There will only be 2 types of people that read your request, Those that know if it can be done and those that don't know if it can be done. Surely the answer you want is from the former rather than the latter. If nobody answers your question then either no-one knows, no-one cares enough to reply or no-one who knows has read it yet. Getting impatient wont get you anywhere, all you can do is keep checking for an answer. On a sidenote, I wouldn't think something like this would be easy for a first attempt at the CK. You would have to have static quivers on the racks, so nothing else could go there, then you would need to make it like a bookshelf with a container, trigger etc, but instead of books it would hold arrows. (changing the purposes of containers is possible but I don't know how) On top of that you would also probably need to have some knowledge of scripting to dictate which arrows go in which quiver, as well as changing the container limit (they can only hold so many items before you need to use another container)