the CK completely, this did not rectify the situation.