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About uk33

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    United Kingdom

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  1. I'm sorry but could you further elaborate on where it could be? Program Files (x86)/ Steam/ Steamapps/ Common/ Skyrim/ Data/ .... on whatever drive you have your Steam or Steam Library installed. Inside the data folder will be a TES5Edit Backups folder - delete the backup folder and TES5Edit should run without getting a fatal error.
  2. Apologies for necro'ing a dead thread but figured I'd put this in case anyone gets here by googling the same problem. I had no luck finding a solution to this but figured it out after a while. Deleting the TES5Edit Backup folder in Skyrim/ Data before running the patcher should fix the error issue.
  3. http://www.creationkit.com/Navmesh
  4. There will only be 2 types of people that read your request, Those that know if it can be done and those that don't know if it can be done. Surely the answer you want is from the former rather than the latter. If nobody answers your question then either no-one knows, no-one cares enough to reply or no-one who knows has read it yet. Getting impatient wont get you anywhere, all you can do is keep checking for an answer. On a sidenote, I wouldn't think something like this would be easy for a first attempt at the CK. You would have to have static quivers on the racks, so nothing else could go there, then you would need to make it like a bookshelf with a container, trigger etc, but instead of books it would hold arrows. (changing the purposes of containers is possible but I don't know how) On top of that you would also probably need to have some knowledge of scripting to dictate which arrows go in which quiver, as well as changing the container limit (they can only hold so many items before you need to use another container)
  5. If I remember rightly, (haven't used Jaysus swords for a while) there are about 30 swords under steel on the forge. Have you tried uninstalling the mod and re-installing?
  6. I assume you have altered or are using a mod that alters the npc's looks (as vanilla Irileth doesn't look like that). The problem is probably that you have no FaceGenData for the npc's that have been altered, that causes them to have different coloured heads. Try disabling whatever npc mods you have to see if that fixes it. If it does then load the mod in creation kit, highlight actor & scroll through to an affected npc, highlight their name and click cntrl + F4 to generate FaceGenData. (It takes a few seconds so if it says its done instantly it didn't work.) Also, did you remember to use the auto neck seam fix that came with CBBE?
  7. You can use both at the same time.
  8. I use one called Proformance mod, it was just a d3d9.dll but when used my graphics auto detected to the next setting up. I got it from Nexus but its not there anymore, probably got removed ages ago because it was a file type that Nexus doesn't allow.
  9. Been done already ... you wont find it on Nexus though (please don't ask for a link, I have no desire to get banned :biggrin: )
  10. If the game is unplayable the obvious solution would be to disable it and/ or try a different enb. Btw, bumping threads is frowned upon by Nexus and a quick way to get your thread locked.
  11. And it's also been done already... you just wont find it on the Nexus.
  12. Night's watch gear has already been done. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=16741
  13. If you have all those mods on the list installed and the game runs without crashing / doing weird crap I wouldn't worry about conflicts. You will know when you get one. Unfortunately there is no guide as to what conflicts with what other than what the mod author has tested and posted on the page. And no-one can look at a list of mods and tell you which ones will conflict (unless they have experienced the same thing with the same mods) After that its just trial and error. It's useful to only install a few mods at a time too, then if you do get a conflict you can narrow the cause down to the last few you installed. If you have a conflict and have no idea which 2 mods are conflicting, you are only left with the option of disabling them all and then going through the list one at a time enabling one, going ingame to check, enabling the next, going ingame to check etc until you find the culprit.
  14. A naked female on its own is hardly porn, granted there are some mods on Skyrim that ARE porn, but removing underwear from female npc's/ characters isn't imo. Unless of course you are only exposed to extremely soft porn & have extremely strict laws where you're from regarding porn. I only have to walk along the beach on a hot day where I live, half the women are sunbathing topless and there's a nudist beach at the other end lol
  15. uk33


    Realism on the level that you are suggesting, is a double edged sword. Yes it's realistic if you shoot someone in the face with an arrow and they die instantly, or you set them on fire and it takes a little while for them to recover ... but then when it's you getting shot in the face and dying instantly, or being incapacitated after being set on fire the realism becomes annoyance .... especially when npc's seem to be damn good shots lol There are weather mods about already, as well as mods that require you to eat, drink and keep warm.
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